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FAQ/Why FE Exists: Difference between revisions

added some more verbage
(added FE Society and obummer)
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===Flat-Earth Society===
[[File:ObomaNoTimeForFESoc.png|left|100px]] In the early 1900's the Flat-Earth Society was a legitimate group, including members that were royalty. Today, the Flat-Earth Society has been sabotaged by the government to make flat earth researchers seem crazy by making half-truths mixed with nonsense. In June 2013 Oboma said "There's No Time For A Meeting Of The Flat-Earth Society", another way to make fun of FE, or to make those who are researching FE aware of the modern Flat-Earth Society which is will mislead them. It also was intended to make it seem like FE researchers deny climate change or science, to further add prejudice among people who haven't researched FE and those who have.
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It tells you something when the Government actively plays both sides: They censor information and they make fake societies to discourage people from learning the truth.
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