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== What are Planets ==
[[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] tells us "Planets" are gaseous balls in a vacuum or a rock flying through space. If you look at the footage of "planets", especially footage from the 60s and 70s, the footage is obviously fake. If you look at [[Agencies/NASA|NASA's]] library of planets, they are clearly CGI fakes. It would take turning a blind eye to believe it. The reality is, people don't think to question it.
Matt Boylan <ref name=Boylan></ref> was a hyper-realist artist that worked for [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]]. He used to make textures. When one of his supervisors told him the earth was flat, he leaked the information. The flat-earthers say planets are "lights" that move independently of stars because that is all we observe from the ground. Planets emit light and never show phases. If planets were as [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] described then they should have phases like the [[Cosmos/Moon|moon]].
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