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== US Government ==
Is the U.S. government evil? You tell me.
* This is a government that treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, bartered, traded, tracked, tortured, and eventually eliminated once they’ve outgrown their usefulness.
* This is a government that treats human beings like lab rats to be caged, branded, experimented upon, and then discarded and left to suffer from the after-effects.
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* One would also be hard-pressed to suggest that the American government had our best interests at heart when it conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins. The government reasoned that it was legitimate (and cheaper) to experiment on people who did not have full rights in society such as prisoners, mental patients, and poor blacks.
===Satanic Symbology===
====The washington monument====
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Obelisks have been built since ancient times. But why did Robert Mills and the Washington National Monument Society choose this shape to memorialize America's first president? Some people point to the importance of obelisks to the Freemasons. The Washington Monument stands at 555 feet tall, or 6,660 inches — close to the biblical "mark of the beast," 666.
However, skeptics point to the fact that, when the Washington Monument was being designed in the 19th century, classic architectural design elements from the ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations experienced a popular resurgence. According to this view, the architects of the monument were simply following the trends of the time.
====George Washington depicted as a god====
[[File:The-rotunda-of-the-capitol-building-shows-george-washington-becoming-a-god-photo-u1.jpg|200px|thumb|right|George Washington depicted as a god]]
The inside of the rotunda of the Capitol Building contains a painted fresco called the Apotheosis of Washington. Painted in 1865 by Constantino Brumidi, this artist previously worked at the Vatican. Some theorists believe it shows George Washington, draped in regal purple robes, becoming a god.
This theory is true: "apotheosis" actually means ascending to a god-like status. The allegorical piece also features 13 maidens, which represent the 13 original colonies. The group is flanked by Roman gods and goddesses, including Neptune, Mercury, and Minerva.
====The Pentagon Is A Satanic Symbol Of Infinity====
[[File:PentagonPentagram.png|200px|thumb|right|The Pentagon Pentagram]]
The Pentagon takes its name from its unique shape: A five-sided pentagon, or pentagram; however, some people believe its infinite design (as it is a pentagram surrounded by other, slightly large concentric pentagrams) is a sign of the occult.
Jack Whiteside Parsons was a founding member of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. Jack took the oath of the anti-Christ in 1949 and contributed to the design of the Pentagon under subsequent CIA director John J. McCloy.
Jack's set of ideas were steeped in the occult, satanism and black magic. He “swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. He took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God; and thus was Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled.”
====The Goddess Isis Sits Above The Capitol Building====
[[File:Statue_of_Freedom,_Washington,_D.C.jpg|100px|right|thumb|The Statue of Freedom / Goddess Isis]]
The Statue of Freedom sits on top of the Capitol Building. The bronze figure wears a military helmet and holds a sword, laurel wreath, and shield. The statue is an allegory for the United States, and is similar to Columbia, another personification of the ideals held by the country.
Some conspiracy theorists believe the statue is actually the Egyptian goddess Isis. However, Isis traditionally holds an ankh in one hand and wears a throne-shaped headdress.
Isis is the "divine" mother of every pharaoh of Egypt, and ultimately of Egypt itself. A number of contemporary Pagan traditions have adopted Isis as their patron Goddess and she is often found at the heart of a number of female-centered covens.
====There's A Masonic Temple Near The White House====
There is actually a Masonic temple close to the White House. This building, called the House of the Temple, is the home of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Freemason headquarters have been reported to exist all over the US, confirming this may actually be a Masonic temple close to the White House. If you're unsure of its legitimacy, feel free to embark on a public tour of the structure.
====Several Important Buildings Resemble Greek Designs====
Homages to Greek design can be found everywhere in Washington, DC. The Supreme Court building, the White House, the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and even the Capitol Building feature pillared entries, decorative friezes, and white stone construction like the ancient buildings found in Greece.
Are these buildings a symbol of some strange connection between the Founding Fathers and various pagan gods, or were they simply subject to the neoclassical trends that were popular at the time of their construction?
====The Streets Form A Templar Cross====
[[File:Knights_Templar_Cross.svg|100px|right|thumb|Knights Templar Cross]]
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, mainly known as the Knights Templar, was a military order of the Catholic church.
Some people see a Templar Cross in the streets of Washington, DC. This symbol supposedly provides more proof the city was designed in order to advance the cause of the Freemasons.
The Templar Cross is unique, as it consists of four even triangular sides that meet at a center point. The symbol is used by Freemasons, but it seems unlikely that it was deliberately placed into the layout of the city; planner Pierre L'Enfant did not identify as a Mason.
====The Streets Form A Pentagram With The White House At Its Apex====
When looking at a map of Washington, DC, you'll see that the area encompassing the White House, its lawn, and many of the surrounding streets looks like a pentagram, or five-sided star. It's not an exact pentagram; a perfect pentagram has five equal sides, and the one formed in DC does not.
According to some, an inverted pentagram has Satanic meanings, and one with a goat's head drawn within it is the symbol of the Church of Satan. Those who believe this symbol does appear in the map of DC refer to it as the "goat head" and think Freemasons also played a part in the city's design. However, Pierre L'Enfant, who laid out the streets on this grid in 1791, wasn't a mason.
===Creepy Government Secrets===
====Operation Paperclip====
The U.S. Let Nazi Scientists Into The Country To Get The Edge In The Space Race. Operation Paperclip saw the U.S. take some of the "less-evil" Nazis (now there's an oxymoron) into the country in order to take advantage of their scientific knowledge and get an edge in the space race. The operation was led by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the CIA. Under the program, over 1,500 German scientists and engineers were brought to the U.S. in the aftermath of World War II.
Then president Truman issued an order that any of the higher level, active participants of the Nazi party be excluded, but that didn't sit well with those running the program, who especially coveted [[People/Wernher_von_Braun|Wernher von Braun]], creator of the V-2 rocket. In order to get around the ban on the more-evil Nazis, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), who ran the program under the OSS, opted to go the route of falsified working histories, political biographies, and general white-washing of their Nazi history.
====Operation Mockingbird====
An operation led by the CIA to attempt to influence the media (and therefore the public), Operation Mockingbird began in the 1950s and involved recruiting journalists and directing them to present CIA-backed viewpoints.
The spy outfit also launched dummy magazines and other publications in an attempt to control public perception, most often in regards to the dangers of communism. Without the "red scare" of communism alive today, you can see examples of this sort of government sanctioned brainwashing - multiple political parties and governments pay for online content, newspaper editorials, and most commonly, posts in online forums (think reader response sections on news sites) that promote their viewpoints.
====The Philadelphia Experiment====
Although most believe it to be a hoax, the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment has continued through the years - and if true, it's one of the creepiest government secrets around. As the tale goes, it took place at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, where the U.S.S. Elderidge was rendered invisible. The U.S. Navy denies the experiment took place, but if you believe supposed witness accounts, it went down in 1943, and initial tests were partially successful - those present described a green fog being where the ship had been.
The experiments were based on unified field theory, generally attributed to Einstein. However, something in the experiment went wrong: when the ship came back into plain view, some of those on-board experienced nausea, dementia, and there were reports of crew members becoming embedded in the metal structures of the ship itself.
The ship, however, is stated to have disappeared completely from all instruments - though there were claims that 200 miles away, the crew of the SS Andrew Furuseth saw the ship appear in Virginia, briefly, then vanish again. The entire legend was put together into a low-budget sci-fi flick a while back.
====Wikileaks Debacle & Edward Snowden====
The NSA is spying on everyone, friend or foe, everyone knows this, and still nothing has been done. On top of that, there's a good chance rape charges were concocted to take care of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Creeped out yet? You should be. When Wikileaks began publishing over 250,000 leaked diplomatic cables in 2010, it changed the world and the spy industry as we know it. No longer did we believe our governments were working in our best interest.
Those people we used to think of as tinfoil hat wearing paranoids? Turns out they were right. It has become clear that the U.S. government in particular, and the NSA and other agencies, were completely out of control and in violation of multiple U.S. and international laws. The wikileaks debacle was so bad that the U.S. government began warning other nations in advance of how damaging the leaked cables would be.
Among the revelations: Hillary Clinton had been spying on the UN, the U.S. had secretly carried out bombings in Yemen, the UK weaseled their way around a ban on housing cluster bombs, Israel was working to bring Gaza to collapse, the U.S. used Turkey as part of a secret rendition (read: kidnapping) program, and China had been cyber attacking Google.
After the leak, rape charges were brought in Sweden against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (who had files leaked from U.S. military member Bradley Manning), however, one of his accusers turned out to be linked to the CIA. Coincidence? Assange became a political refugee. There was enough info in the cablegate documents to last a lifetime, but then a bigger bombshell hit: in 2013, former CIA system administrator Edward Snowden began leaking classified documents showing that the NSA was running a data mining/surveillance program named PRISM that was overly broad and collected data from just about anywhere on court-approved search terms.
The program also had the involvement of the UK government. The Snowden bombshell was even bigger than wikileaks, and once again revealed that the US and UK governments could not be trusted by their allies or citizens. Snowden went on the run, was eventually helped by Wikileaks (the two leaks had a lot of similarities), and wound up being housed in Russia, while he awaits word on acceptance into the E.U. Multiple books can and will be written on these cases, more than we could ever include here - but considered your privacy in this day and age shot.
The CIA's LSD Experiments On Unsuspecting Citizens. If this doesn't peeve you and creep you out, you may not be human. Under Project MKULTRA, the CIA began experimenting on the behavioral engineering of human beings, using a variety of catalysts, including illicit drugs like LSD. This program was the follow-up to Project Artichoke, which involved experiments with mind control.
In this case, the CIA doped unsuspecting Canadian citizens (the Canadian government had allowed the agency to operate within its borders) in secret in the late 50s and early 60s, leading to lawsuits in the 1980s involving a CIA funded doctor on the project, Donald Cameron. Not one to want to leave out its own populous, the CIA also began administering LSD to U.S. mental patients in secret, with the hopes of uncovering mind control techniques and truth serums. In a related project, MKDELTA, they doped citizens of foreign nations.
The doping became even more devious and illegal as the project went on. In one related operation, agents set up brothels in San Francisco with one-way mirrors, doped unsuspecting clients, and filmed the results for later study (you know guys, these days folks do drugs and have sex willingly, so you know, search the net a little). Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who headed MKULTRA, decided LSD might be used in covert ops, and also began feeding it to citizens in "normal" situations.
Eventually, the government decided LSD wasn't as beneficial as hoped - but not before they'd cooked a up large number of more powerful hallucinogens of their own. Other drugs (including heroin and MDMA) were tried as well, as well as hypnosis, all against unsuspecting citizens. After the Watergate scandal, however, CIA director Robert Helms ordered all the MKULTRA files destroyed. What wasn't destroyed was heavily censored, though some was eventually released; investigations into the illegal activities relied on the testimony of those involved.
A 1984 report by the General Accounting Office estimated thousands of citizens were experimented on with dangerous substances without their knowledge. At least one death was connected to the experiments, that of Frank Olson, a biological weapons researcher, in 1953. Olson had recently quit his position as acting chief of the Special Operations Division at Detrick, Maryland, and was seen as a risk to divulge state secrets. He was dosed with LSD without his knowledge or consent and later fell to his death from thirteen stories up.
A CIA doctor who was supposed to monitor Olson claimed to have been asleep when Olson went out the window. The agency was reprimanded, and the Olson family granted $750,000 in compensation from the government and an apology from President Ford in 1975. However, they maintain the death was a murder to keep Olson quiet rather a suicide stemming from the LSD, as was officially claimed. They filed a wrongful death suit against the government in 2012.
====The CIA Heart Attack Gun====
The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.
The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn’t it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony.
The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.
This was in the 70s. Imagine what they’re working on now.
====Operation Popeye====
Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye/Motorpool/Intermediary-Compatriot) was a highly classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia during 1967–1972. The cloud seeding operation during the Vietnam War ran from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972 in an attempt to extend the monsoon season, specifically over areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The operation was used to induce rain and extend the East Asian Monsoon season in support of U.S. government efforts related to the War in Southeast Asia.
====Operation Sea Spray====
Operation Sea Spray, in which the US Navy was literally releasing pathogens in the city of San Francisco in such a way to affect the whole population just to see what happened. Lots of people developed UTIs and pneumonia, amongst other things.
====The Stargate Project====
In 1984, a psychic remote viewed the planet Mars for the CIA. In his remote view, he’s asked to travel backward to several points in time in Mars’ history and several points of interests using coordinates.
The psychic ends up describing things like some sort of planetary catastrophe, strange structures (including pyramids), and the strange inhabitants on the Red Planet.
Whether you believe in aliens and conspiracy theories or not, it’s definitely weird that an official branch of the government has run experiments like these. It makes one wonder what else they’ve done in the pursuit of the unknown.
<ref name=PsychicResearch></ref>
====Operation Big Buzz====
Operation Big Buzz, done in 1955 by the US Government. They airdropped 300,000 mosquitoes across the state of Georgia and dispersed a million more (by flying under 300 feet and opening the cargo door) to see how easily it would be to spread the Yellow Fever virus.
Turns out they were only able to cover a radius of about 2,000 feet beyond the drop site. The operation was scrapped and now Georgia has a huge mosquito problem.
====Operation Northwoods====
Not really “creepy” but kind of scary and shocking.
In a nutshell, Operation Northwoods was a false flag operation devised by the Department of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962. Basically, the CIA and/or other US government operatives would commit acts of terrorism and conduct attacks on US soil, blame it on Cuba and then use it to get public support and justification to go to war against Cuba. Bombings, hijackings, assassinations, and acts of terror in US cities were some of the proposed methods. Even going as far as using MiG jets – painted in Cuban colors and markings – to conduct some of these attacks. Fidel Castro and his communist regime had taken up power around this time and we were hell bent on snuffing out communism anywhere it popped up. JCOS and DoD wanted to provoke war with Cuba BAD. They just needed justification to do it. Operation Northwoods wasn’t the only plan they had. They came up with other plans as well.
Ultimately, President Kennedy rejected the Operation Northwoods proposal and removed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1963. There was a rift between Kennedy and the US military leaders after this because they thought he was going soft on Cuba.
We all know what happened to Kennedy later that year. This is one of the reasons why I believe Oswald didn’t act alone or possibly wasn’t even the shooter in the first place.
More-so, when you look at 9/11 and how that all played out, and then you look at Northwoods, it paints a bit of an interesting picture as well.
====The Pitesti Experiment====
The Pitesti Experiment was a “re-education” program for turning your average Joe and anti-dictatorship student into a loyal tovarishch. What is not documented and is still a conspiracy is that they tried some sorts of things before they went full Pavlovian,(i.e. Yuri style brain reprogramming wave frequencies and/or hypnosis), but this is still just a legend.
Public humiliation was also enforced, usually at the third stage (“public moral unmasking”), inmates were forced to denounce all their personal beliefs, loyalties, and values. Notably, religious inmates had to blaspheme religious symbols and sacred texts. According to Virgil Ierunca—anti-communist activist and member of the Presidential Commission for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania—Christian baptism was gruesomely mocked. Guards chanted baptismal rites as buckets of urine and fecal matter were brought to inmates. The inmate’s head was pushed into the raw sewage. His head would remain submerged almost to the point of death. The head was then raised, the inmate allowed to breathe, only to have his head pushed back into the sewage. Ierunca further states that “prisoners’ whole bodies were burned with cigarettes; their buttocks would begin to rot, and their skin fell off as though they suffered from leprosy. Others were forced to swallow spoons of excrement, and when they threw it back up, they were forced to eat their own vomit.” The inmates were required to accept the notion that their own family members had various criminal and grotesque features; they were required to author false autobiographies, comprising accounts of deviant behavior.
====Tuskegee Syphilis Study====
From 1932 until 1972, the US government ran "the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male." The "scientific study" gave placebo treatment to poverty-stricken and poorly educated African-American men who were told they had "bad blood" and were never fully informed of their STIs. The racist program was actually used to study the difference in STI infection between white and Black men.
The deceitful operation caused thousands of African-American men to go untreated for syphilis over the course of four decades. As per the UK Science Museum: "Even when 250 of the men were drafted for service in the Second World War, strings were pulled to ensure that they remained part of the study instead." Ultimately, many men died of the disease, and many wives and children of infected men continued to suffer from the disease, even after the study was revealed to be a sham.
====The Government Poisoned Industrial Alcohols During Prohibition====
Alcohol prohibition was in effect in the US from 1920-1933. During that time, the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcohol was made illegal. This was the US government's attempt to create a sober nation—though the opposite occurred, effectively increasing alcoholism and giving rise to bootleggers and organized crime.
Sensing the failure of the 18th amendment, government officials turned to other means of discouraging drinking—namely, by poisoning industrial alcohols made in the US used by bootleggers to create illegal hooch. This fateful decision by law enforcement ultimately led to the deaths of approximately 10,000 people. On the days surrounding Christmas of 1926, 23 people died in New York City alone as a result of poisoned industrial alcohol, all at the hand of the US government.
====The US Government Hired Stanley Kubrick To Fake The Moon Landing====
Everyone knows United States astronauts were the first people to land on the moon, right? Well, not according to some conspiracy theorists. Some people think that the moon landing was faked—not an uncommon conspiracy theory, of course—but some people are absolutely convinced that Stanley Kubrick, director of The Shining, was hired to fake it.
Why, you ask? According to some, for two main reasons. First, Kubrick needed to film the interior and exterior of a B-52 bomber for his film Dr. Strangelove. The US Government denied him access—unless he was willing to do something in return. Secondly, Kubrick was dying to make his science fiction flick 2001: A Space Odyssey, but couldn’t come up with the budget. As a compromise, the US government allegedly assisted with both, and in return, he had to make a little science fiction film for them first.
===New world order===
====E pluribus unum====
Line 173 ⟶ 237:
Latin for "Out of many, one" (also translated as "One out of many" or "One from many") – is a traditional motto of the United States, appearing on the Great Seal along with Annuit cœptis (Latin for "he approves the undertaking [lit. 'things undertaken']") and Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New order of the ages") which appear on the reverse of the Great Seal; its inclusion on the seal was approved in an act of the Congress of the Confederation in 1782. The first word of E pluribus unum is actually an abbreviation of the Latin preposition ex, meaning “out of.” While its status as national motto was for many years unofficial, E pluribus unum was still considered the de facto motto of the United States from its early history. Eventually, the U.S. Congress passed an act in 1956 (H. J. Resolution 396), adopting "In God We Trust" as the official motto.
That the phrase "E pluribus unum" has thirteen letters makes its use symbolic of the original Thirteen Colonies which rebelled against the rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first thirteen states, represented today as the thirteen stripes on the American flag.
===Masonic symbology on the US Dollar===
[[File:Illuminati-symbolism-on-united-states-dollar-bill-freemason-masons.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Illuminati / freemason symbolism on the US Dollar]]
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# Olive Leaves and Berries: You will note that the eagle is holding 13 olives leaves with 13 olive berries. The olive leaf is a sign of peace, but the eagle’s claws are closed to represent that these things are being taken away, and not being offered.
===See Also===
* [[Agencies/US Government/Documents that Prove Flat Non-rotating Earth|Government Documents that Prove Flat / Non-Rotating Earth]]
* [[Agencies/NASA]]
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