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Misc/Greenland Theory/1.03 Chania, Crete: Difference between revisions

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===Con’s Lexicon===
Since the founder of Chania was Minos, the father of commerce, fascism, government, money, time and war, numerous named affiliated with these topics bear the name of the city in which they were born. Aside from "conspiracy", which is a direct reference to the piracy of Chania, terms in the English lexicon derived from Chania include but are not limited to: action and military terms (e.g., can, canoe, cannon, canteen, conflict, confiscate, confront, confuse, conk, conquer, conquest, count, confound, consequence, conspiracy, counter, contagion, convoy, contend, contest, conserve, contention, constrain, constrict, contest, control, contempt, converge, convex, concave, contention, concussion, conduct, concoct, construct, connect, contribute, conduce, conducive, etc.); communication and secrecy (e.g., conceal, confess, confide, consecrate, contact, convey, contradict, conversation, converse, conspiracy, recant, etc.); governmental and political terms (e.g., concord, congress, conglomerate, congregate, constituency, council, constitution, canton, convention, consensus, context, contract, convene, convent, convention, consensus, country, county, constable, conman, etc.); and legal and slave terms (e.g., condemn, condemnation, confine, convict, conform, contraband, condemn, convert, consequence, etc.). Other Chania spawned terms include but are not limited to: canal, cancer, central, concave, concept, conception, concert, conclude, confident, conjoin, conscience, consent, constellation, consummate, contemplation, continue, continuity, convince, convex, cuntc_nt, kin, lexicon, etc.
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