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===Opus Die is Top Secret===
Due to the intelligence and espionage-related aspects of Opus Dei, the organization is highly secretive and reflective of CIA in many respects. Its members "go about their business almost untouched by criticism or oversight by bishops" and have a level of autonomy that it has become essentially a "church within a church". In other words, although Opus Die is part of the Catholic Church, it is a separate entity unto itself. Opus Dei has been described by journalists as "the most controversial force in the Catholic Church". The term “force” is telling for it appears to be a veiled reference to the real reason for the organizations existence. Critics state that Opus Die is "intensely secretive" and that its members generally do not disclose their affiliation with Opus Dei in public. Not wanting to compromise its intelligence assets in the field, Opus Dei does not publish its memberships list. Under the Opus Die Constitution of 1950, members are expressly forbidden to reveal themselves without the permission of their superiors. They are also forbidden from disclosing how many people are or were members of Opus Dei. Naturally, this has led to rampant speculation about who may or may not be a member. Opus Dei will also not reveal its relationship to other institutions, information about its finances, and does not allow its own rules to be made public. According to its constitution, "These Constitutions, published instructions, and those which in the future may be published, and the other things pertaining to the government of the Institute are never to be made public. Indeed, without the permission of the Father [Escrivá] those documents which are written in the Latin language may not be translated into [other] languages." During the 1940s, Wlodimir Ledóchowski, a [[Agencies/Jesuits|Jesuit]] Superior General, reportedly told the Vatican that he considered Opus Dei "very dangerous for the Church in Spain," citing its "secretive character" and calling it "a form of Christian Masonry”. Although Opus Dei is extremely dangerous, the reference to Freemasonry is a red herring as it is benign in most respects. Opus Dei exit counselor David Clark has described the organization as "very cult-like". The choice of words by Clark are rather curious considering “cult” is derive from the word “cull”, meaning to kill. Ex-members claim that the Opus Dei directors read their letters while other claim that Opus Dei pressured them to cut off social contact with non-members, including their own families. If in fact members of Opus Die are routinely engaging in assassinations, the spying on and seclusion of its members is understandable. According to Dianne DiNicola, the executive director of ODAN (Opus Dei Awareness Network), "The biggest problem we have with Opus Dei is that a person is not free to make their own decisions. They live in a controlled environment, and all the while Opus Dei hides behind the Catholic Church."
===“Work of God”===
The term “Opus Dei” in Latin means “Work of God”. Consequently, the organization is often referred to by members and supporters as “The Work”. Since “G.O.D.” is an acronym for Greenland of Denmark, it can be deduced that Opus Die does the dirty work of the Roman Empire in the underworld. These intelligence operations are executed by its main proxy state known as Switzerland. Acronymically and/or consonantly speaking, the term “Opus Die” (F/P+S+D) equates to “Pi System Day”. Pi is a geographical reference to Greenland while “D” is an acronym for both “Die” and “Death”. The letter “D” also equates to the “+” symbol in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) which is coincidentally found on the flag of Switzerland. Therefore, it’s highly likely that select members of Opus Die are trained assassins who reside in Switzerland, home to the CIA. Throughout its history, Opus Dei has been accused of targeting "the intellectual elite, the well-to-do, and the socially prominent”. This is likely because Opus Die is responsible for assassinating thousands of actors, athletes, bankers, businessmen, musicians, politicians, and world leaders. Anyone who is seen as a threat to the status quo is subsequently eliminated. Curiously, Opus Die founder Josemaría Escrivá, stated "You must kill yourselves for proselytism”, while [[Agencies/Jesuits|Jesuit]] priest James Martin stated that Opus Dei puts a great emphasis on recruiting. Considering that Opus Dei is a highly secretive organization, the notion that its members are out and about proselytizing and recruiting is highly unlikely. Therefore, the terms “proselytizing” and “recruiting” evidently have a double-meaning, most likely in respect to the executions and assassinations. The ritual known as the mortification of the flesh (which is admittedly practiced by members of Opus Die) is likely also a code word related to assassinations as the term “mortification” is related to death. Given Opus Die’s alleged reputation as “Vatican Assassins”, it not surprising that the organization has repeatedly supported authoritarian, fascist, and right-wing governments, including but not limited to: Francisco Franco, the dictator of Spain (1936-1978); Augusto Pinochet, the dictator of Chile (1973-1990): and Alberto Fujimori, the President of Peru (1990-2000). The only way these dictators were able to gain power is through assassinations and mass executions, likely at the hands of Opus Die members.
===Opus Dei in Popular Culture===
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