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===Greco-Roman Accounts of Thule===
===Greco-Roman Accounts of Thule===
Because Thule is the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, it is found throughout its respective history and mythology. Pytheas of Massilia was the first to write of Thule in his now lost work, “On the Ocean”. He wrote that Thule wass the farthest most northerly of the Britannic Islands and that there the circle of the summer tropic is the same as the Arctic Circle”. In “Geography” (c. 30 AD), Book I, Chapter 4, the Greek philosopher Strabo mentions Thule while describing Eratosthenes' calculation of "the breadth of the inhabited world". He cites Pytheas who stated that Thule "is a six days' sail north of Britain, and is near the frozen sea". Strabo ultimately concludes in Book IV, Chapter 5 that, “Concerning Thule, our historical information is still more uncertain, on account of its outside position; for Thule, of all the countries that are named, is set farthest north". The Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder’s book “Natural History” (77 AD) also cites Pytheas' claim that Thule is a six-day sail north of Britain. When discussing the islands around Britain in Book IV, Chapter 16, he writes, "The farthest of all, which are known and spoke of, is Thule; in which there be no nights at all, as we have declared, about mid-summer, namely when the Sun passes through the sign Cancer; and contrariwise no days in mid-winter: and each of these times they suppose, do last six months, all day, or all night”. The “no nights at all” reference is apparently in respect to Earth’s second moon which is located above Greenland, refracting the light of the sun and thereby rendering day-like conditions year round. In the 1st century BC, Greek astronomer Geminus of Rhodes claimed that the name of Thule went back to an archaic word for the polar night phenomenon, stating that Thule was "the place where the sun goes to rest". In refining Thule's location, Pliny the Elder places it along the most northerly parallel as depicted in Book VI, Chapter 34 in which he wrote “Last of all is the Scythian parallel, from the Rhiphean hills into Thule: wherein (as we said) it is day and night continually by turns (for six months)". The Roman geographer Pomponius Mela also placed Thule north of Scythia. The Greek astronomer Cleomedes also referenced Pytheas' journey to Thule, but added no new information. The Roman historian Tacitus described in his book how the crews of Roman ships sighted Thule when circumnavigating Britain, a claim which appears to be purposely misleading. Lastly, the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger wrote of a day when new lands will be discovered past Thule. Taken collectively, these accounts suggest that Thule (i.e., Greenland) lies to the northwest of the British Isles, likely under the North Star (i.e., Earth’s second moon).
Because Thule is the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, it is found throughout its respective history and mythology. Pytheas of Massilia was the first to write of Thule in his now lost work, “On the Ocean”. He wrote that Thule wass the farthest most northerly of the Britannic Islands and that there the circle of the summer tropic is the same as the Arctic Circle”. In “Geography” (c. 30 AD), Book I, Chapter 4, the Greek philosopher Strabo mentions Thule while describing [[People/Eratosthenes|Eratosthenes']] calculation of "the breadth of the inhabited world". He cites Pytheas who stated that Thule "is a six days' sail north of Britain, and is near the frozen sea". Strabo ultimately concludes in Book IV, Chapter 5 that, “Concerning Thule, our historical information is still more uncertain, on account of its outside position; for Thule, of all the countries that are named, is set farthest north". The Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder’s book “Natural History” (77 AD) also cites Pytheas' claim that Thule is a six-day sail north of Britain. When discussing the islands around Britain in Book IV, Chapter 16, he writes, "The farthest of all, which are known and spoke of, is Thule; in which there be no nights at all, as we have declared, about mid-summer, namely when the Sun passes through the sign Cancer; and contrariwise no days in mid-winter: and each of these times they suppose, do last six months, all day, or all night”. The “no nights at all” reference is apparently in respect to Earth’s second moon which is located above Greenland, refracting the light of the sun and thereby rendering day-like conditions year round. In the 1st century BC, Greek astronomer Geminus of Rhodes claimed that the name of Thule went back to an archaic word for the polar night phenomenon, stating that Thule was "the place where the sun goes to rest". In refining Thule's location, Pliny the Elder places it along the most northerly parallel as depicted in Book VI, Chapter 34 in which he wrote “Last of all is the Scythian parallel, from the Rhiphean hills into Thule: wherein (as we said) it is day and night continually by turns (for six months)". The Roman geographer Pomponius Mela also placed Thule north of Scythia. The Greek astronomer Cleomedes also referenced Pytheas' journey to Thule, but added no new information. The Roman historian Tacitus described in his book how the crews of Roman ships sighted Thule when circumnavigating Britain, a claim which appears to be purposely misleading. Lastly, the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger wrote of a day when new lands will be discovered past Thule. Taken collectively, these accounts suggest that Thule (i.e., Greenland) lies to the northwest of the British Isles, likely under the North Star (i.e., Earth’s second moon).

===Classical and Post-Classical Accounts of Thule===
===Classical and Post-Classical Accounts of Thule===

Latest revision as of 21:30, May 6, 2024

12.19 Thule

Thule or Ultima Thule is the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland. The city is not to be confused with Thule, a small village allegedly located in Greenland, home to ancestors of the Inuit. The term “Capital” (C+P+T+L) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Cap Thule” a reference to Greenland, the capstone of the Earth, and its capital city of Thule. Coincidentally, Nazi mystics within the Thule Society identified Ultima Thule as the capital of ancient Hyperborea, a lost ancient landmass in the north near Greenland. Thule, which is also spelled Thula, Thila, or Thyïlea, is, in classical European literature and maps, a region in the far north that is often considered to be an island like Greenland. In the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, Thule was often identified as Greenland. The term Ultima Thule in medieval geographies denotes any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world". Sometimes Ultima Thule is even used as the Latin name for Greenland. The term “Thule” (T+L) is consonantly the same as the term “Italy” and “Italia” (T+L), the former home of the Greco-Roman Empire. The term “Gentleman” (G+N+T+L+M+N) was ultimately derived from Thule, meaning “Gen (Begin) Thule Man”. According to Anna Komnene, a Greek princess, scholar and physician, the Varangian Guard (i.e., Vikings) were "axe-bearing barbarians" who originated "from Thule”, further corroborating the notion that the Greco-Roman Vikings emanated from Greenland. In Norse mythology, the god of Odin refers to himself as "the great Thul", an apparent tribute to the capital city of the Greco-Roman Empire which worships Odin to the north in Greenland. The Roman poet Silius Italicus wrote that the people of Thule were painted blue, a veiled reference to the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which are considered blue-bloods. In his 12th century commentary on the Iliad, Eustathius of Thessalonica wrote that the inhabitants of Thule were at war with a dwarf-like stature tribe only 20 fingers in height. This reference is in respect to the Greco-Romans who interbred with the native Giants of Greenland, becoming giants themselves. Said giants have since declared eternal war on the non-giants (i.e., dwarfs) which reside in the underworld. Because Thule is the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire, numerous Roman-English worlds have been derived from its name (e.g., battle; fatal; fetal; mental; metal; tail; tale; talent; talon; teal; tell; toll; toil; told; tool; satellite; telegraph; telephone; telescope; television, etc.).

Greco-Roman Accounts of Thule

Because Thule is the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, it is found throughout its respective history and mythology. Pytheas of Massilia was the first to write of Thule in his now lost work, “On the Ocean”. He wrote that Thule wass the farthest most northerly of the Britannic Islands and that there the circle of the summer tropic is the same as the Arctic Circle”. In “Geography” (c. 30 AD), Book I, Chapter 4, the Greek philosopher Strabo mentions Thule while describing Eratosthenes' calculation of "the breadth of the inhabited world". He cites Pytheas who stated that Thule "is a six days' sail north of Britain, and is near the frozen sea". Strabo ultimately concludes in Book IV, Chapter 5 that, “Concerning Thule, our historical information is still more uncertain, on account of its outside position; for Thule, of all the countries that are named, is set farthest north". The Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder’s book “Natural History” (77 AD) also cites Pytheas' claim that Thule is a six-day sail north of Britain. When discussing the islands around Britain in Book IV, Chapter 16, he writes, "The farthest of all, which are known and spoke of, is Thule; in which there be no nights at all, as we have declared, about mid-summer, namely when the Sun passes through the sign Cancer; and contrariwise no days in mid-winter: and each of these times they suppose, do last six months, all day, or all night”. The “no nights at all” reference is apparently in respect to Earth’s second moon which is located above Greenland, refracting the light of the sun and thereby rendering day-like conditions year round. In the 1st century BC, Greek astronomer Geminus of Rhodes claimed that the name of Thule went back to an archaic word for the polar night phenomenon, stating that Thule was "the place where the sun goes to rest". In refining Thule's location, Pliny the Elder places it along the most northerly parallel as depicted in Book VI, Chapter 34 in which he wrote “Last of all is the Scythian parallel, from the Rhiphean hills into Thule: wherein (as we said) it is day and night continually by turns (for six months)". The Roman geographer Pomponius Mela also placed Thule north of Scythia. The Greek astronomer Cleomedes also referenced Pytheas' journey to Thule, but added no new information. The Roman historian Tacitus described in his book how the crews of Roman ships sighted Thule when circumnavigating Britain, a claim which appears to be purposely misleading. Lastly, the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger wrote of a day when new lands will be discovered past Thule. Taken collectively, these accounts suggest that Thule (i.e., Greenland) lies to the northwest of the British Isles, likely under the North Star (i.e., Earth’s second moon).

Classical and Post-Classical Accounts of Thule

References to Thule, the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, are found in both the classical and post-classical eras. Both Orosius (384-420 A.D) and Dicuil (late 8th and early 9th century) describe Thule as being North and West of both Ireland and Britain. Dicuil described Thule as being beyond the Faroe Islands which are located off the coast of Scotland. Historian Procopius wrote that Thule is a large island in the north that is inhabited by twenty-five tribes, an apparent reference to the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which now reside in Greenland. He also wrote that when the Heruls returned, they passed the Varni and the Danes and then crossed the sea to Thule, where they settled beside the Geats. Virgil coined the term “Ultima Thule” in “Georgics”, meaning “furthest land” as a symbolic reference to denote a far-off land or an unattainable goal. Dionysius Periegetes in “De situ habitabilis orbis” as well as Martianus Capella also touched upon the subject of Thule as did Avienus in his “Ora Maritima” where he added that during the summer on Thule night lasted only two hours, an apparent reference to Earth’s second moon which is located above Greenland, refracting the light of the sun and thereby rendering day-like conditions year round. The Latin grammarian Gaius Julius Solinus (3rd century AD) wrote in “Polyhistor” that Thule was a 5 days sail from Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland: “...Thyle, which was distant from Orkney by a voyage of five days and nights, was fruitful and abundant in the lasting yield of its crops”. The 4th century Virgilian commentator Servius also believed that Thule was located close to the Orkney Islands: “...Thule; an island in the Ocean between the northern and western zone, beyond Britain, near Orkney and Ireland; in this Thule, when the sun is in Cancer, it is said that there are perpetual days without nights…”. Claudian (5th century AD) wrote in his poem, “On the Fourth Consulship of the Emperor Honorius”, Book VIII, that “Thule was warm with the blood of Picts; ice-bound Hibernia [Ireland] wept for the heaps of slain Scots." In “Against Rufinias”, the Second Poem, Claudian writes of "Thule lying icebound beneath the pole-star", another apparent reference to Earth’s second moon. Jordanes in his “Getica” also wrote that Thule sat under the pole-star. In “Consolation of Philosophy”, Boethius states “…For though the earth, as far as India's shore, tremble before the laws you give, though Thule bow to your service on earth's farthest bounds….”. Lastly, Petrarch (14th century) wrote in “Epistolae familiares” that Thule lay in the unknown regions of the far north-west. Taken collectively, these accounts suggest that Thule (i.e., Greenland) lies to the northwest of the British Isles, likely under the North Star (i.e., Earth’s second moon).

Political Cover for Thule

In order to provide both historical and political cover for Thule, the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, a number of different places and people have been given the name of Thule. For example, Thule or New Thule is the main town in the northern part of the Qaasuitsup, Greenland. Its name was recently changed to Qaanaaq in order to dispel the notion that the mythical Thule is located in Greenland. The Thule People, which are the ancestors of all modern Inuit peoples, allegedly reached Greenland by the 13th century, settling in Thule or New Thule. Interestingly, modern historical accounts state that the Inuit were in contact with the Vikings, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that the Greco-Roman Vikings emanated from Greenland. In 1775, Captain James Cook allegedly discovered Thule Island and Southern Thule, giving them the name of Thule because they seem to be at the end of the world. Allegedly located in Greenland, Thule Air Base is the United States Air Force's northernmost base. It was reportedly the location of the 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash as well as Thulegate, a political scandal concerning nuclear weapons. Needless to say, these Thule-based names, especially Thule Island and Southern Thule, were given in order to confuse humanity in respect to the true location and nature of Thule.

Thule Society

In what appears to be both historical and political cover for the Great White Brotherhood of Thule, Greenland, the Thule Society was founded in Munich, Germany, on August 18, 1918. The occultist group was reportedly named after Thule which was believed by Nazi occultists to be the origin of the Aryan race. Considering that Nazi mystics within the Thule Society identified Ultima Thule as the capital of ancient Hyperborea, as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north near Greenland, it can be deduced that the Thule Society is an underworld version of the original Thule Society (i.e., Great White Brotherhood) located in Greenland. Originally a "German study group", members of the Thule Society had to sign a special "blood declaration of faith" concerning their lineage: "The signer hereby swears to the best of his knowledge and belief that no Jewish or colored blood flows in either his or in his wife's veins, and that among their ancestors are no members of the colored races.” On January 5, 1919, Anton Drexler, together with the Thule Society's Karl Harrer, established the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), or German Workers' Party. Adolf Hitler joined this party in September of 1919. By the end of February 1920, the DAP had been reconstituted as the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or National Socialist German Workers' Party, generally known as the Nazi Party. The logo of the Thule Society is an “SS” or Swastika, a symbol which was eventually adopted by the Nazi Party. According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the Thule Society’s "membership list... reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Harrer. While the ideology and philosophy of the Thule Society was the same as that of Hitler and the Nazi Party, according to Johannes Hering, "There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society”. Nonetheless, it has been argued that some Thule Society members and their ideas were incorporated into the Third Reich. In “Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab” (1985), a book by Wilhelm Dahm, it is written that, "The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal." The “giant supermen” is an apparent reference to the Giants of Greenland which founded the original Thule Society. Lastly, in what appears to be more historical and political cover for the Great White Brotherhood, the White Order of Thule was an American society formed in the mid-1990s that described itself as an "esoteric brotherhood working toward the revitalization of the Culture-Soul of the European people". Like the Thule Society, the White Order of Thule is also based on Neo-Nazi and racists ideology.

Thule Society in Popular Culture

Tributes to the Thule Society are found throughout popular culture, including but not limited to: Anime: “Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa” (2005), an anime in which the Thule Society play a major role; Books: “Laundry Files” (2004-2014), a series of novels and short stories by Charles Stross which references the Thule Society; and “Secret World Chronicles” (2006-2009), a series of books by Mercedes Lackey in which the Thule Society is behind the attacks on Echo facilities on February 15, 2004; Comics: “Cloak and Dagger” (1982), a comic by Steve Gerber in which the Thule Society appears; and "Fear Itself" (2011), a Marvel Comics series in which the Thule Society plays a role; Film: “Hellboy” (2004), a film in which Professor Bruttenholm refers to Adolf Hitler joining the Thule Society in 1937, stating that they were "a group of German aristocrats obsessed with the occult." Television: “Supernatural” (2005-Present), a television show which featured an episode entitled "Everybody Hates Hitler" in which a group of Thule Society members seek out a lost ledger containing information about their experiments with necromancy; and Video Games: “Area 51” (1995-2007), a video game series of novels in which the Thule Society is mentioned as being the occult force behind the Nazi Party; “Clive Barker's Jericho” (2007), a video game which features the Thule Society; and “Wolfenstein” (1981-2014), a video game series featuring the Thule Society.

Thule in Popular Culture

The Greco-Roman capital of Thule is found throughout popular culture, including but not limited to: Books: “Kinderen van Moeder Aarde” (1984), a novel by Thea Beckman in which Thule is a fictional version of Greenland; Business: Thule, a ski racks and automotive accessory company; Color: teal, a bluish color; Thule Whaling Company, the first floating factories to flense whales at sea; and Ultima Thule, a set of glassware designed by Tapio Wirkkala; Comics: “Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love” (2009-2010), a Fables comic spin-off which features Ultima Thule as one of the mythical homelands which experiences six-month long days and nights; and Prince Valiant (1937), a comic strip by Hal Foster in which Thule is the homeland of the eponymous character; Culture: Thule/Hyperborea, believed by Nazi occultists to be the origin of the Aryan race; and the Thule people, ancestors of the Inuit; Film: Thule, a planet in the Star Wars Saga; Government: Thyle., a member of the court who was taxed with the duty of determining the truth of public statements in regards to Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon royalty during the Early Middle Ages; Literature: “Deep Secret” (1997), a novel by Diana Wynne Jones in which Thule is one of the Ayewards (i.e., magic-oriented) worlds; "Der König in Thule" (1774), a poem by Goethe; "Dream-Land" (1844), a poem by Edgar Allan Poe; “Georgics” (c. 29 BC), a poem by the Roman Virgil”; “The Wonders Beyond Thule” (c. AD 150), a novel by Antonius Diogenes; “Thule” (1600), a composition by Thomas Weelkes; “Ultima Thule” (1880), a poetry collection by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; “Ultima Thule” (1929), a novel by Henry Handel Richardson; "Ultima Thule" (c. 1929), a short story by Vladimir Nabokov; and “Ultima Thule,” a volume of the novel “The Fortunes of Richard Mahony” (1929), by Henry Handel Richardson; Military: 1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash; Thule Air Base; and Thulegate, a political scandal involving nuclear weapons; Music: “Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule” (1996), an album by British symphonic black metal band Bal-Sagoth; Ultima Thule, a band from Estonia; Ultima Thule, a band from Sweden; “Ultima Thule” (1983), an album by UMO Jazz Orchestra; “Ultima Thule, Part One” (2004), a song by Tangerine Dream; “Ultima Thule” (2005), an album by Armia; “Ultima Thule” (2003), an album by Ostara; and “Ultima Thule, Part Two” (2011), a song by Tangerine Dream; Places: Southern Thule, a collection of the three islands in the South Sandwich Islands (e.g., Bellingshausen, Cook, and Thule Island); Thule, Greenland; and Ultima Thule, a location in the Mammoth Cave system in Kentucky; Radio: Ultima Thule Ambient Music, a radio show; Secret Societies: Thule Society, a German occultist group and forerunner of the Nazi Party; White Order of Thule, an American white supremacist group; Science: Thulium, the 69th element in the periodic table; Space: 279 Thule, an asteroid was allegedly discovered by Johann Palisa on October 25, 1888; Television: “Space 1999” (1975-1977), a sci-fi series in which Thule is a frozen world; and Video Games: “Dawn of War” (2004), a video game in which one of the characters is called Davian Thule; and “Wolfenstein” (2009), a video game in which the SS initiates a dig on the site of the ruins of the vanished Thule civilization in North-Rhine Westphalia.

Thule in Star Wars

In order to muddy the waters in respect to Thule, the capital of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, while simultaneously paying tribute to it, Thule is a named planet within the Star Wars Saga. According to Wikia, "Thule is a semi-arid planet known for its rich savannas. Continually bombarded by lightning storms, Thule was a hidden Sith stronghold. The rocky outcroppings which broke the plains were charred black from being hit by lightning. This charred rock later served as a form of sustenance for unusual, bioluminescent moss that made the rocks glow with an eerie light." Anakin Skywalker stated in respect to Thule, "I know where it is. The planet is called Thule. Thousands of years ago it was an ancient Sith stronghold. Ulic fought there during the war. That's where the Dark Reaper is buried." Lastly, the Battle of Thule was the final battle during the Dark Reaper crisis during the Clone Wars, in which the Republic managed to locate and destroy the Separatist superweapon.