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Misc/Scriptures/Missing Books of the Bible: Difference between revisions

Finished A section for now, all I could find
(extended list, organized alpha)
(Finished A section for now, all I could find)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| class="wikitable" style="width: 95%;"
| [[:File:The613.pdf|613, The]] || [[:File:On The Anointing.pdf|Anointing, On the]]
| [[:File:The_Prophecy_of_Abdias.pdf|Abdias, The Prophecy of]] || [[:File:The Anti-Marcionite Prologues.pdf|Anti-Marcionite Prologues, The]]
| [[:File:Inscription of Abercius.pdf|Abercius, Inscription of ]] || Apelles, Gospel of
| Abgarus, King of Edessa and the Epistle of Jesus Christ || [[:File:Apocalypse of Abraham.pdf|Apocalypse of Abraham]]
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| Abraham, Book of || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-Eliyahu.pdf|Apocalypse of Elijah]]
| [[:File:The Testament of Abraham.pdf|Abraham, Testament of ]] || [[:File:Apocalypse Of Moses.pdf|Apocalypse of Moses]]
| Account of the Chronicles of King David, The || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-Paul.pdf|Apocalypse of Paul]]
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| [[:File:Acts-and-Martyrdom-of-Matthew.pdf|Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew]] || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-Thomas.pdf|Apocalypse of Thomas]]
| [[:File:Acts of aA King.pdf|Acts of a King]] || [[:File:The-Apocalypse-of-Zephaniah.pdf|Apocalypse of Zephaniah]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Andrew.pdf|Acts of Andrew]] || [[:File:Apocalypsis Mosis.pdf|Apocalypsis Mosis]]
| [[:File:Acts-of-Andrew-and-Matthew.pdf|Acts of Andrew and Matthew]] || [[:File:Apocryphal Psalms.pdf|Apocryphal Psalms]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Barnabas.pdf|Acts of Barnabas]] || [[:File:Life of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus.pdf|Apollonius of Tyana, Life of]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-John.pdf|Acts of John]] || [[:File:Acts of Apollonius.pdf|Apollonius, Acts of]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-John-the-Theologian.pdf|Acts of John the Theologian]] || [[:File:Apostles-Creed.pdf|Apostles Creed, The]]
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| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Paul-and-Thecla.pdf|Acts of Paul and Thecla, The]] || Apostles, Acts of the 2
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Paul-.pdf|Acts of Paul, The]] || [[:File:Epistle of the Apostles.pdf|Apostles, The Epistle of the]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Peter.pdf|Acts of Peter]] || [[:File:The Teaching of the Apostles.pdf|Apostles, The Teachings of the]]
| [[:File:The-Acts-of-Peter-and-Paul.pdf|Acts of Peter and Paul]] || [[:File:Apostles-Creed.pdf|Apostles’ Creed (throughout history), The]]
| [[:File:Acts-of-Philip-Greek.pdf|Acts of Philip (Greek)]] || [http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0715.htm Apostolic Constitutions, The]
| [[:File:Acts-of-Philip-Syriac.pdf|Acts of Philip (Syriac)]] || [[:File:Apostrophe to Zion.pdf|Apostrophe to Zion]]
| Acts of Uziah by Isaiah The Prophet || [[:File:The-Arabic-Gospel-of-the-Infancy-of-the-Savior.pdf|Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Savior]]
| [[:File:The Life of Adam and Eve.pdf|Adam and Eve, The Books of (Latin Translation) ]] || [[:File:The ArchAngel Michael And King Zedekiah.pdf|Archangel Michael And King Zedekiah, The]]
| [[:File:The First Book of Adam and Eve.pdf|Adam and Eve, The First Book of ]] || [[:File:The Hypostasis of the Archons.pdf|Archons, The Hypostasis of the]]
| [[:File:The Life of Adam and Eve Slav.pdf|Adam and Eve, The Life of (Slavonic Translation) ]] || [[:File:The Letter Of Aristeas.pdf|Aristeas, The Letter of]]
| [[:File:The Second Book of Adam and Eve.pdf|Adam and Eve, The Second Book of ]] || [[:File:The Apology of Aristides.pdf|Aristides, Apology of]]
| [[:File:The Apocalypse of Adam.pdf|Adam, The Apocalypse of (Revelation of) ]] || [[:File:Aristo of Pella.pdf|Aristo of Pella]]
| [[:File:The Book of Adam.pdf|Adam, The Book of ]] || [[:File:Aristobulus.pdf|Aristobulus]]
| [[:File:The Teachings of Addeus the Apostle.pdf|Addeus the Apostle, The Teachings of ]] || [[:File:Artapanus.pdf|Artapanus]]
| [[:File:Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies Book 1.pdf|Against the Heresies 1 (Irenaeus of Lyons)]] || [[:File:The-Ascension-Irenaeus of Lyons -Isaiah Against Heresies Book 2.pdf|AscensionAgainst the Heresies 2 (Irenaeus of IsaiahLyons)]]
| [[:File:Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies Book 3.pdf|Against the Heresies 3 (Irenaeus of Lyons)]] || [[:File:Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies Book 4.pdf|Against the Heresies 4 (Irenaeus of Lyons)]]
| Ages of the World, The || Asclepius
| [[:File:Irenaeus of Lyons - Against Heresies Book 5.pdf|Against the Heresies 5 (Irenaeus of Lyons)]] || [[:File:The-Ascension-of-Isaiah.pdf|Ascension of Isaiah]]
| Aggeus || Assorted Manuscripts
| Ahikar, Grand[[:File:The VizierAges of Assyria, The StoryWorld.pdf|Ages of the World, The]] || [[:File:THEAsclepius ASSUMPTION OF MOSES21-29.pdf|Assumption of MosesAsclepius]]
| [[:File:The_Prophecy_of_Aggeus.pdf|Aggeus, The Prophecy of]] || [[:File:Assorted Manuscripts 4Q471.pdf|Assorted Manuscripts]]
| Allogenes || Athanasius: On the Incarnation
| [[:File:The Story of Ahikar.pdf|Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria, The Story of]] || [[:File:THE ASSUMPTION OF MOSES.pdf|Assumption of Moses]]
| Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of || Athenagoras of Athens, A Plea for the Christians
| [[:File:Allogenes.pdf|Allogenes]] || [[:File:On The Incarnation of the Word.pdf|Athanasius: On the Incarnation]]
| Andrew, Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle || Athenagoras of Athens, On The Resurrection of the Dead
| [[:File:The Acts of Andrew and Matthew.pdf|Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of ]] || [[:File:A Plea for the Christians by Athenagoras.pdf|Athenagoras of Athens, A Plea for the Christians]]
| Andrew, Gospel of || Augustine, The Writings of
| [[:File:Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew.pdf|Andrew, Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle ]] || [[:File:Athenagoras on the Resurrection of the Dead.pdf|Athenagoras of Athens, On The Resurrection of the Dead]]
| Andrew, Other Books of || Authoritative Teaching
| Andrew, Gospel of || [http://www.augustinus.it/links/inglese/opere.htm Augustine, The Writings of]
| Andrew, Other Books of || [[:File:Authoritative Teaching.pdf|Authoritative Teaching]]
Line 157 ⟶ 161:
| Clementine, The Homilies || Chosen One, The
| Cleodemus Malchus || [[:File:Letters of Christ and Abgarus.pdf|Christ and Abgarus, The Letters of ]]
| [[:File:The-Code-of-Hammurabi.pdf|Code of Hammurabi, The]] || Christ Epistle by the Manichees
Line 762 ⟶ 766:
===Further Reading===
* [http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/index.html earlychristianwritings.com Index]
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