
From True Earth wiki


A student working on a theodolite
A student working on a theodolite

A theodolite is a telescope mounted to very sensitive horizontal and vertical protractors. It is capable of measuring angles and, when used in conjunction with graduated reference objects, distances with a high degree of accuracy. Theodolites are primarily used by surveyors to map out terrain.

Typical Theodolites used for surveying have a maximum distance of 1,230m (~0.76 miles) to 7,000m (~4.35 miles) [1]. You'll find many of the globers pretend their instrument can measure earth's curve by ignoring the maximum distance and attempting to measure well over 100 miles in some cases.

Take a look at the video "The End Of The Land Surveyor Lie Regarding Curvature" [2]

See also

  • Table of accuracy at different distances [3]
