
From True Earth wiki

A Creepy lineup

Jack Whiteside Parsons,Aleister Crowley,L.Ron Hubbard,Wernher von Braun,Walt Disney
Jack Whiteside Parsons,Aleister Crowley,L.Ron Hubbard,Wernher von Braun,Walt Disney
  1. Jack Whiteside Parsons – Occultist, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge
  2. Aleister Crowley – 33rd degree Freemason, Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast ‘666’
  3. L.Ron Hubbard – Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Founder of The Church Of Scientology Cult
  4. Wernher von Braun – Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.
  5. Walt Disney – Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, Freemason and founder of The Ordem DeMolay