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What's special about Antarctica?

With little worldwide knowledge about Antarctica, many are curious. Why has it been kept over the years out of mainstream media. Scientists are working year-round on this continent, but not much is made public. The McMurdo station is the only all year-round makeshift town. A place larger than Europe, the size of the United States and Mexico combined. Yet, no towns and highly restricted access to Antarctica. There is much to learn about this very interesting place. Areas restricted under Antarctica treaty.

Antarctica the last real frontier for mankind, protected by brutal cold and unforgiving ice. The conditions here are so drastic that only a few dared to live and travel here even with the latest technology and equipment. Why would not it be? After all, in this place, mistakes were often paid with death.

Is Antarctica a continent or a circle surrounding our known lands? For the flat-earthers, Antarctica represents the final bit of evidence that would undoubtedly prove to everyone if our earth is a ball or a flat plane. The fact that the Antarctic Treaty prevents exploration, it only adds further distrust of the countries who've joined the treaty.

The connection between Antarctica and the Fallen Angels described in the Book of Enoch ensues and is analyzed in chapter 14. It will be shown how this apocryphal book points to Antarctica as the location of their imprisonment.

Freemason connection

Thule Society Sponsors Antigravity Spacecraft R&D

The Thule society group wanted power and when they moved to the Antarctic and took many slaves along with them. Both groups carried on with their work in Antarctica, one with the help of the reptilians and the other with the help of the Nordics. USA Intervenes.

The historic roots of the first secret space program and its genesis can be traced back to the early years of the Weimar Republic. At the end of the First World War in 1919, a number of German secret societies began collaborating in the development of flying saucer prototypes based on the designs received through the telepathic communications of an unusually beautiful and highly skilled psychic medium, Maria Orsic.

When in a full trance state, Orsic claimed to be in communication with a range of otherworldly beings. Among those were a group of Aryan or Nordic-looking extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran star system who wanted to assist humanity to develop spacecraft capable of interstellar flight. Orsic reported their intention in such an endeavor would raise human consciousness and accelerate humanity’s evolution as a species in the galactic community.

Another prominent psychic, “Sigrun”, assisted in understanding the content of the writing by getting clear mental images of a flying saucer craft. Orsic and Sigrun concluded that the information revealed how to build a Spaceship.

Soon after, Orsic and Sigrun met with members from the Thule Society (Thule Gessellshaft), which after the First World War had become Germany’s most powerful secret society, notably comprised of aristocrats and leading occultists of the day.'2! They were able to identify the second unknown language in the automatic writing as ancient Sumerian. Experts were brought in to translate Orsic’s automatic writing. The translation confirmed Sigrun’s mental images - it was in fact technical instructions for building a revolutionary type of engine that could power a spacecraft.'2! Orsic and supportive Thule society members arranged for various scientists to look at the translated information to determine whether it was scientifically feasible. [1]

The Antarctic Treaty

All parties to the Antarctic Treaty have agreed to restrict human access to over a dozen areas of special interest in Antarctica. The 30 plus-nation group, responsible for regulating human activity in Antarctica, has a strong grip on the frozen continent even though human activity is minimal. There are many areas restricted under Antarctica treaty.

Delegates at the 13th consultative assembly on the treaty decided to ask an independent research group to determine whether new types of protected areas should be developed. Currently, only regions deemed to be of scientific or environmental importance can be protected under the treaty, leaving other regions open to unchecked human activity.

The treaty’s decision to limit access to 13 special scientific zones and three environmental areas, which represents a 75 percent increase in such restricted areas, is part of a continuing process to identify fragile regions before they are harmed, delegates said.

The treaty nations have also come under criticism from third world countries, which say the organization is an exclusive club that is establishing a monopoly on the potential riches of Antarctica. Partly to combat such criticism, the treaty members adopted some measures to open their operations, granting observer status to three non-governmental organizations. Nothing further has been done to be more transparent.

Areas restricted have been deemed scientifically important. For research, and other reasons these areas are off limits to others. When adding stories of researchers escorted out of areas by military, it only adds to the mystery. In some instances, scientific researchers found themselves in areas of Antarctica off limits. They often must sign NDAs, are escorted away, and are told never to talk about it. Antarctica is certainly very restricted for a massive continent that is void of humanity. Why is this? What is there to find on the massive continent far down south known as Antarctica. It has its own ocean, the Southern Ocean. It has its own mysterious and unknown history. There is much to be discovered in the future down there.

Antarctic Treaty Timeline
Date Event
9/2/1947 The quadrant of Antarctica in which the United States was interested (between 24° W and 90° W) was included as part of the security zone of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, committing its members to defend it in case of external aggression.
9/1948 The United States proposed that Antarctica be under the guardianship of the United Nations
1950 The interest of the United States to keep the Soviet Union away from Antarctica was frustrated, when the Soviets informed the claimant states that they would not accept any Antarctic agreement in which they were not represented. The fear that the USSR would react by making a territorial claim, bringing the Cold War to Antarctica
1/17/1953 Argentina reopened the Lieutenant Lasala refuge on Deception Island, leaving a sergeant and a corporal in the Argentine Navy.
2/15/1953 in the incident on Deception Island, 32 royal marines landed from the British frigate HMS Snipe armed with Sten machine guns, rifles, and tear gas capturing the two Argentine sailors.
5/4/1953 the United Kingdom filed two lawsuits, against Argentina and Chile respectively, before the International Court of Justice to declare the invalidity of the claims of the sovereignty of the two countries over Antarctic and sub-Antarctic areas.
7/15/1953 the Chilean government rejected the jurisdiction of the court in that case, and on 1 August, the Argentine government also did so, so on 16 March 1956, the claims were closed.
1956 and 1958 India tried unsuccessfully to bring the Antarctic issue to the United Nations General Assembly.
9/9/1957 66 countries participated in the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) meeting in Stockholm. The creation of a Special Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) was approved, inviting the twelve countries conducting Antarctic investigations to send delegates to integrate the committee, with the purpose of exchanging scientific information among its members regarding Antarctica. The SCAR was later renamed to the Scientific Committee for Research in Antarctica.
12/1/1959 The main treaty was opened for signature
6/23/1961 Antarctic Treaty officially entered into force
9/2004 Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2023 the treaty has 56 parties
2048 Any of the consultative parties to the treaty may request the revision of the treaty and its entire normative system, with the approval of a relative majority


The lure of mineral and other resource exploitation in Antarctica has prompted some countries to begin research activity there, while other nations have increased the scope of their existing experimentation. The frozen landscape has been off limits for all this time. A race seems to have started amongst competing nations.


Directed Energy weapons

Eric Hecker is former Navy and contractor for Raytheon, a major U.S. defense contractor. Eric’s position as a firefighter and plumber for the South Pole facility gave him unrestricted access to the compound. During his stay, Eric observed highly advanced directed energy weapons and other technologies beyond what we previously thought possible. Eric has testified to congress under oath and hopes to bring his experience to the public for the good of humanity. His story can be heard in interviews with Shawn Ryan (July 21, 2023) and Patrick Bet-David (Nov 15, 2023).

Originally working as a plumber, the whistleblower was working for high-class clients who would sometimes use him as some sort of “getaway driver” when they wanted to leave a location. Eventually, Hecker ended up getting a job with Raytheon as a plumbing and heating specialist and was sent to Antarctica. After speaking with several scientists stationed at the South Pole, it became clear to Hecker that there was directed energy weapon research being done under the guise of a scientific project.

Later, Hecker claimed a device called, “the IceCube Neutrino Detector,” caused two accidental earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, in its first time being tested. Once the powers that be harnessed the earthquake technology, nations were reportedly threatened if they didn’t cooperate with certain global agendas. Turkey was allegedly a nation that tried to buck the system and was subsequently hit with an engineered earthquake.

A Romanian member of parliament also accused the West of deliberately triggering the massive earthquake in Turkey as a warning not to stray from the globalist agenda. At one point, Hecker told Bet-David how scientists are reportedly manipulating Earth’s tectonic plates at fault lines to intentionally cause earthquakes. [2]

A gigantic ancient structure?

On January 23, 2018, Emmy Award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe released video proof of a new informant outlining her top-secret duty in a gigantic ancient alien structure concealed beneath the ice of Antarctica.

According to the informant, he visited a massive octagonal-shaped facility near the Beardmore glacier that reached deep into the glacier’s icy interior during a secret operation in 2003.

The whistleblower is a retired U.S. Navy Seal who was first interviewed by Howe on July 19, 2018. He used the pseudonym Spartan 1 in Howe’s YouTube video where his face is shadowed out and his voice is altered to protect his identity. Howe says that she personally vetted Spartan 1, who provided ample documentation to substantiate his military career.

Previously, Howe has released the testimony of another military whistleblower, Brian, who was a Navy flight engineer who had flown numerous support missions with the Antarctic Development Squadron from 1983 to 1997. He witnessed a number of anomalies pointing to hidden facilities or bases located deep under the Antarctic ice sheets. He says he witnessed silver flying discs over the Transantarctic Mountains, not all that far, as Howe pointed out, from where the Navy Seal had conducted his mission. [3]

See Also
