
From True Earth wiki
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Is everyone in on it?

No, not everyone in on the Lie about the shape of earth. Most people in these various industries aren't even in a position to need to question the shape of earth. Most people simply do what they are told.

There are many who would actually risk their careers for questioning the shape of earth. So, obviously they avoid asking questions that may get their reputation damaged.


In the military (like NASA), people are compartmentalized to the degree where they are not told information if they don't need to know it. If somebody knew the truth, they wouldn't share it among the ranks, unless it was necessary. Therefore it would be understandable that if higher ranking individuals knew the earth was flat, they aren't obligated to share this information to the lower ranks.

You might want to check out these Government Documents that Prove Flat / Non-Rotating Earth.


There are religious factors to the heliocentric and the big-bang theory. Questioning these things seems to "trigger" the government as well as most religions.

It looks as though Jesuits played a big part in this globe deception. These Jesuit priests infiltrated the churches and started many of the theories being circulated in mainstream science (Like the big-bang). Some of the biggest push toward pseudoscience and the church began after the Gutenberg press began printing Bibles (in the 1450s) faster than the Catholic church could burn people at the stake for having a copy of the bible in English; so they took a new approach, which was instead of preventing people from having a bible, they decided to discredit the bible with pseudoscience. The heliocentric religion is basically blasphemy, and goes against creation mentioned in the bible.

Over time, this heliocentric and the big-bang theory became so wide-spread in the education system, most church clergy today don't know the bible they claim to preach about speaks against this model. If you ask church clergy, you may find that they will twist your scientific questions into an accusing you of being a conspiracy theorist or accusing you of having a political/religious issue.

Science Industries

Science is supposed to be the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

Scientific methodology includes the following:

  • Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using mathematics as a tool)
  • Evidence
  • Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses
  • Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples
  • Repetition
  • Critical analysis
  • Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment

However, heliocentric science seems to be satisfied by theories that are required to complete their model, despite evidence. Any contradictory evidence is dismissed and a new theory is invented to satisfy the heliocentric model. Some of these findings are called the "Axis of Evil" or a "Horizon problem", which sadly isn't very scientific to call an observation evil or a problem.

Regarding a unique position in the universe, or the conception of a central earth, Edwin Hubble said:

The hypothesis cannot be disproved but it is unwelcome and would be accepted only as a last resort in order to save the phenomena. Therefore, we disregard this possibility...

...the unwelcome supposition of a favored location must be avoided at all costs.... Such a favored position, of course, is intolerable … Therefore, in order to restore homogeneity, and to escape the horror of a unique position.

A favored location must be avoided at all costs, a favored position is intolerable, and escaping the horror of a unique position are not scientific at all.

Therefore, are all scientists in on the globe deception? No. but, when scientists are quoted as standing on the shoulders of giants, these "giants" have made it clear that a heliocentric model is the only model that will be tolerated. Apparently, scientists who even question this are fired or threatened.


Not all pilots are in on the "globe deception", most pilots grew up being indoctrinated by pseudoscience the same way you and I were. Globe defenders will state that from an airplane, you would not be high enough to see a curve. Although, that doesn't make much sense on a ball with a radius of 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers) or a curve of 8 inches / mile2.

Felix Baumgartner "space" jump - Wide angle lens
Felix Baumgartner "space" jump - Wide angle lens

Even Felix Baumgartner's stunt to skydive from a high altitude balloon, (38,969 meters / 127,852 foot / 24.21 miles), you can't see a curve unless you're using a wide-angle camera. [1]

"That stuff is flat!"
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Despite all of that, some pilots know the earth is flat, but in order to keep their job they must not admit this fact or they risk loosing their job or pilots license. [2], [3]

See Also
