FAQ/Is FE a Psyop
Is Flat earth a Government psychological operation?
One claim I constantly hear (but never backed by evidence), is that the Flat Earth is actually a government psychological operation...
Where's your evidence that every time someone wants to talk about the flat earth they're pushing a CIA Psyop?
I suspect the source of this claim is from the "Flat Earth Society", which is a government-backed disinformation group. It is suspicious that the government has to play both sides (they are pro-globe plus they run a disinformation flat earth group). The "Flat Earth Society" has a few truths, but are laced with ridiculous claims that cause many to laugh at the idea of a flat earth. The goal is to cause people to never look at the flat earth evidences again.
Flat-Earthers (Flerfs) are actually...
While researching this subject, I ran across many comments that revealed what people think about Flat-Earthers (Flerfs). So it seems not many people actually believe the Government started the Flat earth movement, rather it seems the majority of people just think Flat-earthers are trying to gain attention.
Here's what they say (Mainly due to social programming)...
Claim: "Flerfs just want to be special"
- "Flat-earthers feel inferior and just want to feel important".
- "They think they've found a diamond, they believe they are Neo in the matrix, with all the answers, and everyone else is a brainwashed sheep. They revolve their lives around flat earth theory, because they have no other prospects in life."
- "It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. To believe flat earth, you have to be dumb enough to have 0 prospects in life. To have 0 prospects in life, you can prove it by believing in flat earth."
- "The genuine flat earthers are very similar to the sovereign citizens who claim they don't need a driver's license or insurance because they are traveling, not driving. They live in their own version of reality and refuse to acknowledge any information to the contrary."
- "It’s about trying to regain control over ones own life, even though that’s a fallacy and we can’t actually control much. The inner turmoil of free will. The earth is small, flat, and controlled by a small group of people, so I am significant!"
In reality, flat-earthers don't want to be flat-earthers at all. They don't appreciate the social stigma placed on them and they don't like being ousted from job opportunities just to talk about alternative scientific evidences.
I find it very interesting how different "globers" see themselves different from "flat earthers". Every one belittling the flat earthers are ignorant to the fact that the VAST majority believed, just as they did - that the earth is a globe, no doubts about it.
Consider this, critically: Many flerfs have families, run businesses, and have gone through college - all with the same background of having been told our earth is a globe since they were children.
Claim: "Flerfs are just religious / cult like"
- "Flat earthers mostly deal with religious stuff probably"
- "Only Christians believe in flat earth"
- "I think that one reason people chose to believe in Flat Earth is that there's no way it could happen without a Creator, and they have no science to explain how all this came about, other than magic God stuff."
Actually Flerfs are from all walks of life, and even former Atheist flerfs. Most can't argue against the idea, of a Creator.
All flat-eather's research and have become aware of a multitude of lies and deceptions - and are least likely to claim the label of any modern religion. What you end up with is generally a loving and spiritual person that doesn't fall for propaganda.
Flerfs have come to expect to be met with hostility, strawman and appeals to authority fallacies. In fact, seeing the behavior from those defending the globe has become the big reason that many have researched and became a flat-earther.
Claim: "Flerfs just lie because they want the attention"
- "lots of fakes, lots of trolls, lots of people just wanting attention, many just want to feel a part of something bigger, some genuinely believe it, some exploit the others to earn money from online content, its a very diverse group of liars and people who are deceived."
- "I don't believe there are people who believe the earth is flat. I do believe there are people who enjoy being contrarians and pulling other people's leg. I'm not buying it."
- "I think it started out as a joke and some con-men picked it up and ran with it, bringing in all the gullible people in with them. You know the type who believe the moon landing was a hoax and stuff like that. They want to be 'in the know' and think the government is hiding a bunch of stuff. (I mean, I'm sure they're hiding some stuff, but the shape of the Earth - seriously?)"
In life, you will find there are those who thrive on attention - any attention; whether good attention or bad attention. Flerfs, like everyone have been fully indoctrinated by the globe deception, but since have diligently researched.
Some flerfs may enjoy attention, some are very quiet - so it's not fair to claim people who are in a life long journey to discover the truth are out for attention. In fact, because of social programming, people who discover the flat earth are ousted by the masses, friends, and even family. Being ousted is not a good way of gaining attention.
At most, Flat-earthers are excited about how the truth feels and they are concerned about what the globe deception can and has lead to, so often times they feel compelled to try their best to wake people up to help humanity.
Claim: "Flerfs are just stupid"
- "The biggest reason's people have a hard time with Flat-Earthers is because they 'Don't believe in gravity.'"
- "If you believe flat earth, you have a very low IQ, which in turns means these people don't have much chance at succeeding in many challenging career paths / life challenges in general."
- "People can believe anything. I think you are trying to figure out how people can be so stupid, when the issue is how can the brain be so complex. These aren’t just dumb people who literally think and care deeply about the shape of the Earth, this is an expression of mental un-wellness. I watched a video on flat earthers, they asked them when they started getting involved. Well guess what almost always proceeded it, personal uncontrollable tragedy. Lose of a kid or spouse, divorce, lose of job, physical accident leaving permanent damage (including brain, but not limited to). There is a reason, it has nothing to do with if the Earth is flat or not, it’s like a weird connection for people with similar hard to nail down mental illness. They realize they share something wrong, so they flock together."
- "There are a few personality factors that need to exist. Having a poor understanding of math, physics, and seeing the bigger picture is something these people lack. Like they have poor spacial awareness. People with talent in those go crazy in other ways."
- "They don't really believe it but some of them really desperately want to, others almost do being none too bright but want to be accepted so don't let on and the rest exploit that desperation. The whole thing is a desperately cynical exercise."
Yes, we preserved most of the spelling errors and poor grammar in the above quotes.
People with strong narcissistic tendencies and other dark personality traits tend to blame others for their own bad behavior.
- If they are lying, then they will accuse others of lying. * If they are cruel, they will say that others are cruel.
- If they are stealing and scamming, then they will accuse others of stealing and scamming.
- If they accuse others of being stupid, then... well, you get the idea.
Granted everyone who's new to the flat-earth concept thinks it's silly or stupid, because we've all been trained by social programming to stereotype others for having independent thought.
Once you actually research and get past all the mocking-bird media fact checkers, you will find flerfs are very intelligent people. They may not have answers to every question that comes up, but at the minimum, they are people who care and are willing to look into things further than the rest. In-fact, if you ask a flerf a question, they most likely will go out of there way to find an answer if they don't know off hand. Just realize that flerfs aren't typically billionaires, so they can't afford to launch rockets and expeditions across the earth to get all the answers to questions that we have.
What if Flat-Earth is a Government Psyop?
Psychological operations (Psyops) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences in order to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately change or control the behavior of people. The purpose of government psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to the government's objectives.
If flat earth is a psyop, then it's not a very good one because Flerfs tend to not fall for any of the propaganda.
Remember when people would say "Marijuana was the gateway drug"?
Well, "Flat-Earth is the gateway unplug" from the matrix.
Flat-earth has the following effects on "flerfs":
- They tend to not trust the government.
- They don't fall for mainstream propaganda (Like jabs, racism, division, etc.).
- They tend to become loving towards others (no matter what their beliefs are).
- They tend to become aware of the existence of a Creator.
- They tend to understand people are "special" or more "powerful" than we were lead to believe.
- They tend to research and want to learn more.
- They tend to want to help others as they see humanity as being victims of indoctrination and pseudoscience.
If flat earth was a government sponsored "distraction" to keep people from looking into other issues (like voter fraud), then why would the government choose a subject that only 5% of the population would look into?
If flat earth was a government sponsored "Psyop", then why would the government choose a "Psyop" that causes people to not trust them anymore?