Misc/Greenland Theory/1.04 Island of Rhodes

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1.04 Island of Rhodes

Rhodes is a small Greek island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near present day Turkey, roughly 325 kilometers (200 miles) due east from the island of Crete. It is geographically located at the crossroads of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and therefore served as the primary military base Greco-Roman Empire. Subsequently, the island was home to the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which the Statue of Liberty in New York is coincidentally modeled after. The idiom “All roads lead to Rome” can be taken both literally and figuratively for “Rhodes led to Rome”. In other words, the science, technology, and military applications developed on the island of Rhodes were used by the Roman Empire to in essence conquer the world. In a calculated attempt to both celebrate and disguise the history of Rhodes, Rhode Island was named in 1790 as one of the new 13 British colonies in America. Rhode Island is home to the Naval War College (NWC or NAVWARCOL) which was established on October 6, 1884. Similar to the island of Rhodes, the Naval War College serves as the primary education and research institution of the United States Navy which specializes in developing latest and greatest applications in naval warfare.


The term “Roman” (R+M+N) was evidently created when the terms “Rho” (R) and “Man” (M+N) were combined. These two terms were likely derived from the island of Rhodes and Minos of Crete who is credited with siring the “Line of Man”. The letter “H” was either dropped from the term “Roman” or added to the term “Rhodes” in a calculated move to quell any notion that Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are one and the same entity. Interestingly, in the language of Yiddish, the term “mannitti” allegedly means to “rho”, “row”, or “ro”. The logo of Manchester United F.C. (which is named after Minos of Crete) depicts a large Roman Clipper ship which suggests that the two terms are indeed inseparable. Whether the island of Rhodes was named after rowing, or the act of rowing was named after the island of Rhodes is not known, but in time, both became synonymous with the Greco-Roman Empire as each has played a critical role in enslaving the world for the last 1,000-plus years.

Rhodes Mythology

Considering how important the island of Rhodes was to the Greco-Roman Empire, its name, numerology and symbology is therefore held in the highest regard. According to Greek mythology, “Rhode” or “Rhodos” was a sea nymph who lived on the island of Rhodes who was known as the co-protector of the island—the sole center of her cult. In other words, in Greco-Roman culture, the island of Rhodes was the center of a cult who worshipped and exalted her above all else. The term “worship” is actually derived from “war ship”, as the ships which returned to Rhodes after successful military campaigns would be cheered and revered by all. The men who captained these Greco-Roman warships which were “rowed” into battle and exploration were called “heroes”, as in “he rows”.

Rhodes Numerology

The island of Rhodes is 79.7 kilometers (49.5 miles) long and 38 kilometers (24 miles) wide, equaling a total area of approximately 1,400 square kilometers (541 square miles) with a coastline of approximately 220 kilometers (137 miles). The numerology of Rhodes, particularly numbers “14”, “22” and “38” are scared to the Greco-Roman Empire. The number “14” equates to the letter “X” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), meaning to “kill” or to “target”, while “22” in the modern English alphabet equates to the letter “W” (V+V) or double-V, which is an acronym for “War” and translates to “BB” or “Babylon”. The essence, all of the number associated with the island of Rhodes are highly esteemed numbers in Greco-Roman lore.

Rhodes Symbology

The island of Rhodes is physically shaped like the head of a spear—the main weapon used by the warriors in the epic Iliad of the ancient Greek poet Homer. The “ankh”, which is known as key of life, is an alleged Egyptian symbol which depicts the spearhead-like shape of Rhodes attached to the Greek cross of Tau. The ankh (N+K) is evidently associated with the god of Enki (N+K) and therefore is held in the highest regard. The spearhead-shape of Rhodes is currently depicted in the logo of the Special Forces of the United States Army and the official logo for the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) which also features a Crete-like fasces base. The spearhead-shape of Rhodes is also replicated by the spades suit found in common playing cards which coincidentally serves as the logo of the United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command. The spade symbol is also depicted in numerous corporations and logos including but not limited to: the logo of the Kansas City Chiefs (an American football team); the alternative snow and skate brand entitled “SRH” (1991); the woman’s clothing line entitled “Kate Spade” (1993); and various online poker rooms (e.g., PKR.com, PokerStars, and Ultimate Poker).

Rhodes Scholar

The city of Rhodes, which is located at the northern tip of the spearhead-like island of Rhodes, is still home to a massive medieval castle entitled the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. It was here that the first major Greco-Roman university or school of warfare was founded. The idiom “Tip of the Spear” was coined after the city of Rhodes because the best and the brightest military minds of the day were stationed at the Palace of the Grand Master. Coincidentally, the official magazine of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is entitled “Tip of the Spear”. It was in this island setting that the term “Rhodes Scholar” was likely born as the city of Rhodes became home to the top academic and military scholars from around the known world. The term “scholar” (S+K+L+R) was likely derived from the terms “skill/skull” (S+K+L) as these Greco-Roman scholars were paid to devise and refined the skills of war while on the island of Rhodes. In the event that the island was attacked, the “military brass” would retreat to the safety of the Palace of the Grand Master at the warning call of the brass trumpets.

Telchines of Rhodes

According to Greek mythology, the Telchines were the original inhabitants of the island of Rhodes who had emigrated from the neighboring island of Crete. They were regarded as excellent metallurgists and metal workers who were skilled in brass and iron. They are even credited with making a trident for Poseidon and a sickle for Cronus. The ancient Greek poet Homer wrote that the Telchines, who were known as the fish children, had dog heads and flippers instead of hands, a description which suggests that they were aggressive in battle and extremely skilled in matters regarding naval science. The Telchines are also alleged to have produced the first chemical weapons when they concocted a mixture of Stygian water and sulfur which subsequently killed both animals and plants. The term “Telchines” (T+L+C+H) is likely where the Roman-English terms “Talk” and “Tool” were derived from as the inhabitants of Rhodes developed their own secret military jargon. Over time, the military “talk” developed into a second language (possibly English) which was used to communicate in battle and was indiscernible to their enemies.

Rose Symbology

The red thorny flower known as the rose derived its name from the aforementioned sea nymph “Rhodos”, who according to Greek mythology lived on the island of Rhodes. In the Greek language, the word "rose" means red which is coincidentally the official color of the Roman Empire. The rose subsequently appeared on Rhodian coinage and was routinely used in Greco-Roman ceremonies in worship to the god of Isis. It was also common practice for a wild rose to be placed at the door of a room where secret or confidential matter was being discussed. The phrase “sub rosa”, or "under the rose", literally meant to keep a secret. The ceilings of Roman banquet-rooms were decorated with roses to remind patrons that what was spoken “sub vino” (under the influence of wine) was also “sub rosa” and should be kept secret. In modern times, "sub rosa" is a byword for covert operations (black ops) which are executed by Special Forces. Both the rose and the rosy cross are esoteric symbols of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, one of the many secret societies of Rome. The Greco-Roman rose is a common device in heraldry and is featured in the coat of arms of Finland as well as in the insignia of officers in the Finish military. Of all the 206 allegedly sovereign territories and their respective dependent territories, the coat of arms of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is the only one to feature a red rose. Similarly to the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, the Keeling or “Killing” islands are of great geostrategic important because of their proximity to the shipping lanes of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Based purely on the depiction of a solo red rose, it would appear that Cocos Islands served as an auxiliary Rhodes-like military base for Rome in Asia.

Rose-Related Technology

Because the island of Rhodes was the birthplace of naval science, the term “rose” is found in numerous navigational, mathematical, and military applications. For example, a compass rose is a figure composed of what appear to be two four pointed stars. It is generally found on a compass, map, or nautical chart which is then used to navigate the cardinal directions (i.e., North, East, South and West) and their intermediate points. A compass rose is also featured in almost all navigation systems, including non-directional beacons (NDB), VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) systems and global-positioning systems (GPS). The compass rose is also found in part or in whole on the flag of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as well as in the logos of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Polaris Industries, the Seattle Mariners, and Star Motorcycles. A wind rose is a tool used by meteorologists (sailors of the day) which gives wind direction and speed. To date, at least twenty-one ships of the Royal Navy have been named “HMS Rose” after the island of Rhodes. In mathematics, rose (topology) is a topological space obtained by gluing together a collection of circles along a single point, while a rose or rhodonea curve is a sinusoid plotted in polar coordinates. In geometry, the concept of a Maurer rose consists of 360 lines successively connecting the above 361 points. It appears that early algebra and geometry were developed on the island of Rhodes as evident by the rose related insignia, seals, and symbols used by the Roman Empire today.