Misc/Greenland Theory/1.06 Ancient Egypt

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1.06 Ancient Egypt

In order to disguise the true history of Minos of Crete which spawned the Greco-Roman Empire in the Mediterranean Sea, the fraudulent history and mythology of Ancient Egypt has been perpetrated onto humanity. Despite the fact that Egypt’s current tourism slogan is entitled “Where it all begins”, so-called Ancient Egypt (3100 BC–332 BC) existed in part at the same time as Ancient Greece (800 BC–600 AD), and was geographically part of the Ancient Roman Empire. As evidenced, Egyptian architecture, gods and temples all mirror those of both Greece and Rome and therefore it can be deduced that Ancient Egypt is historical cover for the Greco-Roman Empire. The Egyptian term “Pharaoh” (F/P+R) literally means “Four Row”, a direct reference to the four-pronged Roman cross which adorned the flags and sails of Greco-Roman warships which were rowed into battle. “Four Row” can also be translated via Algebraic English to “D” plus “R” which equates to “DR” or “Doctor”, as the history of Egypt has been “doctored” is order to mask the true history of the Greco-Roman Empire. A similar tribute is found in the name of the Faroe Islands (F/P+R) which coincidentally borders the island of Greenland, the third and final home of Rome.

Egyptian Gods

Since Egyptian gods are in essence Greco-Roman gods, they mimic each other in both name and myth as evidenced by Isis (S+S) and Zeus (Z+S). In Greek mythology, the “Minotaur” (M+N+T+R) was a creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man. According to the Roman poet Ovid, the Minotaur was "part man and part bull" and dwelt at the center of the Cretan Labyrinth (an elaborate maze-like construction) which was designed at the behest of King Minos of Crete. In Egyptian religion, “Montu” (M+N+T) was the falcon-god of war whose name was shown in Egyptian hieroglyphs as Mont, Monthu, Montju, or Menthu. Meaning “nomad”, Montu was the original manifestation of the sun god Ra which often appears under the epithet of “Montu-Ra”. Due to the destructive nature of his character, Montu was immortalized as a warrior and eventually a war-god. Because Egyptian mythology and religion is cover for Greco-Roman history, Montu was also said to manifest himself in a white bull with a black face, which was referred to as the Bakha. Consequently, Egypt's greatest kings called themselves “Mighty Bulls”, the sons of Montu. Starting with the Temple of Montu at Medamud, large temples to Montu were constructed in Hermonthis, (H+R+M+N+T+S), meaning “the land of Montu”. Mentuhotep (M+N+T+T) was the name given to several pharaohs in the Middle Kingdom. Subsequently, Amun (M+N), whose spouse was Amaunet (M+N+T), eventually superseded Montu in Egyptian mythology. Amun acquired national importance after he fused with the sun god Ra, ultimately becoming “Amun-Ra”. The terms found in “Amun-Ra” reversed equate to “Ra-Amun” or “Roman”. Amun-Ra held the position of transcendental, self-created creator deity "par excellence". His position as King of Gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. In other words Amun-Ra (i.e., Minos) was responsible for siring a line of Greek gods, otherwise known as the “Line of Man”. In Egyptian mythology, Menes (M+N+S) was the pharaoh and founder of the first dynasty (Dynasty I) who was credited with having united Upper and Lower Egypt. According to Greek mythology, Manes (M+N+S) was the first king of Maeonia (M+N) and was known as the first king in line of the primordial house of Lydia (L+D) whose genealogy is preserved by Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

Egyptian Pyramids

Aside from the fact that Ancient Egypt is an historical alias of the Greco-Roman Empire, Egyptian pyramids, which are alleged to be the tombs of Egyptian Pharos, are built in the shape of the Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”), the most sacred symbol in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Because the Egyptian pyramids are modeled after the Mesoamerican pyramids of South America, they are referred to as E-“gypt”-ian pyramids. The term “Egypt” (G+P+T) consonantly equates to “gypt”, meaning to steal or rip-off. Gypt is synonymous with “gypsies”, a people who have been historically depicted as traveling thieves. In other words, the Egyptian pyramids were built in a premeditated attempt to deceive the world in respect to the true history of the Greco-Roman Empire and the Mediterranean region in general. As of 2008, a total of 138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. Numerologically speaking, the number “138” is highly esteemed in Greco-Roman lore. The number “13” equates to the letter “M”, an acronym for “Man” (i.e., the “Line of Man” and the 13 Bloodlines of Rome), while the letter “H” equates to the number “8”, an acronym for “Infinity” or “Forever”. Therefore, the number “138” ultimately equates to “13 Bloodlines of Rome Forever”. This notion is only accomplished by hiding the respective history of the Greco-Roman Empire, hence the fraudulent pyramids of Egypt. Interestingly, the Egyptian Pyramid of Khafre was built with a “cap” or “capstone” that defies the both the laws of physics and time. Under normal circumstances, the very tip of a pyramid would sustain the most coercion due to its exposure to the elements (e.g., air, moisture, rain, sand, sunlight, wind, etc.). Despite being exposed to the elements on all five sides (i.e., top, north, east, south and west), it has mysteriously remained relatively intact. This suggests that the Pyramid of Khafre was built with a cap to begin with, an apparent tribute to Greenland, the “cap” or “capstone” of the Earth. This notion is confirmed by the name “Khfre” (C/K+F/P+R) which acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Cap Rome” or “Cap Four”, a possible reference to the four-pronged Roman Cross.

Egyptian Architecture

Since Egyptian architecture is Greco-Roman architecture, they mimic each other in both style and form. For starters, a Greco-Roman victory arch is found at the Gateway of Ptolemy III Euergates I in Luxor, Egypt. Although modern historical accounts state that the Greeks were the first to develop the classical orders of architecture (i.e., the Doric Order, the Ionic Order, and the Corinthian Order) which are most easily distinguished by their columns, Greek-Roman columns appear throughout Egyptian temples, including but not limited to the Temple of Isis at Delos and the Temple of Montu at Medamud. Although modern historical accounts state that obelisks are Egyptian in origin, they are shaped in the form of an erect Roman sword, otherwise known as a gladius. The term “Obelisk” (B+L+S+K) translates to “Babylon System Kill”, for these erect stone monuments are essence the gravestones of the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, a total of 14 Greco-Roman obelisks have been identified in Egypt thus far: Hatshepsut's Obelisk (Karnakt); Heliopolis Obelisk (Heliopolis); Luxor Temple (Karnak); Masalla Matarayyiah Obelisk (Heliopolis); Obelisk of Ramses II (Cairo); Obelisk of Ranses II (Gezira Island); Obelisk of Thutmose I (Karnak); (Alexandria); Ramses III Obelisk (Karnak); SesostrisI Obelisk (Heliopolis); Seti II Obelisk (Karnak); Unfinished Obelisk (Aswan); and the Zamalek Obelisk (Zamalek Island).