Misc/Greenland Theory/1.08 Ancient Sumer

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1.08 Ancient Sumer

Ancient Sumerian (S+M+R+N) or Sumer (S+M+R) is described as the "native land” and the “land of the civilized kings", for it was in essence the first kingdom on Earth. Although Sumer is alleged to have been founded between 4500 and 4000 B.C. in modern day Iraq, like Phoenicia, it appears to be historical cover for the Greco-Roman empire which was founded by Minos of Crete in Chania, Crete. Consequently, Sumerologist Samuel Noah Kramer asserts "No people has contributed more to the culture of mankind than the Sumerians", a claim that is often made of Minos. The city of Nea Smyrni (N+S+M+R+N), which is located in modern day Athens, Greece, sits directly across the Aegean Sea from the ancient city of Smyrna (S+M+R+N) in Turkey. As evidenced, both cities are consonantly the same as Sumerian (S+M+R+N) and therefore they were likely the first “twin cities” of the Greco-Roman Empire, of which there are now hundreds. Therefore, it can be ascertained that the region of modern day Greece and western Turkey was called Sumer. The English word “summer” which is used describe the warmest season of the year, is a tribute to this era in Greco-Roman history. There are also 4 U.S. cities have been named after Smyrna (e.g., Smyrna, Georgia; Smyrna, Tennessee; Smyrna, Delaware; and New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

Enki of Sumer

The Sumerians claimed that their civilization had been brought, fully formed, by their god Enki (N+C/K), which is coincidentally the name of the aforementioned Chania (C/K+N), only backwards. In the Sumerian myth “Enki and the World Order”, Enki is said to have fixed national boundaries and assigned gods their roles. This is likely a reference to the first-ever nation which was born out of Sumer, and the various gods which were devised during time. According to another Sumerian myth, Enki was the creator who devised men as slaves to the gods. This is likely due to the formation of government and law which was established during the time which relegates men to slaves of their government. In his original form, Enki was associated with semen and amniotic fluid, and therefore with fertility. This association is likely based on the fact that the systems developed in Sumer have since multiplied and are now present in every city and state on Earth. Coincidentally, the number "40" (i.e., the numerical value of the number “4”) which is revered in Greco-Roman lore, is also sacred to the god of Enki whose name is translated to the "Lord of the Earth". Enki's symbols included a goat and a fish, which later combined into a single beast, twhich is now recognised as Capricorn, the name of the 10th Roman month of the year. Interestingly, the “ankh” (N+K), also known as key of life, is an alleged Egyptian symbol which depicts the spearhead shape of the Greek island of Rhodes intersecting with the Greek cross of Tau which also doubles as Crete-shaped fasces. This symbology suggests that Enki was in fact a Greco-Roman god. Coincidentally, the symbol of Enki is a double-helix snake, otherwise known as the Caduceus carried by Hermes in Greek mythology whcih was likely dervied from the Rod of Asclepius wielded by the Greek god Asclepius which was used to symbolize medicine. In Sumerian mythology, a "me" (from which the Englisgh word "me" is dervied from) is one of the decrees of the gods which were handed out on tables, similar to the 10 commandments of Moses.