Misc/Greenland Theory/11.02 Chi (CH)

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11.02 Chi (CH)

Confoederationis Helveticae is the official name of Switzerland, the abbreviation of which is “CH” or “Chi”. As evidenced, the terms “Ch”, “Chi” or “Chai” are symbolic of “life” in various cultures and mythologies. That is because Switzerland (i.e., “CH”) is the main proxy state of the Greco-Roman Empire and home to the CIA. It is ultimately responsible for keeping the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland “alive” by routinely executing assassinations, terror attacks and wars, as well as conducting espionage throughout the underworld. In other words, Switzerland is the “life force” or the “life blood” of Rome. Consequently, the "+" symbol which is depicted on the flag of Switzerland is symbolic of "life" on the battle field, in hospitals and on first aid kits. Despite being an acronym for “Die” and “Death”, the “+” symbol has become synonymous with “First Aid” and is even depicted within the logo of the International Red Cross which is naturally located in Switzerland. The Chi symbol (i.e., “Ж”) is the 5th letter/number in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) an doubles as the letter “Zhe” in the Cyrillic script. The number "5" is coincidentally sacred to Shiva, the Indian and Greco-Roman goddess of destruction named whose is representative of Switzerland. The term Shiva (S+H+V) consonantly translated to both sieve (S+V) and shiv (S+H+V). A “sieve” is a sift that used to extract unwanted material or persons while a shiv is the Roman name for knife which is symbolic of the assassinations, terror attacks and wars executed by Switzerland. Lastly, because of Switzerland’s role as judge, jury and executioner in the underworld, the game of Chess was named after the country. Consequently, the term “Chess” (C/K+H+S) equates to "Chi System" which is in essence the Babylon System.

Chai in Hebrew

In Hebrew, the ord for "life" is “ח”י or “chai” which has a numerical value of 18. That is because Switzerland (i.e., “CH”) is the main proxy state of the Greco-Roman Empire and home to the CIA. It is ultimately responsible for keeping the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland “alive” by routinely executing assassinations, terror attacks and wars, as well as conducting espionage throughout the underworld. In other words, Switzerland is the “life force” or the “life blood” of Rome. The number 18 is symbolic for it equates to the letter “R” in the Roman-English alphabet, an acronym for Rome. Consequently, the custom has arisen in Jewish circles to give donations and monetary gifts in multiples of 18 as an expression of blessing for long life.

Chi in the Greek Alphabet

“Chi” is the 22nd letter in the Greek alphabet which is represented by the “X” symbol. Using Algebraic English and Roman-Jewish Gematria, the number “22” equates to “BB”, an acronym for Babylon. The letter “X” translates to the letter “N” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), an acronym for both “No” and “North”. Therefore, the Greek Chi letter is symbolic of Switzerland who oversees the Babylon System in the underworld. Consequently, Switzerland is unwittingly responsible for prohibiting and “X-ing out” (i.e., killing) all potential threats to Greenland.

Chi in Chinese Mythology

In Chinese mythology, “Chi”is known as a “hornless dragon” or “mountain demon”. These names are indicative of Switzerland which is a neutral country and therefore appears be hornless (i.e., not aggressive). Switzerland is also located in the Alps, hence the reference to the mountain demon. In traditional Chinese culture, “qi” (also chi or ch'i) is frequently translated as "life force" or "energy flow". That is because Switzerland (i.e., “CH”) is the main proxy state of the Greco-Roman Empire and home to the CIA. It is ultimately responsible for keeping the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland “alive” by routinely executing assassinations, terror attacks and wars, as well as conducting espionage throughout the underworld. In other words, Switzerland is the “life force” or the “life blood” of Rome. The oldest Chinese term for the Earth is “Di” which consonantly equates to the letter “D”. Coincidentally, the letter “D” equates to the “+” symbol in in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) which is depicted on the flag of Switzerland. That is because Switzerland is responsible for executing Roman policy in the underworld (i.e., the Earth). The term “Earth” (R+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Rite to Infinity” or “Sacrifice Forever”, a references to the blood sacrifices carried out by Switzerland. Lastly, a “chi” is the traditional Chinese unit of length, approximately equal to one foot. This is symbolic of Switzerland which is the Achilles Heel, boot or foot of the Roman Empire which enforces policy in the underworld.

Chi in Nigerian Mythology

In Ọdinani, the traditional cultural practices and beliefs of the Igbo people in Nigeria, “Chi” is the personal spiritual guardian of a person or country. Chi is touted as a divine agent who is assigned to each human from the cradle to the coffin. According to legend, Chukwu assigns one’s Chi before and at the time of birth. Chi is alo indicative of Arushi, a supernatural being which is assigned to each human being for care, guardianship, and providence until the end of their life. The Chi of Nigeria lore is therefore symbolic of Switzerland which has been unwittingly assigned as the guardian of Greenland on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire.


In Greek mythology, “Chaos” was the primeval void, the first thing which ever existed. That is because in the chaotic aftermath of the Fall of the Roman Empire, Switzerland was the first country that was established. The term “Chaos” (C/K+H+S) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Chi System” which is in essence the Babylon System. Consequently, born "from Chaos" were Erebus (Darkness) and Nyx (Night) both of which underworld has suffered both literally and figuratively ever since. The Greek word "chaos" means "yawning" or "gap" for Switzerland is responsible for maintaining the gap of separation between Greenland and the underworld. For Hesiod, Chaos was a place, far away, underground and "gloomy", beyond which lived the Titans. That is because the CIA of Switzerland, which is responsible for the world’s state of chaos, is located underground. However, Chaos is also capable of being affected by Zeus' thunderbolts. In other words, although underground and far away from Greenland, Switzerland and its CIA are vulnerable to attack via the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland.