Misc/Greenland Theory/11.05 Flag of Switzerland

From True Earth wiki

11.05 Flag of Switzerland

The flag of Switzerland consists of a red field with a white cross at its center. It is one of only two square sovereign-state flags, the other being the flag of Vatican City in Rome, Italy. Since the Swiss Guard is charged with the protection of the Pope, there is an intimate connection between Switzerland and the Vatican City, the only two sovereign nations on Earth. The notion that Switzerland is Greco-Roman in origin is corroborated by the fact that a Greek Cross adorns the flag of Switzerland. The cross (i.e., “+”) equates to the letter “D” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), an acronym for both “Day” and “Die”. The “Day” is representative of the 24/7 daylight of Greenland via Earth’s second moon which Switzerland is tasked with keeping safe, while “Die” is symbolic of Switzerland’s role in the underworld where they routinely execute assassinations, terror attacks and wars. The symbology and colors of the flag of Switzerland were evidently derived from the Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John (i.e., the Hospitallers), two notoriously vicious Greco-Roman military orders which reportedly fled to Switzerland. Firstly, the Order of Saint John was ordered by Pope Innocent IV in 1248 to wear a military dress consisting of a red surcoat with a white cross emblazoned on it, the exact same colors and symbology found within the flag of Switzerland. Secondly, the Knights Templars wore white mantles and red cross, the same colors and symbology depicted within the flag of Switzerland, albeit the colors are revered. Original Knights Templar colors and symbology are now depicted within the logo of the International Red Cross, an global intelligence agency headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.