Misc/Greenland Theory/11.07 Rock-Paper-Scissors

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11.07 Rock-Paper-Scissors

Rock-Paper-Scissors" is a hand game played by two people where the players simultaneously form one of three shapes with an outstretched hand (i.e., “Rock”, “Paper”, or “Scissors”). In short, the "Rock" beats the “Scissors”, the "Scissors" beats the “Paper”, and the "Paper" beats the “Rock”. In the event that both players throw the same shape, the game is tied and another round is played. Although modern historical accounts state that the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors originated in Asia, it is a metaphor for delegation of authority in respect to Greenland and Switzerland.

Rock (Greenland)

“Rock” (i.e., the “Rock of Ages”) is representative of Greenland which is located atop Earth’s iron core (i.e., the North Pole). Consequently, the core of the island is constructed of solid iron rock. “Rock” beat “Scissors” (i.e., Switzerland) because the country is completely oblivious of Greenland’s existence as the sole true power in the world.

Paper (Law & Orders)

“Paper” is representative of Greco-Roman law and orders which were previously sent from Greenland to Switzerland in paper form. However, due to the invention of the internet, the orders are now likely sent via a secure form of email. “Paper” beats “Rock” (i.e., Greenland) because in the event that Switzerland becomes aware that the laws they are enforcing in the underworld emanated from Greenland, the game is over.

Scissors (Switzerland)

“Scissors” is representative of the country of Switzerland which is home to the CIA. Consequently, the country is charged with “cutting off” and “cutting out” unwanted businesses, people, and countries who pose a threat to the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland. This is why every Swiss Army Knife contains a scissors for it is symbolic of the role Switzerland plays in the execution of Roman policy in the underworld. “Scissors” beats “Paper” because Switzerland can always alter their respective orders based on real-time information.