Misc/Greenland Theory/11.10 The Jewish Race

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11.10 The Jewish Race

The Jews are characterized and depicted by the Greco-Roman Empire as the “elves” which do Santa Claus’ bidding. Santa lives at the North Pole (i.e., Greenland) where he emails or wires his demands to the Jews in Switzerland who then execute said demands on a global scale. This is why Freyr, the twin brother of the Norse goddess Freyja, is known as the Lord of the elves for the Greco-Roman Empire is lord of the Jews. That is also why the most common greeting in Hebrew is “Shalom” (S+H+L+M), a term which acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Shill M”. A shill is a fake, a plant or a stooge, while the letter “M” representative of the 13 Bloodlines of the Roman Empire. In other words, the Jews are the unwitting shills of the Greco-Romans in Greenland. In order to ensure that the Jews remain obedient, they have been separated from humanity with their own food (Kosher), history, religion (Judaism), rituals, and identity. The barbaric act of gentile mutilation commonly known as circumcision was originally a Roman act imposed on the Jews to ensure secrecy between them. Therefore, it was customary for Jewish men to show their circumcised penis’ to each other in order to prove that they were in fact Jews and trustworthy of giving or receiving information, intelligence or payment. Although the Jews have victimized countless people over the centuries, they too are victims of the Greco-Roman Empire.

Isle of Ewe (Jew)

Aristotle believed that the Jews originally came from India where they were known as the “Kalan” (C/K+L+N), a term which acronymically speaking is the same as “clan” (C/K+L+N). While Aristotle may in fact be correct, the Jews were evidently named after the Isle of Ewe, a small island on the west coast of Ross and Cromarty in Scotland which is exactly 90 miles away from where the Loch Ness Monster was seen. The term “Jew” and the race of the Jewish people may have been derived from this island as the pronunciation of “Ewe” equates to “Yu” or “Jew”. Coincidentally, there are two competing theories about the meaning of island’s name. Either it was derived from the Old Irish “eo” meaning "yew tree", a possible reference to the linage of the Jewish race which was spawned from the island, and/or it was derived from the Gaelic “eubh” meaning "echo" for the island was responsible for echoing Greco-Roman policy in the underworld. In all likelihood, the Isle of Ewe was responsible for receiving intelligence, money and orders from Greenland via submarines at Loch Ness. The notion that the island was a key port in the underworld is evidenced by the coat of arms of the Isle of Ewe which depicts a U-shaped Greco-Roman Clipper ship. Evidently, prior to the invention of submarines, ships from Greenland would dock at the island. According to Donald Monro’s book “Description of the Western Isles of Scotland” (1549), the "Ellan Ew, haffe myle in length, full of woods, guid for thieves to wait upon uther mens gaire. It perteins to M’Enzie”. Similarly, George Buchanan wrote in his “Rerum Scoticarum Historia” (1579) that the island was "almost all covered with woods, and good for nothing but to harbor thieves, who rob passengers". The references to thieves appear to be a veiled tribute to the Jewish families which previously lived on the island until the Second World War. Due to the usury and fiscal policies implemented in the underworld by the Jews, they became known as notorious thieves. As evidenced by the boot shape of the Isle of Ewe, the island mimics the boot of Italy, the boot of Bern in Switzerland, and the boot of Louisiana, all of which both of which are symbolic of the boot or foot of the Greco-Roman Empire which has been placed on the collective throat of the underworld. In what appear to be tributes to the Isle of Ewe in popular culture, the island was featured in "Lurgi Strikes Britain” (1954), an episode of the television show “The Goon Show”, as well as in the second chapter of Telltale Games' adventure game “Tales of Monkey Island: The Siege of Spinner Cay” (2009). Lastly, the term “I love you”, possibly the most famous three words ever spoken, were evidently derived from the Isle of Ewe. Because the name of the island sounds like "I love you" when spoken, whenever it is used it is a tribute to the Isle of Ewe in Scotland.

Jewish Terrorists

Sicarii comes from the Latin word Sica”, meaning “dagger”. Consequently, the Sicarii, or the "dagger men", were Jewish terrorists who carried out assassinations and murders with short daggers in crowded places before slipping away. They also committed attacks in villages which they raided, plundered and set on fire in order to create fear among those who acquiesced or collaborated with Roman rule. They also kidnapped notables as leverage for the release of their own members which were being held prisoner. In short, the Sicarii Jews were used to commit terror attacks in the Roman Empire in order to destabilize the empire after the 13 Bloodlines of the Roman Empire vacated to Greenland. Titus Flavius Josephus wrote the only account of the activities of the Sicarii, stating: “…a different type of bandits sprang up in Jerusalem, the so-called Sicarii, who murdered men in broad daylight in the heart of the city. Especially during the festivals they would mingle with the crowd, carrying short daggers concealed under their clothing, with which they stabbed their enemies. Then when they fell, the murderers would join in the cries of indignation and, through this plausible behavior, avoided discovery.” This is why the country of Israel is shaped in the form of a dagger, a modern tribute to the Sicarii and the terrorism committed by Jewish people on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland. Coincidentally, the name “Israel” was created by the combination of the Greco-Roman gods of Isis, Ra and El.

The Jewish Scapegoat

Protocols of Zion, the Jewish playbook on how to divide and terrorize the masses of the world into submission, was conveniently “discovered” in Russia in 1903. This document was most likely leaked on purpose by the Greco-Roman Empire to ensure that those looking for the true source of power in the world would ultimately stumble upon the Jews, never considering that the power structure goes one step higher to Greenland. That is why Zionist Jews and the State of Israel have been implicated in countless terror attacks against their fellow Jews and Goyim alike. The actual word “scapegoat” is defined as an individual, group (Jews), or country (Israel) that is singled out to bear the blame for others. The concept of the Jewish scapegoat is coincidentally the central theme of Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people.

Star of David

The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David, is widely recognized as the symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism. It is shaped in the form of a hexagon, a 6-pointed star that is formed by the compound of two equilateral triangles. The number 6 is a favorite esoteric number of Rome which is most commonly associated with death and destruction. The name “David” (D+V+D) means "Divide" and the therefore the "Star of David" means the "Star of Steer of the Divide". In other words, the Jewish people are steered by Rome to keep the people divided amongst themselves, but more importantly, to keep the divide between upper Earth (Greenland) and the underworld (hell). The hexagon is significant because through the use and abuse of the Jewish people, Rome has effectively put a hex (curse) or a hoax on all of mankind. The two opposing triangles depicted in the Star of David (see below) can be taken quite literally as what is ordered by Rome in Greenland is reflected and executed in the underworld by the Jewish people through the main Roman proxy state of Switzerland.

Sanhedrin (World Jewish Congress)

The Sanhedrin, meaning "sitting together", was an assembly of 20-23 Jewish men appointed in every city in the Land of Israel. The Great Sanhedrin was made up of a “Nasi” who functioned as head or representing president, but was not a member of the court. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that the Ashkenazi Jews were descendants of the Nasis or Nazis. Ashkenazi Jews represent the bulk of modern Jewry, with at least 70% of Jews worldwide. The last session of the Great Sanhedrin reportedly occurred in 358 AD when the Hebrew Calendar was adopted. The Sanhedrin was allegedly dissolved after continued persecution by the Roman Empire. The Sanhedrin is traditionally viewed as the last institution that commanded universal Jewish authority among the Jewish people in the long chain of tradition from Moses until the present day. While the Sanhedrin no longer exists in name, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in August 1936 as an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations. According to its mission statement, the World Jewish Congress' main purpose is to act as "the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people." The WJC has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The main aims of the organization were to create “a worldwide Jewish representative body based on the concept of the unity of the Jewish people, democratically organized and able to act on matters of common concern”. Although only conjecture, the World Jewish Congress likely meets in Basel, Switzerland which coincidentally has a Congress Center. Since Switzerland is the first Jewish state and there is no official congress within the Swiss government, the Congress Center may be the underground location where the Jewish Congress meets on a regular basis.

Racist Ideology

Just as the Romans are racist to anyone without pure white skin, red hair and blue eyes, most Jews are racist against anyone not of their ethnic origin. The term goy or goyim which is found in the Talmud, the Jewish Bible, refers to all those who are not Jews as “animals” and a number of other derogatory and racist terms. The irony is that the terminology used by the Jews against the peoples of the world is the same terminology used by the Romans against the Jews and the people of the world. In essence, the Jewish race and religion was created as a cover so that the Romans could carry out their evil in the world while scapegoating the Jews in the process. The only way to keep the Jews form assimilating with and feeling sympathetic to the other peoples of the world which would obviously disrupt Rome’s evil plan for the world is to keep the Jews separate. This is done by giving the Jews their own religion (Judaism), their own Bible (Talmud) their own place of worship (synagogue), their own type of diet (kosher food), their own type of penis (due to circumcision), their own Jewish holidays most of which coincide with Roman holidays, and of course their own country of Israel which is used to justify their evil deeds against the goyim. An example of a Roman holiday doubling as a Jewish holiday is the Purim. Although Jews have been indoctrinated to believe Purim is a celebrating victory of the Jews over their enemies, it was actually the Roman Empire which defeated Persia by trickery. Purim is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar. The 14th letter in the Roman Score (alphabet) is the letter “X” meaning “kill”, hence the name Xerxes I of Persia which was posthumously given to the defeated king.

Fake History of the Jews

According to modern historical accounts, the Kingdom of Judah in Israel was conquered by the Babylonian army in the early 6th century BC, destroying the First Temple which was the center of ancient Jewish worship. The Jewish elite of Judah were then exiled to Babylonia (i.e., Babylon, Rome) which is historically regarded as the first Jewish Diaspora. The Jews later returned to Judah after the subsequent conquest of Babylonia by the Persians some 70 years later, a period known as the Babylonian Captivity. A new Second Temple was then constructed and old Jewish religious practices were resumed. During the early years of the Second Temple, the highest religious authority was a council known as the Great Assembly, led by Ezra of the Book of Ezra. The Great Assembly was allegedly responsible for writing the last books of the Bible and sealing the canon. However, after the alleged First Jewish-Roman War (66–73 AD), the Romans allegedly destroyed the Second Temple. In all likelihood, the purported Jewish–Roman Wars as well as the Bar Kokhba Jewish Revolt (132-136 AD) never transpired in reality. They were only created in order to give the Jewish people a sense of history as well as the idea that they once fought valiantly against the Roman Empire for whom they now unwittingly serve. The very notion that the Roman Empire would allow the Jews to build Solomon's Temple (i.e., The First Temple) and The Second Temple which are almost identical to Greco-Roman temples with their famous arches and columns, is preposterous to say the least. In order for the Jews to fulfill their role as “God’s chosen people” and enforce Roman policy in the underworld, they truly have to believe in their hearts that they are in charge, hence the creation of their fraudulent history.

Aelie Capitolina

The city of Aelie Capitolina was allegedly built in Israel by the Roman Emperor Hadrian on the current site of Jerusalem. It was allegedly destroyed in 70 AD in the wake of the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–136. Aside from the fact that "Aelie" in acronymically translates to "lie", the city of Jerusalem is not adjacent to any river, sea or ocean, an unlikely candidate for a major metropolitan Roman city. According to a February 21, 2012 report by Haaretz, in a few more years, Aelia Capitolina could again be covered over by new buildings, a clear sign that there is absolutely no interest in excavating and finding the hypothetical former city. After all, if Jerusalem was completely excavated, the myth behind Aelie Capitolina and its fraudulent history would ultimately disappear, something the Greco-Roman Empire cannot afford to let happen. If there was in fact a Jewish capitol underneath the city of Jerusalem, excavators would surely find far more than just a large pottery-workers village that allegedly served as the city’s central clayware manufacturing plant.

Fake Persecution of the Jews

In “Embassy to Gaius”, Philo of Alexandria (i.e., Philo Judaeus), the man after which Judaism was named, claims to have been part of an embassy sent by the Jews to the Roman Emperor Caligula to ask that the rights of the Jews be secure. Philo asked Caligula, "Are you making war upon us, because you anticipate that we will not endure such indignity, but that we will fight on behalf of our laws, and die in defense of our national customs? For you cannot possibly have been ignorant of what was likely to result from your attempt to introduce these innovations respecting our temple." Since Jewish customs, laws and temples did exist at that time, these historical references were evidently created by Philo in order to give the Jews the desired identify they would need in order to effectively fulfill their role as the henchmen of the underworld. Philo goes into detail about the horrific plight of the Jews when he states that Flaccus "was destroying the synagogues” and that he "issued a notice in which he called us all foreigners and aliens... allowing any one who was inclined to proceed to exterminate the Jews as prisoners of war." Philo also states that the Roman mobs "drove the Jews entirely out of four quarters, and crammed them all into a very small portion of one ... while the populace, overrunning their desolate houses, turned to plunder, and divided the booty among themselves as if they had obtained it in war." In addition, Philo states that the enemies of the Jews "slew them and thousands of others with all kinds of agony and tortures, and newly invented cruelties, for wherever they met with or caught sight of a Jew, they stoned him, or beat him with sticks". Philo even states that, "the most merciless of all their persecutors in some instances burnt whole families, husbands with their wives, and infant children with their parents, in the middle of the city, sparing neither age nor youth, nor the innocent helplessness of infants." Some men, he says, were dragged to death, while "those who did these things, mimicked the sufferers, like people employed in the representation of theatrical farces". It appears that Philo’s accounts of the Jews in Alexandria was fabricated in order to give the Jews a fake history of persecution so that the Jewish race as a whole would always be paranoid and stick together, a genius strategy which has worked even until this very day.