Misc/Greenland Theory/12.05 Gadsden Flag

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12.05 Gadsden Flag

The Gadsden flag is touted as a purely American flag that was named after the American general Christopher Gadsden who allegedly designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution. The flag depicts a coiled rattlesnake that is ready to strike within a yellow field along with the words "Don’t tread on me". The term “Gadsden” (G+D+S+D+N), acronymically and/or consonantly equates to "Gods Den" or "Greenland of Denmark's Den". Consequently, the Gadsden Flag is symbolic of Greenland, the third and final den (home) of the Greco-Roman Empire. As evidenced, every detail of the flag has an ulterior meaning when deciphered in the context of Greenland.

Number (1)

The outline of Greenland depicts what appears to be a westward pointing tongue directly to the left of the number (1). This tongue is then replicated via the snake within the Gadsden flag (3) and via the bear within the coat of arms of Greenland (4), both of which are pointing towards the west.

Number (2)

A flattened silhouette of Greenland is depicted in the grass found below the snake within the Gadsden flag (3). Although the grass patch only mimics the general shape of Greenland, it has been construed in such a manner as to not be too obvious. In other words, had the outline been clear, it would surely have been noticed.

Number (3)

The Gadsden flag depicts a rattle snake coiled on a patch of grass along with the words "Don’t tread on me”, meaning that no one is allowed to set foot on Greenland. The snake is symbolic of the readiness of the Roman Empire in Greenland to strike anyone or anything which dares to travel to Greenland. The three coils of the snake represent the three dens or homes of the Roman Empire (i.e., the Island of Crete, the Island of Sicily, and the Island of Greenland), as well as the number "666" (i.e., the “Number of the Beast”) as depicted in the Holy Bible, the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Greco-Roman Empire. The “Absolute Value” of the number “666” equates to “18” whose digital root is “9”. In the Roman-English alphabet, the 18th letter is “R” while in Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) the 9th symbol is also “Γ” (i.e., the original letter “R”). Since the letter “R” is an acronym for “Rome”, it can be deduced that the number “666” equates to “Rome” which is alive and well in Greenland. Lastly, the snake's 13 chambered rattle is representative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which reside in Greenland.

Number (4)

The coat of arms of Greenland, which features a polar bear on a blue shield, was first introduced into the coat of arms of Denmark in 1666, an apparent tribute to the aforementioned “Number of the Beast”. The coat of arms clearly depicts the Bear of Greenland (i.e., the Beast of Greenland) with its tongue sticking out toward the west, a gesture clearly derived from the shape of Greenland as depicted in the outline of Greenland (1). Interestingly, the polar bear of Greenland is depicted along the Ram of Aires and what appears to be two men of Greco-Roman decent within the official royal coat of arms of Denmark, the country which legally owns Greenland (i.e., Greenland of Denmark). Needless to say, the weather in Denmark does not permit leaved loin cloth as attire. Therefore, it can be deducted that the summer attire is in respect to the Island of Greenland which is green and has an endless summer due to its unique location atop the Earth.