Misc/Greenland Theory/12.10 Greenland’s Drones

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12.10 Greenland’s Drones

Similar to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) of yesteryear, aerial drones now protect the Roman Empire in Greenland by flying sorties round the clock in Canada using advanced drone technology. According to a report entitled “New Era or False Dawn”, since 2007, there has been a plan to station at least 12 drones at Canadian Air Force bases in Comox, British Columbia, and Greenwood, Nova Scotia. In the June 3, 2009, report entitled “Militarization of the Arctic”, it was revealed that Canada’s Joint Unmanned Surveillance Target Acquisition System (JUSTAS) is planning future drone use in the Arctic, most likely using the “Heron TP, a 4,650-kilogram drone with the same wingspan as a Boeing 737” which can “can carry a 1,000-kilogram payload and stay aloft for 36 hours at an altitude of about 15,000 meters” for “long-range Arctic and maritime patrols”. Since Canadian drones are allegedly for surveillance use only, the 1,000-kilogram payload is highly suspect and suggests that the drones are indeed armed. Nevertheless, between 2009 and 2027, Canada will reportedly spend $490 billion dollars on Artic military defense, namely drones. If there is only ice and snow beyond the Arctic Circle as alleged, the incessant need to patrol the Canadian skies to the north does not make any militarial sense. In its long history, Russia has never showed any aggression towards Canada and therefor the rabid defense of the Arctic is unwarranted. In a May 30, 2012, report entitled “Ottawa Considers High-Altitude Drones for Arctic Surveillance”, it was revealed that “The remote-controlled [Global Hawk] is capable of staying airborne for up to 35 hours, traversing the entire country and providing near real-time video to a ground station”. Dane Marlot, Northrop Grumman's director of international business development, stated, "The Arctic is an issue for Canada. It's also an issue for the United States. Unless you know what's going on there, you can't take any action." Exactly what type of “action” Marlot is referring to is unknown, but the cold should hypothetically neutralize the threat of a potential full-scale invasion. In the June 7, 2012, report entitled “Drones Will Patrol Canada’s Arctic Regions”, it was revealed that Northrop Grumman and the Canadian aerospace defense company L3-MAS are developing a specific type of UAV (drone) for Canadian use only. The “Polar Hawk” is being designed to fly at high altitudes for long periods of time, and under freezing conditions. Duke Dufresne, vice president and general manager for Northrop Grumman’s unmanned systems business, stated in a press release that “Polar Hawk’s operational features are uniquely suited to augment Canada’s existing surveillance capabilities and extend its reach to patrol large geographical areas, keeping constant vigil over the nation’s vast Arctic region from coast-to-coast in a single mission”. The Canadian Polar Hawks can reportedly fly more than 13,000 miles and stay in the air for more than 33 hours—day or night, and under all weather conditions. The obvious question in respect to Canada’s Arctic drone program is, “Why?” The United States has attacked more counties in its brief existence than any other nation on Earth yet Canada’s southern border remains wide open. Combined with the highly suspicious North Warning System found in the U.S. and Canada, it appears that Canada’s drones have been put in place to keep Greenland, which lies just past the Arctic Circle, a secret.