Misc/Greenland Theory/12.11 Greenland Saga

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12.11 Greenland Saga

The “Grœnlendinga Saga” along with “Saga of Erik the Red” are the two main literary sources regarding the Viking exploration of North America and the colonization of Greenland. According to legend, Erik the Red sets sail with 30 ships to colonize Greenland, although only 14 reached their destination. One there, his fleet of ships sailed along the southern coast searching for a habitable area, eventually founding the colony Brattahlid in south-west Greenland. According to the modern historical accounts, Brattahlid was home to the “first church in the New World” and had some of the “very best farmland in Greenland”. These accounts are telling for it confirms that Greenland was in fact the original “New World”, and that Greenland is suitable for farming and not covered in ice. Once settled, Erik the Red and a woman named Thjodhild reportedly bore three children (i.e., Leif Ericson, Thorvald Eiriksson, and Freydís Eiríksdóttir). According to the “Eyrbyggja Saga”, Erik the Red stayed in Greenland for three winters, returning to Iceland to tell of his discoveries. However, he did return to settle permanently in the land he called “Greenland” because “men would be the more readily persuaded thither if the land had a good name”. The word “thither” is derived from the word “there” which was most likely coined in the context of “th-there!”, a word which was likely shouted in excitement as Erik the Red and his crew witnessed the stunning world of Greenland which is covered by an eerie glowing mist from Earth’s second moon. The word “Thither” is further defined as “being on the other and farther side” for Erik the Red had crossed over to the other side of the Earth which is likely why the word has since been dropped from the English vernacular. The obvious question in respect to Erik the Red and Greenland is that if the newly discovered land was so icy and cold as commonly thought, why did he insist on the name of Greenland? After all, with such as name, people would naturally want visit and relocate to Greenland.

Deciphering the Greenland Saga

The Greenland Saga is an allegorical metaphor for the Roman Empire’s discovery and eventual settlement of Greenland. The name “Erik (R+C/K) the Red (R+D)” acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Rock Red”. This is because Mt. Olympus (i.e., the North Pole) in Greenland is red for it is the most northern part of the Earth’s iron core. Conversely, Ayer’s Rock (i.e., the South Pole), the southernmost part of Earth’s iron core in Australia, is also red. Red is also the official color of the Rome and therefore the name of “Erik the Red” is symbolic of the Roman Empire’s conquest over the red rock of Greenland. The son of Erik the Red was Leif Ericson, a man who is credited with the exploration of “Vinland”, another name for Greenland due to its notable wines. The flag of Canada bears a leaf, an apparent tribute to Leif Ericson. The second son of Erik the Red was named Thorvald,. an apparent tribute to Thor, the Viking god of destruction. Erik the Red’s daughter Freydís is an apparent tribute to the goddess of fertility in Norse mythology and Viking paganism named Freyja (other names include Freya, Frejya, Freyia, Frøya, Frøjya, and Freia). Therefore, the name and likeness of Erik the Red and his offspring appear to be rooted in mythology rather than factual history.


“Markland” was the name given to North America when it was allegedly discovered by Leif Eriksson around AD 1000. According to legend, Markland was located south of Helluland and north of Vinland. The name of “Mark” (M+R+C/K) and “America” (M+R+C/K) are consonantly identical, giving further credence to the notion that both the Greco-Romans and the Vikings spoke English. Consequently, Christopher Columbus and his alleged discovery of the New World was an epic hoax which was used as political cover-up for Leif Eriksson’s alleged discovery of Markland (i.e., North America) some 492 years prior. However, since Eriksson also discovered Greenland, another historical narrative had to be created in order to dispel the notion that: a) one can travel to Greenland via ship, b) farming in Greenland is good, and c) one can live and thrive there. The pre-Columbus discovery of America is also documented in the history of Ancient Phoenicia, another alias of the Greco-Roman Empire.