Misc/Greenland Theory/12.16 North Warning System

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12.16 North Warning System

The North Warning System (NWS) is a joint military radar system employed by the United States and Canada that was allegedly created for the air defense of North America. It provides surveillance of airspace from potential incursions or attacks from ships and planes across North America's polar region, protecting Greenland to the north. The North Warning System Office (NWSO) is located in Ottawa, Ontario and staffed with both Canadian and American military and civilian personnel. Manned sites are operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. Logistical and maintenance support for the NWS is supplied by the Air Force Materiel Command of the United States Air Force, located at Ogden Air Logistics Center (OO-ALC), Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The North Warning System (NWS) replaced the Distant Early Warning Line system in the late 1980s. With the signing of “North American Air Defense Modernization Agreement” on March 18, 1985, at the "Shamrock Summit" in Quebec City, Quebec, the DEW Line officially began its transition into becoming the North Warning System (NWS). The NWS began operations in 1988 with the commissioning of the three newly constructed sites BAF-3 Brevoort Island, Nunavut, LAB-2 Saglek, and LAB-6 Cartwright both in Labrador, Canada. Throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, new NWS LRR radars replaced former DEW Line sites. The official activation of the NWS and inactivation of the DEW Line took place on July 15, 1993. The NWS consists of both long range AN/FPS-117 and short range AN/FPS-124 surveillance radars, operated and maintained by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The Alaska Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) at Elmendorf AFB in Alaska controls the stations in Alaska, while the Canada East and Canada West Regional Operations Control Centers (ROCCs) at CFB North Bay, Ontario control the stations in Canada. ROCC information is then passed to the NORAD Combat Operations Centre (COC) at Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Possible NWS Installations

Whether the underwater cables systems that crisscross the North Atlantic (e.g., CANTAT-3, FARICE-1, Greenland Connect, ODIN, SHEFA-2, etc.) are part of the North Warning System (NWS) is not known, but it’s highly likely. Collectively, these underwater cable systems create an electronic web that encircles Greenland, likely alerting the North Warning System whenever a ship or planes crosses its respective sensors. Should Canadian citizens or tourists attempt to travel north to Greenland via Hudson Bay, they will have to pass Sentry Island, one of several Canadian arctic islands in Nunavut, Canada. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that Sentry Island is equipped with sentry guns that automatically aim and fire at targets when triggered by high-tech state of the art sensors. In all likelihood, the island was given its respective name due to the numerous sentry guns it employs. Sentry gun-like technology is coincidentally also deployed in close-in weapon systems that are used in detecting and destroying wayward aircraft which have activated the North Warning System (NWS) in Canada. Lastly, Frigg Gas Field, which is purported to be a natural gas field in the North Sea between the United Kingdom and Norway, also appears to be part of the North Warning System. The alleged gas field is named after Frigg, a warrior goddess and priestess in Norse mythology. Consequently, it appears that the Frigg Gas Field is the warrior aspect of the Norse Warning System, likely housing multiple batteries of anti-aircraft missiles. In the event European-based ships or planes stray northward towards Greenland, they are subsequently targeted and destroyed by the missiles housed on the oil rigs within the Frigg Gas Field.


The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a joint military venture between the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for the continent of North America in order to protect Greenland to the north. Any ship or plane heading towards Greenland is immediately identified, contacted, and told to land or alter its course. If and when said ship or plane is unresponsive or does not comply with NORAD’s respective demands, it is immediately targeted and destroyed. Headquarters for NORAD and the NORAD/USNORTHCOM (United States Northern Command) center are located at Peterson Air Force Base in El Paso County, near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The nearby Cheyenne Mountain nuclear bunker has the Alternative Command Center. The Alaska NORAD Region (ANR) maintains 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week capability to detect, validate and warn of any atmospheric threat in its area of operations from its Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. ANR also maintains the readiness to conduct a continuum of aerospace control missions, which include daily air sovereignty in peacetime, contingency and/or deterrence in time of tension, and active air defense against manned and unmanned air-breathing atmospheric vehicles in times of crisis. ANR is supported by both active duty and reserve units. Active duty forces are provided by Eleventh Air Force and the Canadian Forces, and reserve forces provided by the Alaska Air National Guard. Both 11 AF and the CF provide active duty personnel to the ROCC to maintain continuous surveillance of Alaskan airspace. Lastly, the logo of NORAD depicts two wings which are protecting the upper part of Earth where Greenland is located. It also includes an erect sword which is symbolic of NORAD’s mission to cut down all would be threats to Greenland. Lastly, the logo also depicts two lightning bolts which form the letters “ZS”, a tribute to the Greco-Roman gods of Isis and Zeus.

Canadian NORAD Region / 1 Canadian Air Division

The headquarters of the 1 Canadian Air Division (i.e., the Canadian NORAD Region) are located at CFB Winnipeg in Manitoba. It is responsible for providing surveillance and control of Canadian airspace in order to protect Greenland to the north. The Royal Canadian Air Force provides alert assets to NORAD. In cooperation with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the United States drug law enforcement agencies, the Canadian NORAD Region monitors all air traffic approaching the coast of Canada. Any aircraft that has not filed a flight plan will be directed to land and be inspected by RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency. CANR is divided into two sectors, which are designated as the Canada East Sector and Canada West Sector. Both Sector Operations Control Centers (SOCCs) are co-located at CFB North Bay Ontario. The routine operation of the SOCCs includes reporting track data, sensor status and aircraft alert status to NORAD headquarters. Canadian air defense forces assigned to NORAD include 1416th Tactical excluded Fighter Squadrons at CFB Cold Lake, Alberta and Saskatchewan and 425 Tactical Fighter Squadrons at CFB Bagotville, Quebec. All squadrons fly the McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet fighter aircraft. Lastly, the logo of the Canadian NORAD Region also depicts two wings which are protecting the upper part of Earth where Greenland is located. It also includes an erect sword which is symbolic of the Canadian NORAD Region’s mission to cut down all would be threats to Greenland. Lastly, the logo also depicts two lightning bolts which form the letters “ZS”, a tribute to the Greco-Roman gods of Isis and Zeus.

Norwegian NORAD

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that evidently works in tandem with the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in the United States, as well as the Canadian NORAD Region. It is highly likely that all three respective “NORADs” are tasked with executing a specific duty so that Greenland remains safe and secure from rouge and wayward ships and planes. Canada, Norway and the United States evidently play a specific role (e.g., “Detect”, “Identify”, “Neutralize”) in a highly compartmentalized system in which neither country is fully aware of what the other is doing. This allows the true mission of NORAD to remain a secret. Agencies under the umbrella of NORAD in Norway include but are not limited to: the Department for Environment and Private Sector Development; the Department for Quality Assurance; the Department of Energy; the Department of Evaluation; the Department of Governance and Macroeconomics; the Department of Human Resources and Administration; the Department of Rights, Agents of Change and Civil Society; the Department of Social Development and Service Delivery; and the Information Department. Lastly, the logo of the Norwegian NORAD depicts a tree (i.e., the Tree of Life) growing out of the top of the Earth in Greenland. If it was always cold and icy in Greenland as purported, no tree of life could grow there. Based on the logo alone, it can be deduced that NORAD of Norway is ultimately responsible for allowing the Greco-Roman Empire to flourish in Greenland unabated.

Distant Early Warning Line

The Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line) is a triple-tiered (i.e., Pinetree Line, Mid-Canada Line, and the DEW) Line) defensive military system which was instituted during the Cold War in the Arctic. In short, the DEW Line consisted of a string of continental defense radar installations, stretching from Alaska to Greenland. In addition to the secondary Mid-Canada Line and the tertiary Pinetree Line, the DEW Line marked the edge of an electronic grid controlled by the new SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) computer system that was located on Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, the command hub of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

Construction of DEW Line

The construction of the DEW Line was made possible by a bilateral agreement between the United States and Canadian governments, and by a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Defense and the Bell System corporation. The DEW Line allegedly grew out of a 1952 study by scientists at the Summer Study Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The study was in respect to the vulnerability of the U.S. and Canada to aerial bombing attacks emanating from Russia and elsewhere. It ultimately concluded that a distant early warning line of search radar stations be built across the Arctic border of the North American continent as soon as possible. Improvements in Soviet technology rendered the Pinetree Line and Mid-Canada Line inadequate to provide enough early warning and on February 15, 1954, the United States and Canadian governments agreed to jointly build a third line of radar stations (Distant Early Warning), this time running across the high Arctic. The line would run roughly along the 69th parallel north, about 200 miles or 300 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. The new line consisted of 63 stations stretching from Alaska to Baffin Island, covering nearly 6,213 miles (10,000 km). A target date for the completion and operation of the DEW Line was set for July 31, 1957.

Task Force ODIN

Task Force ODIN is a United States Army aviation battalion whose name is an acronym for “Observe”, “Detect”, “Identify”, and “Neutralize”. In short, it appears that Task Force ODIN is the teeth of the North Warning System (NWS). If and when ships and planes stray northward toward Greenland, the NWS immediately notifies the drones of Task Force ODIN and the ship or plane is subsequently targeted, attacked and ultimately destroyed. Consequently, task Force ODIN’s mission is to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA). A possible example of this targeting was witnessed when Pan Am Flight 103, a flight from Heathrow to New York City that curiously traveled northward over Scotland, was bombed out of the sky. Considering that a drone is depicted in the logo of Task Force ODIN, and it’s the only U.S. Army unit that flies the MQ-1B Warrior-Alpha (UAV), the drones can attack stealthily with no pilots ever witnessing the attack. Like the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, the planes demise will be blamed on terrorists, despite the fact that it was attacked by an unmanned drone. Interestingly, the drones of Task Force ODIN are built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. They are extended-range multi-purpose hybrid UAVs with advanced sensor package incorporating electro-optical sensors, including FLIR, and synthetic aperture radar together with a laser rangefinder and a laser designator, precisely for "painting" targets for strikes with Hellfire missiles and/or laser-guided bombs. In other words, Task Force ODIN drones have latest technology and equipment to keep any ship or plane from ever reaching Greenland.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), commonly known as “The Mounties”, provide policing services to all of Canada. The RCMP was formed in 1920 by the merger between the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and the Dominion Police. The Mounties were in essence the first North Warning System (NWS) prior to the invention of electronic surveillance, deterring travel northward towards Greenland. Consequently, the RCMP is the only national, federal, provincial and municipal police body in the world, maintaining autonomous authority throughout all of Canada. Once the Native Canadian Indians were exterminated, the aforementioned police forces were created as the first line of defense for any citizen, native, tourist or traveler attempting to travel north towards Greenland. The Mounties gained their name and reputation due to their horses and their quick trigger fingers. Like the soldiers of ancient Rome, the Mounties were crimson red uniforms. The national anthem of Canada states, “The True North strong and free!...O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” The words are prophetic because the Canadian government stands on guard for Greenland. As evidenced by the Mountie's motto of "Maintain the Right" (see photo), Canada is responsible for maintaining the right flank of Greenland from potential invaders.