Misc/Greenland Theory/12.17 ODIN Cable System

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12.17 ODIN Cable System

ODIN is a mysterious underwater cable system which connects the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Although only conjecture, it’s likely that ODIN is a telecommunications system which has been installed in the North Atlantic as part of the North Warning System which is designed to protect Greenland from rouge and wayward ships and planes. Since thousands of ships and planes travel over ODIN’s underwater system on a daily basis, the cable system likely tracks their respective whereabouts. ODIN is named after the Norse god of Odin, which is symbolic of the third and final den (home) of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland.

Admitted ODIN Landing Points:

  1. Alkmaar, Netherlands
  2. Måde, Denmark
  3. Blåbjerg, Denmark
  4. Kristiansand, Norway
  5. Lysekil, Sweden

Task Force ODIN

Whether the ODIN underwater cable system is working in tandem with Task Force ODIN, a United States Army aviation battalion whose name is an acronym for “Observe”, “Detect”, “Identify”, and “Neutralize”, is unknown, but it’s highly likely. Task Force ODIN’s mission is to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA). Consequently, in the event that a ship or plane starts to head towards Greenland, they subsequently targeted and destroyed. A possible example this targeting of commercial ships and planes was witnessed with Pan Am Flight 103, a flight from Heathrow to New York City that curiously traveled northward over Scotland before being bombed out of the sky. Considering that a drone is depicted in the logo of Task Force ODIN, and it’s the only U.S. Army unit that flies the MQ-1B Warrior-Alpha (UAV) drone, the drones can attack stealthily with no pilots to witness the attacks. Like the Pan Am Flight 103 attack, the plane’s demise will be blamed on terrorists, despite being attacked by an unmanned drone. Interestingly, the drones of Task Force ODIN are built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. They are extended-range multi-purpose hybrid UAVs with advanced sensor package incorporating electro-optical sensors, including FLIR, and synthetic aperture radar together with a laser rangefinder and a laser designator, precisely for "painting" targets for strikes with Hellfire missiles and laser-guided bombs. In other words, everything the drones of Task Force ODIN have all the technology and equipment to keep any ship or plane from ever reaching Greenland.

Odin Supreme Reference Interconnect

In what appears to be a PSYOP (i.e., psychological operation) designed to provide political cover for the ODIN underwater cable system, a retail cable system by the same name of “Odin” was created. Double names are often created in order to muddy the waters in respect to entities and information which should remain relatively secret. According to the Nordost Corporations website, "The Odin Supreme Reference Interconnect uses eight of our revolutionary Total Signal Control (TSC) tubes - each carrying a 23 AWG Dual Mono-Filament conductor with 85 microns of extruded silver over 99.99999% oxygen free copper. The eight conductors are precisely wound in a spiral pattern around a central spacer, which contains two extruded silver over OFC drain wires to create a cable of unprecedented consistency and geometrical precision, perfect shielding yet manageable flexibility. The ODIN Interconnect cables are offered with a special oversize 10 mm WBT NEXTGEN silver-plated copper RCA connector or, for balanced operation, a specially machined silver-plated Furutech XLR connector. These connectors offer a low-mass design that reduces eddy currents and produces the best available interface and impedance matching between the cable and the attached components”.


CANTAT-3 was the third Canadian transatlantic telecommunications cable, in operation from 1994 to 2010, initially carrying 3 x 2.5 Gbit/s between Canada and Europe. It branches to both Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Whether CANTAT-3 works in tandem with the ODIN underwater cable system is not known, but it’s highly likely. Both entities are likely part of the North Warning System which was created in order to protect Greenland from rouge and wayward ships and planes. Back on December 17, 2006, CANTAT-3 services were disrupted due to damage to the submarine cable, resulting in loss of service to hundreds of thousands of users connecting via internet and media providers. Although the cause of the damage remains unknown, it’s highly likely that the disruption in service was somehow related to a breach of the North Warning System. Given that CANTAT-3 suffered multiple interruptions, the alternative cables FARICE-1, DANICE and Greenland Connect were established and/or expanded to allegedly ensure cabled telecommunication connectivity in Iceland. The most notable effect of the event was a temporary shut-down of data-communications by Iceland's universities and hospitals which rely exclusively on CANTAT-3's services. Although it was predicted that a full recovery of the cable would take ten days, starting from midnight on January 13, 2007, it actually took until July 29, 2007 before it was fully restored. During that time, the Icelandic universities and hospitals in Akureyri and Reykjavík relied on emergency connectivity obtained via local internet providers Síminn and Vodafone. The Icelandic government decided not to buy extra bandwidth for the university network through the functioning FARICE-1 cable, despite being a large shareholder in FARICE-1. CANTAT-3 was the only NL-16 laser regenerative 2.5 Gig/s submarine system built in the world. Part of this huge system was built at STC Submarine Networks, Portland, Oregon from 1993-1994. STC Submarine Networks in Southampton, U.K. made the rest of the system. The Canadian portion (shore end system) was laid off Nova Scotia by the Teleglobe cable ship CS John Cabot. The main-lay portion was deployed off Nova Scotia towards the Faroes on board the AT&T ship Global Mariner. Other cable ships were involved in the completion of this system. This was the northern most cable system ever deployed at the time. CANTAT-3 was operated by India's Teleglobe, a laughable notion considering it connects Canada and Europe. Evidently, it’s true purpose is less likely to be discovered by Indians.

Admitted CANTAT-3 Landing Points:

  1. Pennant Point, Nova Scotia Canada
  2. Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland
  3. Tjørnuvík, Faroe Islands
  4. Redcar, England, UK
  5. Blaabjerg, Denmark
  6. Sylt, Germany


The DANICE is a submarine communications cable system that transits 1398 miles (2250 km) of the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea in order to connect Iceland and Denmark. Whether DANICE works in tandem with the ODIN underwater cable system is not known, but it’s highly likely. Both entities are likely part of the North Warning System which was created in order to protect Greenland from rouge and wayward ships and planes. It consists of four fiber pairs, capable of carrying in total up to 24,8 Tbit/s of data using 100Gbit/s coherent wavelength technology available in 2013. DANICE, which became operational in November of 2009, has had no submarine faults. The name “DANICE” (D+N+C/K) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Den Nuuk”, an apparent reference to Nuuk, Greenland where the system is ultimately controlled. Nuuk is named after the Greco-Romans gods of Enki and Nike.

Admitted DANICE Landing Points:

  1. Landeyjarsandur, Iceland
  2. Blaabjerg, Denmark

Greenland Connect

Greenland Connect is a submarine communications cable system that connects Canada, Greenland, and Iceland. The cable, which is owned by TELE Greenland, was operational as of March 23, 2009. Whether Greenland Connect works in tandem with the ODIN underwater cable system is not known, but it’s highly likely. Both entities are likely part of the North Warning System which was created in order to protect Greenland from rouge and wayward ships and planes. Greenland Connect contains two fiber pairs specified for 128*10 Gbit/s wavelength each. Initial lit capacity is 1*10 Gbit/s for each fiber pair. Two additional 10 Gbit/s Wavelength were scheduled for installation in 2010. The cable is reportedly collocated with the "DANICE" cable in Iceland and the "Persona/Trans Gulf" cable in Newfoundland. Together these cables interconnect the networks of major carriers in Europe and North America. According to reports, the installation of Greenland Connect instantly reduced pingtimes by approximately 500 ms. in Nuuk, the alleged capital of Greenland.

Admitted Greenland Connect Landing Points:

  1. Milton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
  2. Nuuk, Greenland
  3. Qaqortoq, Greenland
  4. Landeyjarsandur, South Iceland


SHEFA-2 is an undersea communication cable linking the Faroe Islands to mainland Scotland via the Northern Isles (Shetland and Orkney) It is named after the route on which it is being deployed (SHEtland-FAroes) and succeeds an earlier cable called SHEFA-1 on the same route. Whether SHEFA-2 works in tandem with the ODIN underwater cable system is not known, but it’s highly likely. Both entities are likely part of the North Warning System which was created in order to protect Greenland from rouge and wayward ships and planes. Interestingly, in the spring of 2013, the SHEFA-2 cable was cut at the south of Orkney. This reportedly led to major broadband disruptions throughout Shetland. Internet traffic was subsequently redirected onto the older and slower microwave links and the FARICE-1 cable. In the summer of 2013, the SHEFA-2 cable was cut for the second time where it crosses the Moray Firth on the north-east coast of Scotland, causing more disruption to Internet connections. Although fishing vessels are to blame for both cable breaks, it’s highly likely that the “cuts” were somehow related to breaches of the North Warning System. SHEFA-1 was deployed from 1971 to 1994, when CANTAT-3 (the fibre-optic submarine cable between Canada and Europe, with branches to both Iceland and the Faroe Islands), was established. It was a coaxial cable with 120 channels, carrying 120 telephone conversations at a time. SHEFA-2 runs from Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands to Maywick in Shetland, then from Sandwick in Shetland onwards to Ayre of Cara in Orkney, and from Manse Bay in Orkney to Banff in Aberdeenshire, on mainland Scotland. SHEFA-2 is a fibre-optic submarine cable and the capacity with today’s technology is 57x10 gigabits per second. The total length of the cable is around 1000 km. SHEFA-2 includes the world’s longest purely passive optical fibre cable link (390 km), entirely without amplifiers. With no submarine repeaters and no power feeds, repair and maintenance of the submarine cable is minimized. At the same time, the solution is future proof, as the end-point technology is the only item in need of change to increase the capacity.


FARICE-1 is a submarine communications cable connecting Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Scotland. The cable has been in use since January 2004 without a fault and is allegedly 100% owned by Icelandic shareholders. The cable had an initial design capacity of 720 Gbit/s and is a two fibre pair design. The cable structure and repeaters were made by Pirelli and the terminal equipment was supplied by TYCO. In the year 2013 the terminal equipment was upgraded by Ciena (100Gbit/s technology) bringing the total capacity of the submarine cable to 8 Tbit/s. The cable has service access points in Reykjavik and Keflavik Airport as well as in London Telehouse East. Admitted FARICE-1 Landing Points:

  1. Seyðisfjörður, Iceland to Reykjavík
  2. Seyðisfjörður, Iceland to KEF Airport
  3. Funningsfjørður, Faroe Islandsm to Tórshavn
  4. Dunnet Bay, Caithness, Highland, Scotland
  5. Telehouse Europe (London, England)