Misc/Greenland Theory/13.01 Cardinal Directions

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13.01 Cardinal Directions

The four Cardinal directions are the directions of north, east, south, and west. They are commonly denoted by their initials of “N”, “E”, “S” and “W”. Intermediate points between the four cardinal directions form the points of the compass, including the intercardinal directions of northeast (NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW). It is imperative to note that modern compass does not account for the directions of "up" and "down", two vital directions when navigating the Earth’s disc-like shape. The lack of a 6-pointed compass was evidently designed to confuse the masses in respect to the true shape of Earth. Needless to say, only 4 directions are needed when employing the accepted basketball-shaped model of Earth. The term “Cardinal” is used in respect to directions because it was derived from the two words “Care Denial”, a ritual used for centuries by the Imperial Cult of Rome when executing blood sacrifices in the underworld. Consequently, the four Cardinal directions have sadistic connotations, both literally and figuratively speaking. The Cardinal directions are deciphered as follows: North: The term “North” (N/X+R+T) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “North Rite”. A rite is a blood sacrifice, millions of which have taken place in the underworld in order to keep the Roman Empire in Greenland a secret; East: The term “East” (S+T) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “St.”, an abbreviation for “Saint”; South: The term “South” (S+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “St. Forever” or “Saint Forever”; and West: The term “West” (V/W+S+T) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Victoria Saint”, an apparent reference to Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory. The term “Saint” (S+N/X+T) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Six Time”, a reference to the number “6” (and “9”) which is commonly used in some form or fashion in terror attacks and wars (e.g., Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945). The number “6” is most commonly depicted by the Fleur-de-lis symbol which is found throughout the underworld, especially in respect to former massacres and wars. In short, the term “Saint” equates to “Sacrifice Time”. Consequently, 3 out of the 4 Cardinal directions directly invoke it. Because the underworld is south from every location in Greenland, it is also referred to by the consonants of “SD” which acronymically equate to “System Day” or “System Die”. The letters “SD” are depicted, albeit in a disguised manner, within the flag of the Roman Empire, as well as in the names for “south” in the languages of French (“da sud”), German (“süden”), and Dutch (“zuiden”). Consequently, Roman-English words such as “sad”, “sadist”, “sadistic” and “sadomasochist” are used to describe the pain and anguish of the underworld.