Misc/Greenland Theory/13.02 Continental Drift

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13.02 Continental Drift

Continental Drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to the poles as they drift across the face of Earth. Although Continental Drift does indeed occur, it is a sociological phenomenon as well as a geological one. Since the world has been under the fascist rule of the Roman Empire, sea travel and travel in general has dwindled to an all-time low, mainly due to economic factors and travel-related terrorism (e.g., Sinking of the Titanic, Hindenburg Disaster, 9/11 Attacks, etc.), Consequently, continents such as Africa and Australia have drifted apart in the mind of man, despite being virtually right next to each other. It’s no accident that the term “ocean” (C/K+N/X) consonantly equates to “con” as in “conman” for they are a scientific hoax in that they are not nearly as large as they appears on the map. This is hoax is possible because a majority of travel is done by plane, and seafaring vessels such as cruise ships, tankers and the respective navies of the world are solely reliant on GPS to guide them to their destination. Also, sailors have become reliant on their instruments rather than their instinctual seafaring skills. Lastly, the current map of the world depicts a majority of the continents surrounding the Atlantic while the Oceanic and Pacific side of the Earth is relatively continent free. Needless to say, this is phenomenon is highly improbable as nature is always balanced—always.

Earth’s Iron Core

Although Continental Drift has affected the location of the continents over time, the iron core of Earth has always remained at the center. Due to Earth’s disc-like shape, it has a V-shaped iron core, the top of which is Greenland (2) and the bottom of which is Ayers Rock (1) in Australia. Although geologists state that Ayers Rock is dominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose which is white and grey in color, Ayers Rock is unmistakably rust-colored which confirms that it is indeed iron based. This notion was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (2002) which found that when relatively fresh, Ayers Rock has a grey color. However, due to weathering of the iron-bearing minerals via the process of oxidation, the outer surface layer of Ayers Rock exhibits a red-brown rusty color. Translation: Although Ayers Rock is not iron it oxidizes due to the iron-bearing minerals found within it. Needless to say, minerals cannot oxide if they are not iron. If Ayers Rock was not solid iron, the non-iron parts of the rock would clearly be evident as they would lack the rusty-like color due to lack of oxidation. This is not the case as the entire rock exhibits a uniform rust color indicative of iron. Despite differing greatly in size, Greenland and Ayers Rock exhibit the same general shape. Aside from confirming that the two are opposite ends of the same pole, it can be deduced that if Ayers Rock is iron, Greenland is as well.

Evidence of Continental Drift

Because the Earth is shaped like a disc, the continent of Greenland and parts of northern Canada and Russia are currently located at the top while continent of Australia is currently located at the bottom. Consequently, the landmass known as Antarctica does not and never has existed. Between Greenland and Australia lies the pole of the Earth, also known as its iron core. The notion of a North Pole originated from Mt. Olympus which is located at the top of the Earth in Greenland. Conversely, the South Pole is known as Ayers Rock which is found “Down Under” in Australia. Due to Continental Drift, the continents of the planet have moved over time, including the land which once surrounded the North Pole in Greenland and the South Pole in Australia. Evidence of continental drift from the North Pole (i.e., Mt. Olympus) in Greenland is found in respect to Hudson Bay which is roughly 1,370 kilometers (851.28 miles) by 1,050 km (652.44 miles), covering a total area of approximately 1.2 million square kilometers (470,000 square miles). Therefore, it can be deduced that Mt. Olympus (i.e., the North Pole) is slightly smaller than Hudson Bay which was at one point surrounding the North Pole prior to drifting southward. A secondary sign of continental drift in respect to the North Pole is the Gulf of Mexico which is roughly 1,500 kilometers (810 miles) wide and covers approximately 1.6 million square kilometers (615,000 square miles). Slightly larger than Hudson Bay, the Gulf of Mexico also surrounded the North Pole prior to drifting southward, likely millions of year prior to Hudson Bay. The same phenomenon is found in respect to Ayers Rock in Australia which is 9.4 kilometers in circumference (5.8 miles) and 348 meters (1,142 feet) high, rising 863 meters (2,831 feet) above sea level. Evidence of continental drift from the so-called South Pole (i.e., Ayers Rock) is found in respect to Lake Victoria in Africa which is roughly 337 kilometers (209 miles) by 250 kilometers (160 miles) and covers approximately 68,800 square kilometers (26,600 square miles). Far larger than Ayers Rock, Lake Victoria exhibits the same arrow-like shape of Ayers Rock and Greenland which suggests that at one point it surrounded the South Pole prior to drifting northward.

Continents Very Close

As evidenced by the NASA graphic from the Minotaur V rocket launch on September 7, 2013, which carried the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) into orbit, the continents of South America and Africa are far closer than depicted in modern maps. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that the Caribbean Islands, Ascension Island, and the Canary Islands are all part of the same Atlantic island chain.