Misc/Greenland Theory/13.05 Disc Shape of Earth

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13.05 Disc Shape of Earth

Unbeknownst to most of humanity, the Earth is shaped like a disc, rather flat on the top with a convex lens-like bulge at the bottom. In other words, Earth resembles a typical alien spacecraft which looks like a discus, hence the term “discovery”. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that the Greco-Roman philosopher Plato first discovered Earth’s disc or plate-like shape. In short, atop the Earth is Mt. Olympus (i.e., the North Pole) in Greenland, the northernmost point of Earth’s iron core, while Ayers Rock (i.e., the South Pole) is found “Down Under” in Australia, the southernmost point of Earth’s iron core. In geography, this phenomenon is known as antipodes, any place on Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points which are “antipodal” to each other are connected by a straight line running through the center of the Earth, a term likely derived from Earth’s magnetized iron core which draws compasses towards the north. The notion that the Earth is a relatively flat disc-shaped object was also held by the aboriginal cultures of the Americas who believed that the flat Earth was domed by the firmament (i.e., the clouds of Earth’s second moon). The Sumerian sky-god An ruled the "heavens" which were separated from the flat disc of the earth below, inferring that there are indeed two sides to the Earth. Consequently, the Sumerians, which are an alias of the Greco-Romans, also believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a dome.

Oblate Spheroid

According to scientists from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the true shape of the Earth approximates an oblate spheroid—a sphere flattened along the axis from pole to pole with a bulge around the equator. This particular notion was central to the Greeks and Stoics who adopted a model of celestial spheres after the discovery of the spherical Earth in the 4th to 3rd centuries BC. The myth that the Earth is a basketball-like shape was only adopted during the Middle Ages. To what degree the Earth is an oblate spheroid is not currently known, but it likely mimics the discus-like shape of Earth found in Greco-Roman art.

Discus of Earth

The disc-like spherical Earth was likely the single most important issue to the Greco-Roman Empire who were hell bent on world domination, a feat they unfortunately achieved. Consequently, the disc-like shape of Earth is found throughout in their respective art and culture. The classical Greek sculptor Polyclitus created Discophoros, a marble statue featuring a male holding a disc. Diskobolus by Myron is another famous Greek sculpture which also depicts a Greco-Roman male holding a disc. Although these two statues claim to depict a discus thrower, their respective poses are likely symbolic of the Greco-Roman Empire’s control over the Earth. That being said, the discus throw was a Greco-Roman sport which was one of the events of the Greek pentathlon. The discus throw was likely a sporting tribute designed to celebrate the discovery of Earth’s true shape. A discus is also depicted on the Discobolus Motif as well as the Discobolus Kleomelos Louvre, both of which feature a male holding an oversized disc in a non-sportsman-like manner. Due to its importance in Greco-Roman culture, there are at least 60 Roman-English terms (e.g., discern, disciples, disclose, discourage, discovery, discussion, dusk, etc.) relating to conversation, exploration, thinking and science that contain the term “disc”. Other Roman-English terms such as “desk” and “dusk” were likely also derived from “disc”.

Greenland Pi

Although only conjecture, it appears that the ratio of the Earth's circumference to its diameter (iron core) is approximately equal to 3.14 (Pi). In other words, the Earth is roughly three times as wide as it is deep, keeping in line with the oblate spheroid theory. Coincidentally, the “π” symbol (i.e., the pi symbol) is used in mathematics to calculate the area of a disc. The Greek “Phi” symbol (i.e., “Φ”), which is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet, is coincidentally found on the flag of Greenland. The “π” symbol is also found in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) but does not exist in the English alphabet. However, the “π” symbol is represented in the English alphabet by the letter "P" and is still used as a symbol in mathematics. Mathematically speaking, the “π” symbol has a numeric value of “8” in the Roman Score while the letter “P” has a numeric value of “16” in the English alphabet. The “π” symbol, which equates to the number 3.14159—repeating to infinity, is an acronym for “infinity” as the “π” fraction goes on forever. Consequently, the aforementioned symbols of Pi or Phi (i.e., “π”, “Φ” and “P”) are acronyms for Greenland, home of the Roman Empire.

Earth’s Iron Core

Although Continental Drift has affected the location of the continents over time, the iron core of Earth has always remained at the center. Due to Earth’s disc-like shape, it has a V-shaped iron core, the top of which is Greenland (2) and the bottom of which is Ayers Rock (1) in Australia. Although geologists state that Ayers Rock is dominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose which is white and grey in color, Ayers Rock is unmistakably rust-colored which confirms that it is indeed iron based. This notion was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (2002) which found that when relatively fresh, Ayers Rock has a grey color. However, due to weathering of the iron-bearing minerals via the process of oxidation, the outer surface layer of Ayers Rock exhibits a red-brown rusty color. Translation: Although Ayers Rock is not iron it oxidizes due to the iron-bearing minerals found within it. Needless to say, minerals cannot oxide if they are not iron. If Ayers Rock was not solid iron, the non-iron parts of the rock would clearly be evident as they would lack the rusty-like color due to lack of oxidation. This is not the case as the entire rock exhibits a uniform rust color indicative of iron. Despite differing greatly in size, Greenland and Ayers Rock exhibit the same general shape. Aside from confirming that the two are opposite ends of the same pole, it can be deduced that if Ayers Rock is iron, Greenland is as well.