Misc/Greenland Theory/13.09 The North Pole

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13.09 The North Pole

The North Pole, which is allegedly located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean amid waters that are almost permanently covered with shifting sea ice, does not and has never existed in reality. There was also never an “ice age” which is now the subject of numerous propaganda films such as "Ice Age" (2002), “Ice Age: The Meltdown” (2006), “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” (2009), “Ice Age: Continental Drift” (2012) and “Ice Age 5” (2016). However, to the north atop the Earth is Mt. Olympus (i.e., the North Pole) in Greenland, the northernmost point of Earth’s iron core, while Ayers Rock (i.e., the South Pole) is found “Down Under” in Australia, the southernmost point of Earth’s iron core. In geography this phenomenon is known as antipodes, any place on Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points which are “antipodal” to each other are connected by a straight line running through the center of the Earth, a term likely derived from Earth’s magnetized iron core. Consequently, the Celestial Poles, which appear directly overhead the Earth's North Pole and South Pole respectively, are located in Greenland to the north and Australia to the south. Lastly, “The North Face” is a popular mountain climbing and outdoor sporting goods company whose motto is “Never stop exploring”. The word “Face” (F/P+C/K) is the consonant equivalent of “Fake” (F/P+C/K) and therefore the brand is appropriately entitled “The North Fake” because the entire concept of the north being the face of the Earth is a hoax.

Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle does exist except that it is in actuality the Earth’s Equator, the halfway point between Greenland to the north and Australia to the south. According to scientists from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the true shape of the Earth approximates an oblate spheroid—a sphere flattened along the axis from pole to pole with a bulge around the Equator. It is here, at the bulge of the Earth (i.e., the Arctic Circle), that the atmosphere of the Earth is the thinnest, producing freezing temperatures nearly year-round due to the lack of sunlight induced by Earth’s wobble. Due to disc-like shape of Earth, beyond the Arctic lies the Northern Hemisphere, consisting of Greenland and northern parts of Canada and Russia. The outer most edges of the Earth (i.e., the rim) are depicted in the Equilateral arch found within Roman Catholic Churches worldwide. The architectural tribute was evidently named and shaped after Earth’s true Equator.

Mt. Olympus

The original Mount Olympus was the highest mountain in Greece, However, in Greek mythology Olympus was regarded as the "home" of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world. It formed itself after the gods defeated the Titans in the Titan War, and soon the palace was inhabited by the gods. In the words of Homer, “Olympus was not shaken by winds nor ever wet with rain, nor did snow fall upon it, but the air is outspread clear and cloudless, and over it hovered a radiant whiteness.” The Olympus depicted is Greenland, the highlands which sit above the clouds, an endless summer with no snow.

Mt. Zion

The Mount Zion depicted in the Bible is a hill in Jerusalem just outside the walls of the Old City. According to the Book of Samuel, Mount Zion was the site of the Jebusite fortress called the "stronghold of Zion" that was conquered by King David, becoming his palace and the City of David. Sometime after the construction of King Solomon's Temple, Mount Zion referred to the Temple Mount. The word “Zion” (Z+N/X) means “Two X” or “Two Kills” and is likely where the word “Six” or “Zix” originated.

Earth’s Iron Core

Although Continental Drift has affected the location of the continents over time, the iron core of Earth has always remained at the center. Due to Earth’s disc-like shape, it has a V-shaped iron core, the top of which is Greenland (2) and the bottom of which is Ayers Rock (1) in Australia. Although geologists state that Ayers Rock is dominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose which is white and grey in color, Ayers Rock is unmistakably rust-colored which confirms that it is indeed iron based. This notion was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (2002) which found that when relatively fresh, Ayers Rock has a grey color. However, due to weathering of the iron-bearing minerals via the process of oxidation, the outer surface layer of Ayers Rock exhibits a red-brown rusty color. Translation: Although Ayers Rock is not iron it oxidizes due to the iron-bearing minerals found within it. Needless to say, minerals cannot oxide if they are not iron. If Ayers Rock was not solid iron, the non-iron parts of the rock would clearly be evident as they would lack the rusty-like color due to lack of oxidation. This is not the case as the entire rock exhibits a uniform rust color indicative of iron. Despite differing greatly in size, Greenland and Ayers Rock exhibit the same general shape. Aside from confirming that the two are opposite ends of the same pole, it can be deduced that if Ayers Rock is iron, Greenland is as well.