Misc/Greenland Theory/14.07 Davy Jones' Locker

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14.07 Davy Jones' Locker

Davy Jones' Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea. In essence, it is the “state of death” experienced by drowned sailors and shipwrecks. Consequently, it is used as a euphemism for drowning and where sailors and ships are consigned to the “bottom of the sea” (i.e., Davy Jones' Locker). Although the origins of the term “Davy Jones” (i.e., the sailor's Devil) are unclear, a 19th-century dictionary traces Davy Jones to the "ghost of Jonah". In the Holy Bible, the allegorical and metaphorical history of the Greco-Roman Empire, Jonah is a prophet who spends three days and three nights inside a large fish. The scientifically impossible narrative appears to be an allegorical metaphor for the use of a submarine which, like a fish, can stay underwater for days. Therefore, it can be deduced that Davy Jones is code word for submarines which are in essence consigned to the bottom of the sea. Because sailors are underneath the water for an extended period of time, they have in essence been drowned, hence the term. Although a "lock" or a "locker" is now known as a device used to raise and lower ships between different levels of water, the first lock or locker was likely a rudimentary submarine in which sailors were physically locked inside. Once encased within the steel tomb from which there was no escape, the submarine would travel down through different levels of water to the bottom of the sea, hence the term Davy Jones’ Locker.

Greenland’s Submarines

Davy Jones' Locker is known in modern times as the “subway” or Subway, the name of a popular restaurant whose logo depicts arrows going from the bottom to the top. These arrows are representative of submarines going from heaven (i.e., Greenland) to Hell (i.e., the underworld). Historically, submarines have travelled from Greenland to the underworld in order to conduct espionage, setoff explosive-driven earthquakes and tsunamis, sink ships, and start biological pandemics. The term "submission" was derived from these naval missions, meaning the act of submitting something, or the act of accepting the authority or control of someone else (i.e., the Roman Empire). The term U-boat was allegedly derived from the German word "U-Boot", a shortening of “Unterseeboot”, meaning "undersea boat". In reality, the term "U-boat" was derived from the fact that submarines from Greenland troll the waters around the "U" or “Utopia”, a word coincidentally used describes a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. The U-shape is representative of the moat around the Island of Greenland, while the term “Utopia” (T+F/P) consonantly equates to “Top” (T+F/P), a term indicative of Greenland which is considering the “top of the world”. In World War II alone, Adolf Hitler allegedly "lost" more than 1,100 U-boats which were sunk, scuttled, captured, or otherwise vanished during the war. Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that most of these so-called Nazi subs were in fact submarines from Greenland which were commissioned during the war to ensure that no aircraft or ships breached Greenland's security perimeter in the North Atlantic Ocean. In other words, these subs identified themselves as German during the war in order to hide their true affiliation. After the war, these German subs were conveniently “lost” because they simply could no longer be accounted for. Submarines emanating from Greenland are the primary suspect in the legend of the Loch Ness Monster.