Misc/Greenland Theory/14.09 Easter Island

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14.09 Easter Island

Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean that is located at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian Triangle, one of the most remote locations in the world. The island is most notable for its 887 Moai statutes which were allegedly created by the native Rapa Nui people. Although deforestation, overpopulation and disease are credited with their demise, the Rapa Nui were likely slaughtered at the hands of the Roman Empire when it was discovered that the island lay directly between the nose of Greenland in the Atlantic (photo: see #1) and the tail of Greenland in the Pacific Ocean, just north of Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia (photo: see #2). Easter Island's unique location is commemorated in their flag and coat of arms which both depict a U-like shape. The term “Easter” (S+T+R) consonantly equates to “Star”, a tribute to the hand of the Roman Empire which has been guiding the direction of the planet for centuries. Therefore, Easter Island equates to “Star Island”, a notion which is coincidentally found in the seal of Easter Island.


Due to Earth's disc-like shape, Easter Island lies directly due south of the U.S. state of California, something not depicted on modern maps. The geographic shape of California not only mimics the "U-like" shape found on the flag of Easter Island, but the flag of California depicts a bear (i.e., the Beast of Greenland) along with a lone star, evidently representative of Easter Island. The geographical shape of California also appears to be the blueprint for the 887 Moai statues (see photo right) as evidenced by the shape of their head, nose and back which mimics a silhouette of the state of California.

Moai Statues

Although numerous historians and scientists have tried to recreate, move and erect Moai statues using materials found on the island, it has remained an impossible feat. This suggests that the indigenous population of Easter Island had nothing to do with the statues. Rather, it’s far more likely that the Roman Empire shipped in sculptors to carve out the stone statues while advanced crane equipment was used to move the statues from the local rock quarries to the beaches where they now stand. Needless to say, the technology needed to create and erect the massive statues is something only the Roman Empire would have had at the time. Coincidentally, the term “Moai” (M) consonantly equates to the letter “M” in the Roman-English alphabet, an acronym for “Man” and the 13 Bloodlines of Rome. In total, there are 877 Moai statues on Easter Island, a number which equates to the letters “HHG” in the Roman-English alphabet. Acronymically speaking, the letters “HHG” equate to “Forever Greenland, suggesting that the Moai statues may be a tribute to the founding fathers of the Greco-Roman Empire—a Mt. Rushmore so to speak. Consequently, regardless of their respective location on the island, the 877 massive monolithic Moai statues are all looking towards the Northeast and the Northwest, the direction of Greenland. As with most Greco-Roman architecture and monuments, the island has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.