Misc/Greenland Theory/2.06 Island of Sicily

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2.06 Island of Sicily

Because Minos of Crete, the founder of the Greco-Roman Empire, died on the Island of Sicily, it is highly likely that Sicily was the second home or den of the Line of Man, the ruling family of the Rome. This notion is corroborated by the fact that the Mediterranean island is home to numerous Greco-Roman ruins, more so than the mainland of Italy. In all likelihood, Sicily was once geographically attached to the boot of Italy but was manually cut off in order to make it an autonomous island. This type of topographic change was also witnessed in Roman Britain with the removal of Doggerland between England and Norway. The idiom “Third times a charm” was likely in respect to the three homes or dens of the Line of Man (i.e., the Island of Crete, the Island of Sicily, and the Island of Greenland). Like Crete and Sicily before it, Greenland is now inhabited by the 13 Bloodlines of Rome (i.e., the Line of Man) whose leadership forms the Imperial Cult, the ruling body of the Greco-Roman Empire. Although the three homes or dens of Rome are most commonly depicted by the trident symbol, they are also depicted by a three-footed symbol which is coincidentally found on both the flag of Sicily and the coat of arms of Sicily. Interestingly, the 3-footed symbol is also found on the flag and coat of arms of the Isle of Man from whence Greenland was likely first discovered.

Greco-Roman Ruins of Sicily

The Island of Sicily is home to numerous Greco-Roman ruins (e.g., amphitheaters, arenas, mosaics, statues and temples). It is imperative to note that Greco-Roman temples were used by the Imperial Cult of Rome for blood sacrifices (i.e., rights), parties, social gatherings and strategy sessions, and therefore were only frequented by the ruling class of the day. In other words, Sicily would not have the vast amount of Greco-Roman temples that it has if the island was not home to the Imperial Cult of Rome. A total of 15 original Greco-Roman columned temples have been identified on the Island of Sicily thus far: Temple at Segesta (Segesta); Temple C (Selinunte); Temple E (Selinunte); Temple F (Selinunte, Sicily);Temple G (Selinunte); Temple of Apollo (Syracuse); Temple of Athena (Syracuse); Temple of Castor and Pollux (Agrigento); Temple of Concordia (Agrigento); Temple of Hera (Agrigento); Temple of Hera (Selinunte); Temple of Heracles (Agrigento); Temple of Juno Lancinia (Agrigento); Temple of the Olympian Zeus (Agrigento); and The Great Temple of Apollo (Selinunte). Aside from the plethora of Greco-Roman ruins, Sicily is also home to the Castello Maniace, a citadel and castle in Syracuse, Sicily. It stands on a large promontory where one can only enter the castle over a moat and drawbridge. This was likely the primary naval base responsible for keeping Sicily safe from the public and anyone seeking to do harm to the Imperial Cult of Rome.