Misc/Greenland Theory/2.08 Roman Britain

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2.08 Roman Britain

The current flag of England bears a Roman cross and is color-wise speaking an inverted war flag of the Holy Roman Empire. The countries of England, Ireland and Scotland were once collectively known as Roman Britain, the female personification of which was Britannia who was armed with a Greco-Roman trident and a shield that also bears the Roman cross. The invasion and subsequent occupation of England came shortly after the discovery of Greenland (c. 000) when a Roman general named Gnaeus Julius Agricola conquered much of Britain in 43 A.D. Roughly 280 years later, Rome moved its public capital to Constantinople which officially marked beginning of the alleged fall of the Roman Empire. During this same historical period, northern European countries such as Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and especially England began to mysteriously strengthen economically and militarily as part of a secret strategy to build up and forever seal off Greenland from the rest of the world. Unlike other modern examples of decolonization, the end of Roman Britain is historically unknown. In other words, there is no historical date or event which marks the end Roman rule and the beginning of British rule, for they are in essence one and the same thing. Since England has never been fully conquered or occupied by a foreign power other than Rome and her various mercenaries, Brits still speak the language of Rome—English.

Roman-to-British Empire

After England was conquered, occupied and transformed by Rome, it was used to whitewash the historical record by covering the tracks of the Roman Empire in respect to their various maritime explorations, military advancements and colonization of virtually the entire world. Although this process took hundreds of years, over time, the Roman language became known as English, Roman flags became British flags, Roman soldiers became British redcoats, and the long list of Rome’s overseas territories (which included almost every island in the world) became part of the British Empire. And thus it was said that Britain was “The empire on which the sun never sets”. The very notion that England conquered, occupied and enslaved almost every region on earth without ever being able to conquer its closest neighbors such as Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden is patently ridiculous. In essence, England was the cloth which the Roman Empire used to expunge the historical record in respect to the extent of their world empire.

England: Gateway to Greenland

The Roman Empire’s strategy to keep tourists, merchant ships and navies from discovering their new found home in Greenland was daring, multifaceted and unprecedented. It was in part construed by a naval pincer-like attack that would target ships heading north as they hugged the coastline of France. Inevitably, these ships would have to pass Saxon Shore, the former military command of the Roman Empire which consisting of a series of over 40 forts and castled on both sides of the English channel. Ships who were lucky enough to avoid Saxon Shore while heading north would have to go either to the right (east) or left (west) of Ireland where they would instantaneously surrounded swarm of pirates (i.e., state-sponsored privateers) which would either attack them or turn them back from whence they came. In order to keep Brits from heading north by foot, Rome built Hadrian's Wall (122 A.D.) and Antonine Wall (142 A.D.) which ran from east to west (from the Irish Sea to North Sea), essentially cutting England in half, twice. After these massive walls were built, the land bridge between England and Norway (i.e., Doggerland) was consequently dynamited, excavated and dumped off the coast of Norway (i.e., the Storegga Slide). The massive Roman military operation likely took over 100 years to complete, changing the landscape of Europe by turning England into an island. The flag of United Kingdom (which bears a “+” superimposed upon an “X”) can be translated acronymically to mean “Day (+) North (X)”, “No (X) Day (+)”, or “North (X) Die (+), essentially meaning that England blocks the gate to Greenland. The word “England” (N+G+L+D) can be deciphered as either “North Greenland Day”, “No Greenland Day” or “North Greenland Die”, essentially rendering the same meaning as the flag of the UK. England is also part of the Southern Cross along with the Australia, Ascension Island, Greenland and the United States. These 5 English speaking nations along with their state-of-the-art navies have in essence created an impenetrable maritime blockade that crisscrosses the Atlantic to ensure that Greenland is never accidentally or purposely re-discovered.

Isle of Man

The Isle of Man, otherwise known as “Mann”, is a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. It was named after Minos of Crete who sired the Line of Man which in time became the ruling family of Crete, the Greco-Roman Empire, and eventually the entire world. The island's parliament, Tynwald, has been in continuous existence since 979 AD, making it the oldest continuously governing body in the underworld. Since 1399 AD, the title of Lord of Mann has been used on the Isle of Man in reference to the island's Lord Proprietor and head of state. Interestingly, the current holder of this title is none other than Queen Elizabeth II who evidently holds the highest ranking political position in the underworld. Evidently, the Isle of Man and its parliament were specifically chosen by Rome to rule over the underworld. Due to its location in the middle of the Irish Sea, Roman ships and submarines from Greenland were able to deliver messages, money and weapons without being easily apprehended or seen. According to legend, from the summit of the Isle of Man, one can see 6 kingdoms: the Isle of Man, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, and Heaven (i.e., Greenland). Coincidentally, the National Anthem of the Island of Man is entitled “O Land of Our Birth”, a possible reference to the notion that the Roman Airship responsible for the discovery of Greenland may have been launched from the island. Interestingly, the flag of Tynwald, which represents the parliament of the Isle of Man, features a Greco-Roman Dragon ship along with what appear to be Roman Vikings.

RAOB Secret Society

The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) whose motto is "No Man Is At All Times Wise" is one of the largest and oldest fraternal organizations in the United Kingdom. Membership is open to all males over the age of 18 who are willing to declare that they are "true and loyal supporters of the British Crown and Constitution”. Although the RAOB was allegedly founded in 1822, the name “antediluvian” means “relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible”. Since the “flood” (F+L+D) described in the Bible is an allegorical metaphor for how the Romans “fled” (F+L+D) Rome for safety of the island of Greenland, it can be deduced that the RAOB has been around for at least 714 years. The RAOB logo is an octagon (reminiscent of a stop sign) which depicts possibly the first-ever Eye of Providence (i.e., the “all seeing eye” of Greenland) along with various symbols such as the ark of Noah and a heart, a symbol only found on the coat of arms of Denmark (the country which legally owns Greenland). Early Buffalo literature hints at this connection by claiming that Biblical, Roman, Norman and English men were members of the RAOB (e.g., Noah, Solomon, Sampson, Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, William the Conqueror, Richard I of England, and William Shakespeare). Members of the RAOB are most likely treated with the best that life has to offer (cars, drugs, houses, money, woman, etc.) in exchange for their absolute devotion to a certain unwitting tasks which ensures that Greenland stay hidden from the eyes of the underworld. One of these tasks may have included piracy as the lyrics of the RAOB’s primary songs infers: “Bloody-head and raw-bones!...Bloody-head and raw-bones’…Be not perplex’d’…This is the text…Bloody-head and raw-bones!”

Roman-English Pirates

After the alleged Fall of the Roman Empire, ships heading north towards Greenland had to be stopped by a non-nation state. Therefore, Rome commissioned an unknown amount of “pirates” or “privateers” to attack or turn away ships which were heading due north. These ships often flew the “Jolly Roger” pirate flag which depicts a skull and crossbones in the shape of an “X”, a Roman symbol meaning “No” and “North”. The term “Jolly Roger” (G/J+L-R+G+R) can be acronymically deciphered as “Greenland Rome-Greenland-Rome” or “Greenland Rome-Greenland-Ra”. The notion that pirates once swarmed off the coasts of Northern Europe was recently documented in the New York Times review of “Pirates of Barbary (2010), a book by Adrian Tinniswood which states that “the most notorious corsairs were European renegades who had learned the trade on “privateers,” or private warships commissioned by a government [i.e., the Roman Empire] to prey on enemy merchantmen…In the early 17th century, the Mediterranean swarmed with pirate ships manned by blue-eyed Caucasians who spoke English, Dutch or Cornish…The renegades fit out state-of-the-art sailing ships that could spread terror well beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, and they often returned to the waters they were familiar with — off Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe — where the sea lanes offered no shortage of fat, opulent targets”. In other words, England and Ireland were home of Roman pirates. One of these pirates was Marcus Aurelius Carausius, a Roman military commander during the 3rd century who eventually became Emperor of the Britannica Empire from 286–293 A.D. Prior to becoming Emperor of Britannia, Carausius was appointment to command the “Classis Britannica”, a fleet based in the English Channel. Carausius an admitted pirate who kept captured treasure, commanded other pirates of Roman origin to carry out raids in European waters. The myth perpetuated by Hollywood that pirates were originally located in the Caribbean is yet another example of how history has been twisted in order to keep Greenland a secret.

Roman Scotland

At total of 10 Roman baths, forts, temples and walls have been identified in Scotland thus far: Baths: Roman Bath House (Bearsden); Forts: Bearsden Fort (Bearsden); Cawdor Roman Fort (Inverness); Cramond Roman Fort (Cramond); Edin's Hall Broch (Duns); Inchtuthil (Perth and Kinross); Trimontium (Newstead); Rough Castle Fort (Tamfourhill); Temples: Arthur's O'On (Stenhousemuir); and Walls: Antonine Wall (Irish Sea to North Sea). Aside from the aforementioned forts, the Gask Ridge was a series of at least 16 forts which were built by the Romans in Scotland, close to the Highland Line.

Roman Wales

At total of 23 Roman castles, forts, mines, pillars, roads and towns have been identified in Wales thus far: Castles: Chepstow Castle (Chepstow); Forts: Alabum (Llandovery); Blestium (Monmouth); Caer Gybi (Holyhead); Caersws Roman Forts (Caersws); Cardiff Roman Fort (Cardiff); Gelligaer (Gelligaer); Gobannium (Abergavenny); Isca Augusta (Caerleon); Llan Ffestiniog (Gwynedd); Luentinum (Pumsaint); Moridunum (Carmarthen); Nidum (Neath); Penydarren (Penydarren); Segontium Roman Fort (Caernarvon); Burrium (Usk); and Y Gaer (Brecon); Mines: Dolaucothi Gold Mines (Pumsaint); Pillars: Pillar of Eliseg (Denbighshire); Roads: Sarn Helen (Aberconwy to Carmarthen); and Towns: Cowbridge Roman Town (Cowbridge); Gateholm (Marloes); and Venta Silurum (Caerwent).

Roman Britannia

To date, hundreds of Roman arches, baths, canals, ditches, castles, columns, domes, forts, obelisks, palaces, ports, roads, temples, towns, turrets, villas, and walls have been identified in England, Scotland and Wales, many of which are still standing. In order to hide the notion that England was a vital part of the Roman Empire, many of the Roman castles, forts, palaces and towns have been destroyed and their names changed to Latin in order to conceal the fact that the Romans spoke English. Since many Roman sites in England have been found underneath post-Roman buildings and towns, it can be deduced that there was a coordinated effort to hide Rome’s presence in England. If English, Irish and Welsh towns were bulldozed and excavated in mass, the number of Roman ruins in the United Kingdom would likely grow 10-fold.

Roman Arches

A total of 7 Roman victory arches have been identified in England thus far: Admiralty Arch (London); Arno's Court Triumphal Arch (Bristol); Corinthian Arch (Stowe House); Euston Arch (London); Marble Arch (Westminster); Newport Arch (Lincoln); and Wellington Arch (London).

Roman Castles & Palaces

A total of 8 Roman Castles and Palaces have been identified in England thus far: Buckingham Palace (London); Burgh Castle (Norfolk); Carlisle Castle (Cumbria); Dover Castle (Dover); Fishbourne Roman Palace (Fishbourne); Maiden Castle (Dorset); Melandra Castle (Derbyshire); and Richborough Castle (Richborough).

Roman Columns

A total of 8 Greco-Roman columned buildings have been identified in England thus far: Ashmolean Museum (Oxford); Buckingham Palace (London); Divinity School (Oxford University); Nelson's Column (London); Northington Grange (Hampshire); Radcliffe Camera (Oxford University); Royal Institution (London); and University College London (London).

Roman Domes

A total of 37 Roman domes have been identified in England thus far: Brentwood Cathedral (Brentwood); Christ Church (Oxford University); Devonshire Royal Hospital (Buxton); Royal Pavilion (Brighton, England); National Gallery (London); Port of Liverpool Building (Liverpool); Radcliffe Camera (Oxford); Royal Albert Hall (London); Sheldonian Theatre (Oxford University); St. Paul's Cathedral (London); St. Philip's Cathedral (Birmingham); Tower of London (London); University College London (London); Wembley Stadium (London); and Westminster Cathedral (Westminster); Roman Domed Mosques: Al Mahdi Mosque (Bradford); Al-Rahma Mosque (Liverpool); Aziziye Mosque (London); Baitul Futuh (London); Birmingham Central Mosque (Birmingham); Bristol Jamia Mosque (Bristol); Central Mosque (Manchester); Chesham Mosque (Chesham); Darul Barakaat Mosque (Birmingham); East London Mosque (London); Fazl Mosque (London); London Central Mosque (London); Nasir Mosque (Hartlepool); Shah Jahan Mosque (Woking); and Suleymaniye Mosque (London); Roman Domed Synagogues: Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation (Bournemouth); Fieldgate Street Great Synagogue (London); Montefiore Synagogue (Kent); New West End Synagogue (London); Princes Road Synagogue (Liverpool); United Hebrew Congregation (Blackpool); and Roof-Top Synagogue (Brighton and Hove).

Roman Forts

A total of 56 Roman forts have been identified in England thus far: Aballava (Burgh-by-Sands); Ad Fines (Chew Green); Aesica (Haltwhistle); Alauna (Maryport); Ambleside Roman Fort (Cumbria); Anderitum (Pevensey); Arbeia Roman Fort (South Shields); Banna (Birdoswald); Branodunum (Brancaster); Bremenium (Rochester); Bremetennacum (Ribchester); Caister-on-Sea (Norfolk); Camboglanna (Castlesteads); Carvoran Roman Fort (Northumberland); Chester-le-Street Roman Fort (Chester-le-Street); Cilurnum (Walwick); Coggabata (Drumburgh); Colonia Nervia Glevensium (Gloucester); Condercum (Benwell Hill); Corbridge Roman Fort (Northumberland); Coria (Corbridge); Deva Victrix (Chester); Durnovaria (Dorchester); Durobrivae (Water Newton); Epiacum (Alston); Fanum Cocidi (Bewcastle); Gariannonum (Norfolk); Habitancum (Risingham); Haltwhistle Burn (Haltwhistle); Ham Hill (Somerset): Hunnum (Halton); Isca Dumnoniorum (Exeter); Lagentium (Castleford); Longovicium (Lanchester); Luguvalium (Carlisle); Lunt Fort (Baginton); Magnis (Northumberland); Mais (Bowness-on-Solway); Mamucium (Manchester); Mediobogdum (Hardknott Pass); Moridunum (Axminster); Othona (Bradwell-on-Sea); Petriana (Stanwix); Piercebridge Roman Fort (Piercebridge); Pons Aelius (Newcastle upon Tyne); Portus Adurni (Portchester); Portus Lemanis (Lympne); Regulbium (Reculver); Segedunum (Wallsend); Templeborough (Rotherham); Vercovicium (Bardon Mill); Vindobala (Rudchester); Vindolanda (Bardon Mill); Vindomora (Ebchester); Vinovia (Binchester); and Waddon Hill (Beaminster).

Roman Obelisks

A total of 23 Greco-Roman obelisks have been identified in England thus far: Beau Nash Obelisk (Bath); Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (London); Brightling Needle (East Sussex); Captain Cook's Monument (North Yorkshire); Cleopatra's Needle Obelisk (London); General Wolfe's Obelisk (Buckinghamshire); Grand' Rue (Saint Helier, Jersey); Ham Hill War Memorial (Somerset); Lansdowne Monument (Wiltshire); Mamhead Obelisk (Mamhead); Nelson's Column (London); Nelson Memorial (Swarland); Obelisk of King Nectanebo II (London); Philae Obelisk (Dorset); Philae Obelisk (Wimborne Minster); Pharaoh Amenhotep II (Durham); Ripon Market Square Obelisk (Ripon); St. Luke Old Street Obelisk (London); Stoodley Pike (West Yorkshire); War Memorial (Lancashire); Wellington Monument (Somerset); Westminster Obelisk (Westminster); and Whitworth Park Obelisk (Manchester).

Roman Roads

A total of 24 Roman roads and structures (see map) consisting of various bridges, causeways, crossroads, gates, streets and ways have been identified in England thus far: Ackling Dyke (Old Sarum to Badbury Rings); Akeman Street (St Albans to Cirencester); Cade's Road (Brough-on-Humber to Newcastle upon Tyne); Chesters Bridge (Chollerford); Dere Street (Eboracum and Veluniate); Devil's Causeway (Corbridge to Berwick-upon-Tweed); Ermin Street (Gloucester to Cirencester to Silchester); Ermine Street (London to Lincoln and York); Fen Causeway (Water Newton to Brampton, Norfolk); Fosse Way (Exeter to Lincoln); High Cross (Watling Street and Fosse Way in Leicestershire); Icknield Street (Water Newton to South Kesteven, Lincolnshire); Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) (Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway); Peddars Way (Holme-next-the-Sea to Knettishall Heath); Piercebridge Roman Bridge (Piercebridge); Portway (London to Weymouth); Pye Road (Colchester); Stane Street A (London to Chichester); Stane Street B (Braughing to Colchester); Stanegate (Carlisle to Corbridge); Stone Street (Canterbury to Lympne); Via Devana (Colchester to Chester); Wade's Causeway (Dunsley Bay to Malton); and Watling Street (Dover to Wroxeter).

Roman Ruins

A total of 15 Roman amphitheaters, baths, canals, ditches, ports, turrets and walls have been identified in England thus far: Agricola's Ditch (Hadrian's Wall); Antonine Wall (Irish Sea to North Sea); Bourne–Morton Canal (Lincolnshire); Chester Roman Amphitheatre (Chester); Dolebury Warren Roman Site (Churchill and Rowberrow); Hadrian's Wall (Irish Sea to North Sea); Jewry Wall (Leicester); Leahill Turret (Cumbria); London Wall (London); Pomeroy Woos Roman Site (Honiton); Portus Dubris (Dover): Ravenglass Roman Bath House (Ravenglass); Roman Baths (Aquae Sulis/Bath); and Welwyn Roman Baths (Welwyn Garden City).

Roman Temples

A total of 26 Roman Temples have been identified in England thus far: Jordan Hill Roman Temple (Weymouth); London Mithraeum (London); Lydney Roman Temple (Lydney); Pagans Hill Roman Temple (Somerset); Roman Temple A (Brean Down); Roman Temple B (Caerwent); Roman Temple C (Chanctonbury); Roman Temple D (Farley); Roman Temple E (Great Chesterford); Roman Temple F (Jordan Hill); Roman Temple G (Lancing); Roman Temple H (Lullingstone); Roman Temple I (Ratham Mill); Roman Temple J (Vindolanda); Roman Temple K (Woodeaton); Rudchester Mithraeum (London); Temple of Apollo Cunomaglus (Nettleton); Temple of Camulos (Gosbecks Farm); Temple of Claudius (Colchester); Temple of Epona (Wimblington); Temple of Isis (Bourton Grounds); Temple of Mercury (Pagans Hill); Temple of Minerva (Maiden Castle); Temple of Nodons (Lydney Park); Temple of the Mithras (Carrawburgh); and Temple of the Mithras (Walbrook).

Roman Towns

A total of 33 Roman Towns have been identified in England thus far: Alchester Roman Town (Alchester Roman Town); Aquae Sulis (Bath); Brough-on-Noe (Derbyshire); Burrington (Somerset); Caistor St. Edmund (Norfolk); Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester); Camulodunum (Colchester); Charterhouse Roman Town (Charterhouse-on-Mendip); Coria (Northumberland); Corinium Dobunnorum (Cirencester); Cunetio (Mildenhall); Durnovaria, (Dorchester); Durobrivae (Water Newton); Durovernum Cantiacorum (Canterbury); Durovigutum (Godmanchester); Isca Dumnoniorum (Exeter); Lactodurum (Towcester); Letocetum (Wall); Lindinis (Ilchester); Lindum Colonia (Lincoln); Londinium (London); Luguvalium (Carlisle); Magiovinium (Fenny Stratford); Noviomagus Reginorum (Chichester); Procolita (Carrawburgh); Ratae Corieltauvorum (Leicester); Silchester Roman Town (Silchester); Tripontium (Newton and Biggin); Uley (Gloucestershire); Venta Belgarum (Winchester); Venta Icenorum (Caistor St Edmund); Verulamium (St Albans); and Viroconium Cornoviorum (Wroxeter).

Roman Villas

A total of 15 Roman villas have been identified in England thus far: Bancroft Roman Villa (Buckinghamshire); Bignor Roman Villa (Bignor); Borough Hill Roman Villa (Daventry); Brading Roman Villa (Brading, Isle of Wight); Chedworth Roman Villa (Chedworth); Crofton Roman Villa (Orpington); Gadebridge Park Roman Villa (Hemel Hempstead); Great Witcombe Roman Villa (Great Witcombe); Littlecote Roman Villa (Ramsbury); Low Ham Roman Villa (High Ham); Lullingstone Roman Villa (Eynsford); Piddington Roman Villa (Piddington); Rockbourne Roman Villa (Rockbourne); Whitehall Farm Roman Villa (Nether Heyford); and Woodchester Roman Villa (Woodchester).