Misc/Greenland Theory/2.09 Roman Gunpowder

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2.09 Roman Gunpowder

Gunpowder is a mix of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate which was (and is) used in various thermal weapons, including but not limited to the fire lance, the cannon, the hand cannon, and the gun. Although gunpowder along with the compass are touted as two of the Four Great Inventions of China, the compass rose and its four Cardinal directions are admittedly the creation of the Greco-Romans so there’s a rather high probability that they invented gunpowder and the cannon (i.e., Greek Fire) as well. In all likelihood, guns and gunpowder were developed on the Island of Rhodes by its inhabitants known as the Telchines who were known as excellent metallurgists and metal workers skilled in brass and iron. The Telchines are alleged to have produced the first chemical weapon when they created a mixture of Stygian water and sulfur which subsequently killed both animals and plants. The term “sulfur” (S+L+F+R) acronymically translated equates to “Sale Four” or “Sale Fire”, an apparent reference to Roman gunpowder as well as the four-pronged Roman Cross which adorned the sales of Roman ships. Because the letters of “S” and “C are routinely switched in Roman English, the term “C4” (which is jargon for explosives) can also be read as “S4”, a reference to “Sale Fire” or “sulfur”. Coincidentally, “S4” is also depicted on the flag of Rome which features the term “SPФR” (S/+F/P+R). If the Chinese had invented gunpowder as alleged, it would stand to reason that they would have been able to defeat the invading gunpowder-less Greco-Roman Empire, but this was not the case. The fact that a Victoria Harbor is found in Hong Kong, China, implies that the Romans defeated the Chinese and subsequently named the harbor after Victoria, the Roman goddess of victory. Gun as in gunpowder was likely derived from the term “genesis”, meaning the “beginning of something”. Both “gun”-powder and “gun” were likely given their respective names because they marked the beginning of the Greco-Roman Empire’s unmatched militarial supremacy and their victory over all mankind (i.e., "The Big Bang Theory"). Over time, these weapons enabled Rome to conquer the entire world, Greenland included which was full of giants much larger and stronger than the Romans. The notion that the Romans invented gunpowder is curiously depicted in the book “Gunpowder Empire” (2003), a so-called “alternate history” novel by Harry Turtledove. The storyline takes place in an alternate timeline in which the Roman Empire never collapsed and has advanced to the point of inventing gunpowder.

Biblical Gunpowder

Because the Bible is the allegorical and metaphorical history of the Roman Empire, it includes 14 references to brimstone (i.e., sulfur), a vital ingredient of gunpowder (i.e., Greek Fire). Consequently, a majority of these verses contain cannon-like attributes such as smoke, fire and hailstones (i.e., hellstones) which are a result of God’s (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) judgment and wrath (e.g., Genesis 19:24 (“brimstone and fire from the Lord in heaven”); Deuteronomy 29:23 (“brimstone, and salt, and burning”); Psalm 11:6 (“fire and brimstone”); Ezekiel 38:22 (“great hailstones, fire, and brimstone”); Luke 17:29 (“it rained first and brimstone”): Revelation 9:17 (“fire and smoke and brimstone); and Revelation 9:18 (“killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone”). Acronymically speaking, “brimstone” (B+R+S+T+N) can be translated to mean “Babylon Rome Stone”, a possible reference to the cannonball. Greco-Roman cannons are evidently also depicted in the Bible in reference to Canaan (i.e., Greenland), although they are called “hornets”, likely due to the buzzing noise produced by flying cannonballs. Aside from Exodus 23:28 which states, “And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee”, two other Bible verses depict hornets as a destroyer which is stronger than the sword and the bow (i.e., Deuteronomy 7:20 (“Moreover the Lord thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed”) and Joshua 24:12 (“And I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow”). The genocide inflicted on Canaan by Greco-Roman cannons appears to be documented in Psalm 106:38 which states: “And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.” Interestingly, “cannon fodder” is a derogatory term for enemy combatants who treated as expendables in the face of superior fire power. The term is generally used in situations where combatants are forced to deliberately fight against hopeless odds (with the foreknowledge that they will suffer extremely high casualties) in an effort to achieve a strategic goal. Cannon fodder derived from fodder, as food for livestock. In essence, soldiers are the metaphorical food for enemy cannon fire.

Roman Gunpowder

The first documentation of gunpowder (i.e., Greek Fire) in European history is in Roger Bacon's "De Nullitate Magiæ" (1216 A.D.) which was published at Oxford University. Bacon later elaborated on gunpowder in his book entitled "Opus Maior" (1248 A.D.) which depicted a recipe for gunpowder along with a personal account of its destructive nature: “We can, with saltpeter and other substances, compose artificially a fire that can be launched over long distances...By only using a very small quantity of this material much light can be created accompanied by a horrible fracas. It is possible with it to destroy a town or an army... In order to produce this artificial lightning and thunder it is necessary to take saltpeter, sulfur, and Luru Vopo Vir Can Utriet.” Another European account of gunpowder is found in the Norwegian educational text entitled “Konungs Skuggsjá” (1259) which states that the use of "coal and sulphur" (i.e., gunpowder) was the best weapon for ship-to-ship combat. Because 1300 years (i.e., “The Dark Ages”) were added to the new Gregorian calendar after the Roman Empire relocated to Greenland in c. 000, the aforementioned dates in respect to European gunpowder, may stand at 84 B.C. (Bacon), 52 B.C. (Bacon), and 41 B.C. (Konungs Skuggsjá), respectively. The dates, once adjusted, would infer that Roman gunpowder preceded Chinese gunpowder by roughly 700 years.

Order of the Dragon

The Order of the Dragon is historically touted as a monarchical chivalric order which required its members to defend the cross and fight the enemies of Christianity.It was purportedly founded on December 12, 1408, by Sigismund, a Holy Roman Emperor, and his queen, Barbara of Celje. Modelled after the Order of St. George, the Order of the Dragon adopted St. George as its patron saint. St. George’s legendary defeat of a dragon is cited as the origin of the Order’s name and symbology. However, in reality, the Order of the Dragon was responsible for manning a fleet of ships which encircled Greenland on behalf of the Roman Empire. The Order’s name in Latin is “Societas Draconistarum”. The term “Draconistarum” (D+R+C/K+N/X+S+T+R+M), acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Dragon State Rome”. This is because Greenland, home to the Roman Empire, was fully encircled by the hundreds of fire-breathing ships which physically looked like dragons. The naval blockade was instituted to keep Greenland safe from any and all ships traveling northward. Consequently, with advances in seafaring, namely the invention of the submarine, the Order vanished in the late 15th century.

Statute of 1408

The only surviving item from the Order of the Dragon is a copy of its alleged statute that was reportedly made in 1707 and published in 1841. The prologue to these statutes from 1408 state that the society was created: “…In company with the prelates, barons, and magnates of our kingdom, whom we invite to participate with us in this party, by reason of the sign and effigy of our pure inclination and intention to crush the pernicious deeds of the same perfidious Enemy, and of the followers of the ancient Dragon, and (as one would expect) of the pagan knights, schismatics, and other nations of the Orthodox faith, and those envious of the Cross of Christ, and of our kingdoms, and of his holy and saving religion of faith, under the banner of the triumphant Cross of Christ…” The phrase “to crush the pernicious deeds of the same perfidious Enemy” is quite telling. Firstly, the term “same perfidious Enemy “suggests that there is an ongoing—possibly eternal—struggle, not a just mere battle or war. This is likely indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who have sworn eternal war on the underworld. Secondly, the term “Enemy” is capitalized which suggests that it’s personal. “Enemy” (N+M) consonantly equates to “Name”, a term which may infer that no matter what a person or country’s respective name is, they are a sworn enemy of Rome. Lastly, the “Cross of Christ” is a reference to both the “cross”-ing over to the other side of the Earth, and the “Christ”, “crest” or “crust” of the Earth, otherwise known as Greenland.

Dragon Mythology & Symbology

In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr was a giant sea serpent that surrounded Miðgarð (i.e., Greenland) the world of mortal men. He grew so large that he was able to surround the earth and grasp his own tail. As a result, he received the name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. This particular Norse myth appears to be a reference to Greco-Roman dragon ships which previously encircled Greenland to protect it from both discovery and invasion. These dragon ship encircling the core of the Earth are symbolized in Greek mythology by Caduceus, the staff carried by Hermes, and the Rod of Asclepius wielded by the Greek god Asclepius. Consequently, Greco-Roman dragons are depicted on the flags and coat or arms of Spain (were dragon ships were likely first invented or used in battle) and the nations of England, Iceland, Norway and Wales, the four closest countries to Greenland. Dragon-related symbology and vexillology includes but is not limited to: the Royal Badge of Wales (1953); flag of Wales (1953-1959); the current flag of Wales; the flag of the Welsh colony in Patagonia; and the flag of Somerset County, England. Dragons are also found within the coat of arms of Iceland; the coat of arms of the Russian Federation; the coat of arms of Generalitat Valenciana, Spain; the coat of arms of Valencian Community, Spain; the coat of arms of Stjørdal, Norway; the coat of arms of Leicester, England; the coat of arms of the Aragonese Monarchs; the coat of arms of the Duke of Marlborough; and the coat of arms of Peter IV of Aragon.

Greek Fire

The chemical compound Sulfur was known for its use in ancient Greece as well as in “Greek Fire”, an allegedly liquid oil-like fire weapon (i.e., a flamethrower) which was routinely used by the early Greeks in war. In short, the substance known as Greek Fire appears to be an allegorical reference for the Greco-Roman Empire’s top secret weapon which consisted of both gunpowder and cannon. According to modern historical accounts, “Greek Fire recipes continued to be developed over the centuries, and by the High Middle Ages was much more sophisticated than the early versions. Saltpetre (also called "Chinese salt") was added to the mixture in the Islamic world, and China developed a dry saltpetre mixture in the 12th century, which eventually became gunpowder.” In other words, gunpowder was behind Greek Fire all along. Considering that warring ships were subject to various forms of weather, fluctuating waves and winds, and rapid changes in distance and sea level, the very notion of a highly projectable and highly flammable liquid-like substance which was not subjectable to blowback makes the current definition of Greek Fire theoretically impossible. Because Greek ships were made of wood, cloth and rope, they would have suffered terribly from Greek Fire as it was unpredictable, unstable, and unquenchable, ultimately making its use in maritime battle highly risky and highly unlikely. Based on its given name of “Greek Fire”, it can be deduced that it was in fact invented by the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, Greek Fire was also known as "Roman Fire" and was admittedly used by the Roman Empire to great effect in naval battles. This notion of the Roman cannon is reflected in the term “Roman Candle”, a thermal weapon which repeatedly ejects exploding shells. Considering that the language of Rome was English, it stands to reason that terms associated with its greatest weapon would not have changed over time. That is why even today, one “fires” a cannon and “fires” a gun, direct semantic references to the original Greek Fire.

Greek Fire Cannons

If Greek Fire was in fact a liquid oil-like substance that was projected out through the use of a tubular projector (i.e., a “siphōn") by man-made air pressure as historically alleged, there would be no “loud roar that accompanied its discharge”. The modern term for this loud roar is known as “cannon fire”, as a large blast of fire is projected out of the mouth of a cannon when fired. A cannon-like description is even found in the historical records of the 13th-century when "Greek Fire" was reportedly used by the Saracens against the Crusaders. The account, which is found in the Memoirs of the John, Lord of Joinville, Seneschal of Champagne during the Seventh Crusade, clearly states that “... the tail of fire that trailed behind it was as big as a great spear; and it made such a noise as it came, that it sounded like the thunder of heaven”. It looked like a dragon flying through the air. Such a bright light did it cast, that one could see all over the camp as though it were day, by reason of the great mass of fire, and the brilliance of the light that it shed.” What was witnessed by the Lord of Joinville in respect to Greek Fire bears all the earmarks of a cannon, including the tail of fire, the spear like projection, the thunderous boom, and of course the bright light which was shed once the cannonball exploded. In other words, if it looks like a canon, acts like a cannon, and sounds like a cannon, it’s probably a canon. Interestingly, in Greek mythology, Zeus is the god of sky and thunder who is generally depicted with a lightning bolt in his hand, an apparent reference to Greek Fire. Interestingly, a cannon is depicted in the logo of Arsenal Football Club, an English Premier League football club based in Holloway, London.

Secret of Greek Fire

The discovery of Greek Fire was “ascribed to divine intervention” and therefore was a closely guarded state secret whose composition was conveniently “lost forever”. Consequently, the Greco-Roman Empire did everything in their power to hide their new “super weapon” which was basically able to destroy any rival ship or fleet lacking the same firepower. The most obvious precaution taken was to enclose the Greek Fire apparatus (i.e., the cannon) within the head of a dragon so that when the cannon was fired all the enemy was able to observe was a dragon spitting fire. Regardless of the precautions took, a ship carrying Greek Fire was reportedly captured by the Arabs (most likely Iran) in 827 A.D., although there is no evidence which suggests they were able to reverse engineer it. The fact that the secret of Greek Fire was never made public until the entire world was under the command and control of the Greco-Roman Empire further confirms that the historical eras known as “Ancient Greece”, “Ancient Rome” and “Byzantine Empire” where just consecutive chapters in the continuous rule of the “Line of Man”. In other words, had any of the aforementioned empires ever been truly conquered, the secret of Greek Fire would have come out a lot sooner.

Dragon Fire

The myth pertaining to fire breathing dragons appears to have been derived from Greco-Roman war ships who fired their secret cannons out of the mouths of scary looking creatures (i.e., dragons). According to historian Anna Komnene (1083 A.D. – 1153 A.D.), a Greek princess, scholar, physician, and the daughter of Emperor Alexios I Komnenos of Byzantium, beast-shaped Greek Fire projectors were mounted to the bow of warships: “As he [the Emperor Alexios I] knew that the Pisans were skilled in sea warfare and dreaded a battle with them, on the prow of each ship he had a head fixed of a lion or other land-animal, made in brass or iron with the mouth open and then gilded over, so that their mere aspect was terrifying. And the fire which was to be directed against the enemy through tubes he made to pass through the mouths of the beasts, so that it seemed as if the lions and the other similar monsters were vomiting the fire.” Coincidentally, there are two Bible verses which appear to describe “brimstone” (i.e., “Greek Fire”) emanating from the mouths of beasts as previously depicted by Komnene. The first verse is Revelation 9:17 which states: “And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” The second verse is Revelation 9:18 which states: “By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.” This is likely why Greco-Roman Viking ships were notoriously known to be outfitted with dragon heads for they hid the Greek Fire within. Interestingly, the flag of Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man (the oldest continuously governing body in the underworld), features a Greco-Roman Dragon ship along with what appear to be Vikings.

Greek Dragons

Dragons are legendary in European folklore and mythology as they are found in nearly all cultures and countries. European dragons are typically depicted as being extremely large, fire-breathing, scaly, lizard-like creatures which have leathery bat-like wings, legs, and a tail. The popularity of dragons in Europe is no coincidence for essentially all of Europe was conquered by fire breathing Greco-Roman dragons (i.e., cannon bearing war ships). Although the term “dragon” was allegedly derived from the Draco constellation (which looks like a dragon’s head when turned 180°), it is far more likely that Draco and the numerous myths and legends surrounding dragons were derived from Greco-Roman warships which featured large dragon heads that spit cannon fire. Although there are numerous serpents and dragons in Greek mythology, they all appear to have been derived from the personification of various fire breathing war ships. Similar to planes and ships today, Greco-Roman Empire ships took on names and mythical personalities, especially in respect to their fire-breathing dragon heads, wing-like sails, scaly-like armor, and oar-like legs. For example, Ladon was a Greek dragon with as many as one hundred heads (i.e., cannons) which encircled the Garden of the Hesperides and guarded the Golden Apples. The Lernaean Hydra was a water dragon with fatally venomous breath who was said to have anywhere between five and 100 heads (i.e., cannons). For each head cut off, one or two more grew back in its place. It also had an immortal head which would remain alive after it was cut off, a likely reference to back-up cannons. Lastly, Typhon was known as the "Father of All Monsters" and was described in the pseudo-Apollodorus “Bibliotheke” as the largest and most fearsome of all dragons. His upper half reached as high as the stars and he had as many as one hundred dragon heads (i.e., cannons) which erupted from his neck and shoulders. His whole body was covered in wings (i.e., sails), and fire (i.e., cannon fire) flashed from his eyes, striking fear even into the Olympians.

Dragon Mythology & Symbology

In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr was a giant sea serpent that surrounded Miðgarð (i.e., Greenland) the world of mortal men. He grew so large that he was able to surround the earth and grasp his own tail. As a result, he received the name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. This particular Norse myth appears to be a reference to Greco-Roman dragon ships which previously encircled Greenland to protect it from both discovery and invasion. Consequently, Greco-Roman dragons are depicted on the flags and coat or arms of Spain (were dragon ships were likely first invented or used in battle) and the nations of England, Iceland, Norway and Wales, the four closest countries to Greenland. Dragon-related symbology includes but is not limited to: the flag of Wales; the flag of Somerset County, England; the coat of arms of Iceland; the coat of arms of the Russian Federation; the coat of arms of Generalitat Valenciana, Spain; the coat of arms of Valencian Community, Spain; the coat of arms of Stjørdal, Norway; the coat of arms of Leicester, England, and the coat of arms and flag of Moscow, Russia. Dragons are also found on the coat of arms of Aragonese Monarchs; the coat of arms of the Duke of Marlborough; the coat of arms of Peter IV of Aragon; the coat of arms of Midland Railway in England; as well as the Welsh rugby teams entitled the Newport Gwent Dragons and the Cardiff City Blue Dragons. A dragon is also found in the logo of Alpha Romeo, an Italian car manufacturer, and in the logo of Vauxhall Motors, a Swedish car manufaturer.

Greek Fire Propaganda

In order to celebrate Greek Fire (i.e., gunpowder and the cannon) while simultaneously misleading the world about the true identity of the secret weapon, a number of recent feature films, television shows, video games and novels depict Greek Fire a fiery liquid-like substance, which it was obviously was not. Mass media accounts of Greek Fire include but are not limited to: Films: “Timeline” (2003); and “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” (2011) — a naval weapon used by the pirate Blackbeard; TV Shows: “Fantastic Four” (1994) — Greek Fire was used in the episode "The Mask of Doom, Part III" to thwart the Persians (i.e., the Iranians) and Dr. Doom (a reference to Greenland which is located in the dome of the Earth); “Robin Hood” (2006) — Greek Fire was called “Byzantine Fire”; and “Copper” (2012) — a self-igniting liquid was referred to as "Greek Fire" in Season 1 Episodes 7-11; Novels: “Percy Jackson & the Olympians” (2005-2009) and “The Heroes of Olympus” (2010-2014) — references to Greek Fire are found throughout both series of the popular Greco-Roman-based novels; Video Games: Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms” (2007) and “Assassin's Creed: Revelations” (2011); and Novels: “Timeline” (1999) by Michael Crichton — features both an academic discussion and medieval demonstration of Greek Fire; and "The Technologists" (2012) by Matthew Pearl — Greek Fire plays a part in the saving the city of Boston from destruction.