Misc/Greenland Theory/2.11 Roman Military Bases

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2.11 Roman Military Bases

“KT” (C/K+T) is the term for a Greco-Roman military base or fort, the most recognizable form of which is “city” (C/K+T). Consequently, a number of the world’s largest cities began as Roman military bases (e.g., New York City, City of London, City of Los Angeles, etc.). Another term associated with “KT” is “citadel” (C/K+T+D+L) which is admittedly derived from the same Latin root as the word "city". The term “KT” numerically equates to “4” (i.e., the digit sum of “KT” is calculated as K+T=11+20=31=4), a number which is represented by the letter “D” in the Roman-English alphabet and the letter/number “+” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The “+” symbol (i.e., the Roman Cross) is the most common symbol associated with the Roman Empire and was therefore depicted on the sails of Roman ships and on flags atop its many military bases. The term “KT” or “ɅT” numerically equates to “3” (i.e., the digit sum of “ɅT” is calculated as Ʌ+T=3+18=21=3), a number which is represented by the Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”) in the Roman Score. The “Ʌ” symbol is indicative of Chania, Crete, the first-ever military base of the Greco-Roman Empire, as well as the word “kill”. Because the letter “H” is equates to the number “11” Roman Score, the numbers of “11+20” can also be construed as “H20”, the scientific term for water. This term was likely derived from the fact that a vast majority of Roman military bases were built on the shores of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, starting of course with the Mediterranean. Rome’s network of military bases can be understood in part by viewing the map of British territories. Roman Britain (i.e., Britannia) was essentially used to whitewash the historical record and cover the tracks of the Roman Empire in respect to their various maritime explorations and subsequent military bases.

Roman Military Bases

Numerous words and phrases have been derived from the term “KT”, most of which have a military application (e.g., cat, caught, cauterize, city, coat, coitus, cot, cut, first aid kit, kit, kite, musket and rocket). Although “cat” (C/K+T) is not a military term per se, it is a popular word used to describe the feline species of animal. Coincidentally, the ruling family of Rome is known as the “Line (L+N) of Man” which is symbolically depicted as a “Lion” (L+N), the biggest and strongest of the felines. In other words, the term “cat” is short for the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who rule the underworld, mainly through the use of their many “KTs” (i.e., military bases). Kites were also derived from “KT” as they were routinely flown in battle to direct and identify Roman troop movements. A “First Aid Kit” was the first Roman “KT” or military base which was able to respond and provide “aid” (“+” or “D”) to any problem that would arise within the Roman Empire. This is why even today, the “+” symbol is found on almost all First Aid Kits, in the logo of the Red Cross (a Swiss intelligence agency), and on the flag of Switzerland, the main proxy state of the Roman Empire which is now responsible for all troop movements in the underworld. The popular sport of “basketball” (B+S+C/K+T+B+L) acronymically equates in part to "Base-KT-Ball”, for the game was likely invented by the Roman Empire to keep soldiers in top fighting condition (e.g., agility, cardio, running and jumping) while stationed at a “KT” awaiting their next military assignment.

Roman Mascots

Since the motto of the Roman Empire is “By way of deception, thou shalt do war” (now adopted by the Israeli Mossad), a number of various masks or mascots (e.g., Pirates, Spartans, Trojans, Vikings, etc.) have been used over the centuries to attack a particular enemy under the cloak of secrecy. If the enemy cannot tell who attacked, it’s very difficult for them to retaliate at a later date. Roman mascot attacks were also used to fool allies into war with against each other. For example, if tribe “A” and tribe “B” are allies, Rome would have a few of their soldiers dress up like tribe “A” and carry out a surprise attack on tribe “B”, suckering them into a war which ultimately weakened and destroyed both parties. This type of deceptive warfare is still used till this day, especially in regards to sectarian violence and race relations. The term "Mascot" (M+S+C/K+T) acronymically equates to “13 System KT”, meaning that the 13 bloodlines of Rome have built a system which employs a variety of military bases and armies that differ in race, nationality and uniform. Because these soldiers look, act and talk differently, the unsuspecting public is unable to discern that they are in fact the same “arm” or “armies” of the Roman Empire. If and when a particular town, region or military base got out of control, an unknown Roman force (i.e., mascot) would be brought in to attack and kill whomever was causing the problem. The most notable example of this on a large scale was when the Vikings came from Greenland and attacked Europe using Roman ships and Roman swords. Because the Vikings were wearing horned helmets and spoke an indiscernible language, Europeans could not tell where they came from. Exploits of Greco-Roman mascots are littered throughout history and have been used with great effect to confuse the masses and historians alike.

KT in Popular Culture

Using the Roman-English alphabet, the term “KT” can be construed as “K20” or “K2”. The term “K2” is synonymous with “mountain” from whence the word “maintain” was ultimately derived from, the foremost goal behind any military base. Aside from the international ski brand known as “K2” (i.e., K2 Sports), a number of mountains around the world are associated with the same name. For example, “K2” (also known as “Ketu”), the second-highest mountain in the world, is located in Pakistan, while “Mount K2” is located in Alberta, Canada. The term “K2” also has numerous broadcast, military, and scientific applications and was recently popularized by the synthetic cannabis brand known as “K2”. The term “KT” is also represented throughout various aspects of popular culture, including but not limited to: all the official Roman “cities” of the world (likely in the millions); the month of October (C/K+T+B+R) which acronymically equates to "KT Bear" or "Military base of Greenland" (the island is formed in the shape of a bear); the city of Kyoto, Japan and its infamous Kyoto Protocol; the financial firms of CitiBank and CitiGroup whose logo coincidentally features a red Roman dome which itself is indicative of Rome’s domination over mankind which is maintained in part by their usury and KTs (i.e., military bases); the popular female names of Kate, Katy and Katherine; the idiom "Curiosity killed the cat (i.e., “KT”)", evidently meaning that an investigation into the history of civilization would inevitably kill Rome’s stranglehold on humanity; and the "Kit Kat" candy bar.