Misc/Greenland Theory/2.13 Roman Senate

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2.13 Roman Senate

Allegedly founded in 753 BC, the Roman Senate was a political institution of the Roman Empire that functioned until 603 AD, lasting a total of 1356 years. Since the alleged fall of the Roman Empire, at least 64 Roman-like senates have been established around the world, including the “Senate of the Republic” which is currently active today in Rome, Italy. In order to protect both life and power, the Imperial Cult (the true power behind the Greco-Roman Empire) created the Roman Senate as a ceremonial body which wielded no real power. In short, the Roman Senate (i.e., the Roman “See-not”) would represent the Imperial Cult politically so that they would not have to appear in public, hence the name. Similar to politicians today, Roman Senators were scapegoated when convenient and assassinated when disobedient. With the ever-growing amount of evil done in the name of Rome (e.g., blood sacrifices, murder, rape, genocide, etc.), opposing nations, grieving families and political assassins were no doubt constant threats. Therefore, it was imperative that the members of the Imperial Cult were not accessible at home on the Island of Sicily, or publically identifiable when traveling throughout the Roman Empire. In essence, the Roman Senate was created so that the members of the ruling Imperial Cult could have their freedom without having to sacrifice their power.

Capitol Hill

Although the relatively modest Curia Julia building is historically touted as the home of the Roman Senate, the far more extravagant Altare della Patria (Alter of the Fatherland) is a far more likely candidate to house the Roman Senate. Unlike the Curia Julia, the Altare della Patria is actually built on Capitoline Hill, directly in the center of Babylon (i.e., Rome, Italy). Because the Roman Senate was largely ceremonial in nature, its home was assuredly grand in nature and centrally located in order to be seen by all. Similar to the home of the Roman Senate, many modern day senate buildings have been built atop a hill, including but not limited to: the U.S. Capitol Building which houses the U.S. Senate and sits atop Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., USA; the Centre Block which houses the Senate of Canada and sits atop Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; the Parliament House which houses the Australian Senate and sits atop Capital Hill in Canberra, New South Wales, Australia; the Utah State Capitol which houses the Utah State Senate and sits atop Capitol Hill in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; and after Washington, D.C. is destroyed, the future home of the U.S. Capitol Building will sit atop Capitol Hill in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Roman Senates Today

Today there are of 53 Roman-like senates which are currently active around the world, evidently a numerical tribute to its founding year of the Roman Senate in 753 BC (i.e., Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, France, Gabon, Grenada, Haiti, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Palau, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Spain, Swaziland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Zimbabwe). There are also 11 Roman-like senates which have been abolished over the last few centuries: Greece (1863), Sudan (1958), Kenya (1966), Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) (1971), South Africa (1981), Tucumán Province (1990), Argentina (1990), Bavaria (2000), Córdoba Province (2001), Argentina (2001), and Chad (2005). Similar to both alleged Roman Senate buildings (i.e., the Curia Julia and the Altare della Patria), triangular shaped apexes and Greco-Roman columns are found in almost all modern senate and governmental buildings, ultimately confirming that these senates are Roman in both form and function. Interestingly, two Greco-Roman fasces that are shaped in the Island of Crete are hanging today in the U.S. Senate, yet another tribute to the Roman Senate. Lastly, a Roman centurion is depicted within the logo of the Ottawa Senators, a professional NHL hockey team located in Ottawa, Ontario, the capital of Canada.