Misc/Greenland Theory/5.04 Roman Numerology

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5.04 Roman Numerology

Numerology is the belief in a divine or mystical relationship between a number and some coinciding date, event or other number. The father of numerology was likely Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras of Samos who also founded the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. The Pythagoreans are known for their belief that numbers constituted the true nature of things. Consequently, they performed purification rites (i.e., sacrifices) and followed various rules of living based on numerology which they believed would enable their souls to reach a higher rank among the gods. Although it has many systems, traditions and beliefs, numerology is rather simplistic in that certain numbers always have innate meaning, the greatest of which are "master numbers" (e.g., 11, 22, 33, etc.). In order to evoke said meaning, that particular number must be exercised in reality, most often with a blood sacrifice (e.g., 9/11 attacks and the 7/7 bombing). Since the collective historical eras commonly referred to as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Samaria, Ancient Greece, the Bible, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome and the Vikings are all just disguised chapters in the Greco-Roman book history, the numerology behind key numbers over the ages has remained generally the same. Coincidentally, a majority of the numerology found in Judaism and Jewish mysticism as dictated by the Kabbalah reflects that of the aforementioned historical eras. In short, Jewish numerology is Greco-Roman numerology for it is used by the Jewish practitioners of the Kabbalah to unwittingly execute the so-called purification rites (i.e., sacrifices) of Rome in the underworld.

Number "0"

Number "0" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "O" symbol which doubles as the letter "O" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna. These circular symbols are evidently acronyms for "zero" (meaning nothing) and "sum all" (meaning everything). In 1740 B.C., the Egyptians reportedly used the symbol “nfr” (N+F+R) for the number zero in their accounting texts. The Ancient Greeks were reportedly unsure about the status of zero as a number and asked themselves: How can nothing be something? This particular Greco-Roman philosophy on the number zero is evident in the Roman Score where the “O” symbol does not hold any numeric or phonetic value.

Number “1”

Number "1" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "I" symbol as well as the letter "A" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna. These vertical symbols are evidently acronyms for the Eye of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark) which is coincidentally shaped in the form of the letter “A”. The Eye of Providence symbolically represents the one-eyed Beast of Greenland and is indicative of one and only Imperial Cult of Rome which is eyeing (spying on) the underworld from Greenland through its proxy state of Switzerland. According to the Greek philosopher Plotinus, the number “One” is the ultimate reality and source of all existence. This notion was seconded by the Roman philosopher Philo of Alexandria who stated that the number “1” was God's number and the basis for all other numbers. Both the word “one” and the number “1” are pronounced “won” as in victory because there is only “one” Roman Empire which “won” the war against all of mankind.

Number "1": Aleph (א)

Aleph is the 1st letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 1st decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “1”. In Jewish mysticism, Aleph represents the oneness of God (i.e., G.O.D., an acronym for Greenland of Denmark) and begins the three words that make up God's mystical name in the book of Exodus—“I Am who I Am”. Symbolically speaking, the symbol for Aleph appears to be a four-pronged Roman Cross which is twisted into the shape of the letter “N” which itself is an acronym for the one true “North”. In the Sefer Yetzirah, Aleph is king over four elements: air in the universe, breath, temperature of the year, and soul in the chest. Acronymically speaking, “Aleph” (L+P+H) evidently translates to “Line of Pi Forever” or “Line of Greenland Forever”, of which there is only one. In Jewish folklore, Aleph is rewarded by being allowed to start the Ten Commandments. This story likely represents the first laws instituted by Minos of Crete who sired the line of Man, otherwise known as the line of Pi. In Jewish mythology, the letter Aleph was carved into the head of the golem which ultimately gave it life. This particular myth likely represents the birth of what is now known as the “Babylon System” in which laws are used to psychologically manipulate the masses. The letter Aleph is composed of an upper Yod, a lower Yud, and a leaning diagonal Vav leaning. The upper Yud represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of God (i.e., Greenland) while the lower Yud represents God's revelation and presence in the underworld. The Vav (i.e., Switzerland) ultimately connects the two realms.

Number "2"

Number "2" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "V" symbol as well as the letter "B" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna. The letter “B” is evidently an acronym for Babylon (i.e., modern day Rome, Italy), the former capital of the Roman Empire, while the letter “V” is evidently an acronym for the Roman goddess of Victoria. The second day of the week known as Tuesday was derived from Tīw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Viking mythology. Two is commonly represented by the letter "T" (i.e., the 20th letter in the English alphabet), otherwise known as the Greco-Roman “Cross of Tau” or “Cross of Two”.

Number "2": Bet (ב)

Bet is the 2nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 2nd decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “2”. Symbolically speaking, the “Bet” symbol appears to be an upside-down and reversed boot of Italy (i.e., a Mariner’s Cross) as well as an upside down letter “J”. Acronymically speaking, “Bet” (B+T) likely translates to “Babylon Two” or simply “boot” which is indicative of the fascist boot and heel (hell) of the Roman Empire. Allegedly meaning “house”, Bet is the first letter in the Torah and is said to symbolize its two parts: the written Torah and the oral Torah. The number “2” also has significant religious and ceremonial importance to the Jews. For example: God ordered Noah to put two of every unclean animal on the ark; God gave his Ten Commandments in the form of two tablets; the Ten Commandments were recorded two different times in the Torah; two candles are traditionally lit to usher in the Shabbat; and two challahs (i.e., lechem mishnah) are placed on the table for each Shabbat meal and a blessing made over them to commemorate the double (two) portion of manna which fell in the desert every Friday. These “two” expressions are known in Hebrew as “שמור וזכור”, meaning "guard" and "remember", as in "Guard the Shabbat day to sanctify it" (as written in Deuteronomy 5:12), and "Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it" (as written in Exodus 20:8). In Jewish law, the testimony of two witnesses is required to verify and validate events, such as marriage, divorce, and a crime that warrants capital punishment. "Second-Day Yom Tov" (i.e., Yom Tov Sheini Shebegaliyot) is a rabbinical enactment that mandates a two-day celebration for each of the one-day Jewish festivals (e.g., the first and seventh day of Passover, the day of Shavuot, the first day of Sukkot, and the day of Shemini Atzeret outside the land of Israel).

Number "3"

Number "3" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Ʌ" symbol as well as the letter "C" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna. The “Ʌ” symbol and the letter “C” are evidently acronyms for the word Chania, Crete, the founding city and state of the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, the “Ʌ” symbol adorned the shields of the Greek Spartans. According to modern historical accounts, the number “3” is a “very significant number” in Norse mythology as evidenced by the fact that the term “Three” (T+H+R) is the disguised name of “Thor” (T+H+R), the god of Viking destruction. Wednesday, the third day of the week, is named after the Germanic god Wōden who is by all accounts the same as the Viking god “Odin” (D+N) which represents the final “den” (D+N) of Rome—Greenland. The “three” dens or homes of the Greco-Roman Empire (i.e., Crete, Sicily and Greenland) are often symbolized by the trident symbol or the “holy trinity” which is currently featured in many of the world’s religions (e.g., the Christian Holy Trinity; the Hindu Trimurti; the Hindu Tridevi; the Three Jewels of Buddhism; the Three Pure Ones of Taoism; and the Triple Goddess of Wicca). The number “3” is also sacred because of Hegelian dialectic of Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis which creates three-ness from two-ness. This particular formula employs the tried and true method of “Problem-Reaction-Solution” which has to date been successfully used by Rome to confuse, deceive and enslave humanity.

Number "3": Gimel (ג) Gimel is the 3rd letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 3rd decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “3”. Symbolically speaking, the “Gimel” symbol appears to be an upside-down letter “Y” which is indicative of both “You” and “Jew”. Acronymically speaking, “Gimel” (G+M+L) likely translates to “Greenland Man Line” which is indicative of the three homes of the line of Man (i.e., Crete, Sicily and Greenland), and “Greenland Mole” which is indicative of the espionage that is unwittingly done by the Jewish people on behalf of the Roman Empire in Greenland. Written like a Vav with a Yud as a "foot", it resembles a person in motion. The word Gimel is related to Gemul, which means “justified repayment”, or the giving of reward and punishment (on behalf of Rome). The letter Gimel, along with the He and Daled are used to represent the Names of God in Judaism. Gimmel is also one of the seven letters which receives special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "3.14": Pi (π)

The “π” symbol (i.e., the Pi symbol) is the 9th symbol in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) where it holds a numeric value of 8 which is coincidentally also the digital sum of the word “Greenland” (i.e., 7+18+5+5+14+12+1+14+4=80). It is believed that the Earth is 3.14 times greater in width as it is in depth and therefore the “π” symbol as well as the letter “P” equate to Greenland which is in essence the tip of the Earth’s core. Although the “π” symbol does not exist in the English alphabet, it is represented by the letter "P" which is the 16th letter. Coincidentally, the “π” symbol is also the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet which was created by the Greco-Roman scientist Ptolemy around 150 A.D. when he gave it the value of 3.1416. The “π” symbol, which was likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna, is evidently an acronym for “infinity” and “forever” as the “π” fraction never ends. The “π” symbol also doubles as the letter "K" (turned 90° to the right) as well as the number 3.14159—repeating to infinity.

Number "4"

Number "4" (pronounced “fear” in the language of German) is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "+" symbol as well as the letter "D" in the modern English alphabet. The number “4” is indicative of the four classical Greek elements (e.g., fire, air, water, and earth). The number “+” (i.e., the letter “D”) is evidently an acronym for both “Die” and “Day” which is indicative of the 24/7 daylight of Greenland. Symbolically speaking, the number “4” tends to double as the Greco-Roman cross which is the featured symbol of the Roman Empire as well as most Judeo Christian religions. Although the Roman cross is depicted on numerous flags around the world, a geometrically square "+" symbol is only found on the flag of Switzerland, the main proxy state of Roman Empire. The number “4” is also represented symbolically throughout the Bible, the most notable of which are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation and the four gospels of the New Testament (i.e., Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

Number "4": Daled (ד)

Daled is the 4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 4th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “4”. Symbolically speaking, the “Daled” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “T” which is based on the Greco-Roman “Cross of Tau” which eventually morphed into the “+” symbol which coincidentally represents the number “4” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Acronymically speaking, “Daled” (D+L+D) likely translates to “Die Lead” which symbolizes the role that the Jewish people play in both leading and executing Roman blood sacrifices in the underworld. Because of this role, the number “4” is featured throughout Jewish religion and mythology: There are four matriarchs (foremothers) of Judaism (i.e., Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel); The Jewish holiday of Sukkot requires that there are four species of plants (i.e., Lulav, Hadass, Aravah and Etrog) which are dictated by the Mitzvot; During the Jewish holy day of Passover, there are “Four Cups of Wine” to drink, “Four Questions” to be asked, “Four Sons” to be dealt with, and “Four Expressions of Redemption” to be stated. Dalet as a prefix in Aramaic (the language of the Talmud) is a preposition meaning "that", or "which", or also "from" or "of". The Tetragrammaton is the four-letter name of God, the most notable of which is “YHWH”, one of the names of the God of Israel used in the Hebrew Bible. The letter Dalet, along with He and Gimel, are also used to represent the Names of God in Judaism.

Number "5"

Number "5" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Ж" symbol as well as the letter "E" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. The "Ж" symbol is evidently an acronym for “CH” or “chi” which is indicative of the country of Switzerland, the life force of the Roman Empire. The letter “E” is evidently an acronym for the word “Empire” which is indicative of the Empire of Rome. The Principia Discordia, the sacred text of Discordianism, holds that the number “5” is one of the sacred numbers of Eris, the goddess of chaos, strife and discord in Greek mythology. The number “5” is indicative of the destructive hand of God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) which is commonly depicted by the 5-pointed “star” (one point for each finger) which symbolizes the “steer”-ing hand of Rome in the underworld.

Number "5": He (ה)

He is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 5th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “5”. Symbolically speaking, the “He” symbol appears to be the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown.. Acronymically speaking, “He” (H) likely translates to “Forever Empire” or “Hercules” which is symbolic of the lasting strength and power of the Roman Empire. The letter He, along with Daled and Gimel are used to represent the Names of God in Judaism. He stands for Hashem which means “The Name” and is a way of saying God without actually saying the name of God. In Judaism, then number “5” is sacred as the Torah contains five books (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) which are collectively called the Five Books of Moses. He is often found on charms depicting the Hamsa symbol which is shaped like a five-fingered hand with an Eye of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark) in the middle of the palm. The symbol, which is used throughout the Middle East, is especially popular with the Jewish people for it represents the steering hand of Rome in the underworld.

Number "6"

Number "6" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "ǂ" symbol as well as the letter "F" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna. In classical Greek, number “6” is entitled “hextra”, as in a hex or the casting of an evil spell. In Latin, the term for number “6” is “sex” or sextus. The number “6” is most commonly represented by the Fleur-de-lis symbol which is the logo of the New Orleans Saints. The name “Saints” (S+X+T+S) spells “SXTS” when deciphered using the Roman Score. The “ǂ” symbol (i.e., the Patriarchal cross) is evidently an acronym for the “Double-Cross” meaning the premeditated betrayal of another by means of deception which is in essence the motto of the Roman Empire: “By deception, thou shalt do war”. Interestingly, this particular motto has now been adopted by the state-sponsored terrorist organization known as the Israeli Mossad who is responsible for executing a majority of the world’s terrorism. Six is evidently an acronym for the term “Fake” which is indicative of how the Roman Empire faked its own death and moved to Greenland in order to deceive her enemies. As the Roman theologian Augustine of Hippo once stated, number “6” is a perfect number for it truly encapsulates Greco-Roman behavior over the last 1,000 years.

Number "6": Vav (ו)

Vav is the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 6th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “6”. Symbolically speaking, the “Vav” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “I” which is the 9th letter in the English alphabet which represents the spying Eye of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark). Acronymically speaking, “Vav” (V+V) translates to “VV” or “BB”. Due to the fact that the letter “V” is the letter “B” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), “BB” therefore equates to the city of Babylon. Vav at the beginning of a word has several possible meanings: Vav Conjunctive (Vav Hachibur, literally "the Vav of Connection"—chibur means "joining, or bringing together") and Vav Consecutive (Vav Hahipuch, literally "the Vav of Reversal"—hipuch means "inversion"). Vav, meaning “hook”, is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. The number “6” is sacred in Judaism as evidenced by the fact that there are: 6 points on the Star of David; 6 orders of the Mishnah; 6 items arranged on the Passover Seder Plate; The Jewish holiday of Shavuot starts on the 6th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan; the Jewish god of Yahweh also took 6 days to create the world in the Old Testament; and humankind was created on day 6 in the Book of Genesis. The letter Vav also refers to the Lamedvavniks, the 36 righteous people who save the world from destruction. As an abbreviation, Vav can stand for “litre” and can also act as a preposition meaning "to" (2) or "for" (4), or “to fear”.

Number "7"

Number "7" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "⅃" symbol as well as the letter "G" in the modern English alphabet. The number “7” was considered God’s number in ancient Egypt and the Pharaoh usually ordered things in multiples of 7. The “⅃” symbol is evidently an acronym for the Greco-Roman god of El which is indicative of the “line” or “lineage” Man which was sired by Minos of Crete. The letter "G" is evidently an acronym for Greenland which is now home to the line of Man its 13 bloodlines of Rome. Starting with the 7 sages of Greece, the number “7” has become synonymous with Greco-Roman Empire as evidenced by the 7 Kings of Rome (i.e., Romulus; Numa Pompilius; Tullus Hostilius; Ancus Marcius; Lucius Tarquinius Priscus; Servius Tullius; and Lucius Tarquinius Superbus); the 7 Emperors of Rome (i.e., Julius Caesar, Augustus, Galba, Hadrian, Nerva, Sallust, and Vespasian); the 7 hills of Rome; and the 7 hills of Constantinople.

Number "7": Zayin (ז)

Zayin is the 7th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 7th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “7”. Symbolically speaking, the “Zayin” symbol appears to be a version of the number “7” which is indicative of the letter “G” which is an acronym for Greenland. Acronymically speaking, “Zayin” (Z+N) translates to “Zen” or “Zion North”, a direct reference to Mt. Zion which is in Greenland. In Judaism, the term Shiva is another pronunciation of the Hebrew word for “7” and is the number of days of required mourning. The number “7” is sacred to the Jewish people as evidenced by the fact that the weekly Torah portion is divided into seven aliyahs; 7 Jewish men are called up for the reading of these aliyahs during Shabbat; 7 blessings are recited under the chuppah during a Jewish wedding ceremony; a Jewish bride and groom are feted with 7 days of festive meals after their wedding, known as Sheva Berachot ("Seven Blessings"); 7 is the number of Ushpizzin or "Seven Shepherds" who visit the sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot (i.e., Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David); in Deuteronomy 7:1, seven is the number of nations God told the Israelites they would displace when they entered the land of Israel (i.e., the Hittite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite); in the Breslov branch of Hasidic Judaism, the 7 orifices of the face (2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, and the mouth) are called "The Seven Candles”; and in the Jewish Kabbalah, the 7th Sephirot is indicative of the primary conscious emotions which are attributes of the creator. Zayin is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "8"

Number "8" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "π" symbol as well as the letter "H" in the modern English alphabet, all of which were likely derived from the Greco-Roman Wheel of Fortuna. The “π” (i.e., Pi) symbol is evidently an acronym for Greenland meaning “infinity” or “forever” as the “π” fraction never ends. Using algebraic English, the digital sum of “Greenland” equates to the number “8” (i.e., 7+18+5+5+14+12+1+14+4=80). In Ancient Egyptian mythology, the Ogdoad represents the 8 primordial deities of creation. The letter “H” is evidently an acronym for the word “Hercules” as in the Pillars of Hercules which is indicative of the infinite strength of the Roman Empire.

Number "8": Heth (ח)

Heth is the 8th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 8th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “8”. Symbolically speaking, the “Heth” symbol appears to be either a version of the letter “N” which is an acronym for “North” and the direction to Greenland, or the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown. Acronymically speaking, “Heth” (H+T+H) translates to “Hat or Hate Forever” and Greenland is considered the “hat” or “cap”-stone of the world. In Judaism, the sexual mutilation rite of brit milah (i.e., circumcision) is held on a baby boy's 8th day of life. The Circumcision ritual symbolizes the removal of the hat or cap (i.e., the foreskin) from the baby’s body similar to how Greenland has is essence been cut away from the body of the world. Hanukkah is an 8-day Jewish holiday which starts on the 25th day of Kislev, while Shemini Atzeret ("Eighth Day of Assembly") is a one-day Jewish holiday immediately following the seven-day holiday of Sukkot.

Number "9"

Number "9" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Γ" symbol as well as the letter "I" in the modern English alphabet. The “Γ” symbol (i.e., the letter “R”) is evidently an acronym for “Rome” as well as the Greco-Roman god of “Ra”. The letter “I” is evidently an acronym for the Eye of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark). In Ancient Egypt, nine bows was a term used to represent the traditional enemies of Egypt. In Greek mythology, there were 9 muses (e.g., Calliope; Clio; Erato; Euterpe; Melpomene; Polyhymnia; Terpsichore; Thalia; and Urania) and it took 9 days for an anvil to fall from heaven to earth. It also took another 9 days for the anvil to fall from earth to Tartarus—a place of torment in the underworld. Nine is also a significant number in Norse Mythology as Odin hung himself on an ash tree for 9 days to learn the runes. In the language of German, the term “nein” means “no” and therefore the number “9” likely means “no” or “none”.

Number "9": Teth (ט)

Teth is the 9th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 9th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “9”. Symbolically speaking, the “Teth” symbol appears to be a number “6” or the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown. Coincidentally, the number “15” is written with Tet and Vav, (9+6) to avoid the normal construction Yud and Hei (10+5) which spells a name of God. Acronymically speaking, “Teth” (T+T+H) translates to both “Babylon Forever” (22=BB) and “Teeth” which is indicative of the vicious mouth of the Beast of Greenland. In Judaism, the first 9 days of the Hebrew month of Av are collectively known as “Tisha HaYamim” or "The Nine Days", which are a period of semi-mourning leading up to Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of Av on which both Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed. Teth is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah

Number "10"

Number "10" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Ф" symbol as well as the letter "J" in the modern English alphabet. The number “10” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “0” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score and “A” in the English alphabet. The “Ф” symbol, which was likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna, is evidently an acronym for Greenland as evidenced by the fact that the "Ф" symbol is found on the flag of Greenland. The letter “J” is evidently an acronym for “Jah” and “Jehova” which are indicative of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark. The “Ф” symbol, which is essentially the number “10” (the number “1” is located inside of the number “0” which ultimately makes a “10”), is currently represented in at least 8 alphabets (e.g., the Cyrillic; the Danish; the Early Cyrillic; the Faroese; the Greek; the Norwegian; the Russian; and the Southern Sami). Numerology speaking, the number “10” can also be the same as the number “1” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "10": Yud (י)

Yud is the 10th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 10th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “10”. Symbolically speaking, the “Yud” symbol appears to be a hash mark of sorts which is generally used in accounting. Acronymically speaking, “Yud” (Y+D) likely translates to “You/Jew” and “Day/Die” which may be indicative of the executioner role that the Jewish people play in the underworld on behalf of Rome. In Talmudic and Midrashic teachings, God drew forth 10 primordial elements or fundamental principles which were used to construct all of Creation (i.e., Heaven, Earth, Chaos, Void, Light, Darkness, Wind, Water, Day, and Night). Two Yuds in a row designate the name of God Adonai and in pointed texts are written with the vowels of Adonai. Since Yud is the smallest letter, much kabbalistic and mystical significance is also attached to it in part because of its gematria value of 10 which is an important number in Judaism, and its place in the name of God. According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus mentioned the Yud during the Antithesis of the Law when he stated: "One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Jot, or iota, refers to the letter Yud which is often overlooked by scribes because of its size and position as a mater lectionis. In modern Hebrew, the phrase "tip of the Yud" refers to a small and insignificant thing. Someone who "worries about the tip of a Yud" is someone who is picky and meticulous about small details. In Judaism, there are 10 Commandments given to Moses; 10 plagues inflicted on Egypt; 10 generations between Adam and Noah; 10 generations between Noah and Abraham; the Torah commands Jews to give 1/10 of their produce to the poor, (i.e., Maaser Ani); there are said to be 10 Lost Tribes of Israel (those other than Judah and Benjamin); there are 10 Sephirot in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and in Jewish liturgy; 10 martyrs are singled out as a group; 10 men are the required quorum for prayer services; and the Jews observe the annual 10 Days of Repentance beginning on Rosh Hashanah and ending on Yom Kippur. Numerology speaking, the number “10” can also be the same as the number “1” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "11"

Number "11" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "H" symbol as well as the letter "K" in the modern English alphabet, the latter two of which were likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna, The number “11” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “1” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “I” (A/E/I) in the Roman Score and “A” and “A” in the English alphabet. The letter “H” symbolizes the Pillars of Hercules which has the meaning of infinite or endless in the Basque language of Spain where the Pillars of Hercules were once located. The letter “K” is evidently an acronym for the terms Chania, Crete, the founding city and state of the Greco-Roman Empire.

Number "11": Kaph (כ)

Kaph is the 11th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 11th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “20”, or “2”. Symbolically speaking, the “Kaph” symbol appears to be a backwards letter “C” which is indicative of the Greco-Roman crescent symbol which itself is representative the “Cronus” used in cyclical killing. Acronymically speaking, “Kaph” (K+P+H) likely translates to “Cap Forever” which is indicative of Greenland which is the “cap”-stone of the Earth. Kaph also means “palm [of the hand]” and is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. Hiriq, Holam, and Shuruk are names for the “10 (1)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “10 (1)” decimal equates to the number “11”. Acronymically speaking, “Hiriq” (H+R+Q) likely translates to “Forever Roman Coup d’état”; “Holam” (H+L+M) likely translates to “Heel Man” which is indicative of the Roman boot heel (hell) devised by the Line of Man which was sired by Minos of Crete; and “Shuruk” (S+H+R+K) likely translates to “Shiva Wreck” as both the Jews and the Romans worship Shiva, the goddess of destruction.

Number "12"

Number "12" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the " Ш" symbol as well as the letter "L" in the modern English alphabet. The number “12” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “2” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “V” (B) in the Roman Score and “A” and “B” in the English alphabet. The “Ш” symbol (i.e., the letter “V”) is evidently an acronym for the goddess of Victoria and is often depicted as the trident symbol "ψ" which symbolizes the 3 dens or homes of Rome (i.e., Crete, Sicily, and Greenland). The letter "L" is evidently an acronym for the Greco-Roman god of El which represents the “line” or “lineage” Man of the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have subsequently moved to Greenland. In Greek mythology, there were 12 labors of Hercules and 12 Olympians were the principal gods of the pantheon. In Norse mythology, the god Odin had 12 sons. In Rome, several sets of 12 cities are identified in history as a dodecapolis, the most familiar being the Etruscan League.

Number "12": Lamed (ל)

Lamed is the 12th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 12th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “30”, or “3”. Symbolically speaking, the “Lamed” symbol appears to be the number “1” atop the number “7” which equates to the number “17”. The number “17” is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. Therefore, the number “17” means “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which governments are routinely overthrown. Acronymically speaking, “Lamed” (L+M+D) appears to translate to “Line of the Mediterranean” which may be indicative of the lineage of the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have since moved to Greenland. In Judaism, the patriarch Jacob had 12 sons who were the progenitors of the 12 Tribes of Israel with 12,000 people each, making a total of 144,000. In Orthodox Judaism, the number 12 signifies the age at which a girl matures, otherwise known as bat mitzvah.

Number "13"

Number "13" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "M" symbol as well as the letter "M" in the modern English alphabet. The number “13” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “3” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “Ʌ” (C/K) in the Roman Score and “A” and “C” in the English alphabet. The “M” symbol is evidently an acronym for the line of “Man” which was sired by Minos of Crete. The number 13 is astronomically significant because it is represents the 13 full moons of the year, as well as the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have now moved to Greenland. Aside from being known as an unlucky number, the number 13 if found throughout religion and history including but not limited to the 13 original U.S. colonies, the 13 stripes on the flag of the United States, Jesus and his 12 apostles, (13 total), as well as the 13 stars on the Coat of Arms of Swiss Canton of Valais which represent its 13 districts.

Number "13": Mem (מ)

Mem is the 13th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 13th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “40”, or “4”. Symbolically speaking, the “Mem” symbol appears to be the letter “Y” which morphs into a backwards letter “L”, spelling the word “Yule” (Y+L). Yule is symbolic of pagan Greco-Roman rituals which celebrate the Wild Hunt, the Norse god of Odin and the pagan Anglo-Saxon Modranicht. Acronymically speaking, “Mem” (M+M) appears to translate to “M and M” or “13 and 13” which is indicative of the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have since moved to Greenland, and the 13 ruling Jewish families of the underworld which live in Switzerland, possibly in the Swiss Canton of Valais. In the Sefer Yetzirah, the letter Mem is “King over Water”, formed “Earth in the Universe”, “Cold in the Year”, and the “Belly in the Soul”. In Hebrew religious texts, Mem stands for the name of God Makum, meaning safe haven. In the Israeli army, Mem can also stand for mefaked meaning commander. Mem (13) and Samekh (15) form the abbreviation for the “Angel of Death” (28) whose name in Hebrew is Samael. In Judaism, the number 13 signifies the age at which a boy matures and becomes a Bar Mitzvah (i.e., a full member of the Jewish faith). There are 13 Principles of Jewish faith according to Maimonides, 13 circles, or "nodes", that make up Metatron's Cube in Kaballistic teachings, and according to Rabbinic commentary on the Torah, God has 13 Attributes of Mercy.

Number "14"

Number "14" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "X" symbol as well as the letter "N" in the modern English alphabet. The number “14” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “4” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “+” (D) in the Roman Score and “A” and “D” in the English alphabet. A.D. (i.e., Anno Domini) essentially means “No Dome North” which represents the time in history when the dome of the Earth where Greenland is located was officially cut off from the rest of the world. The “X” symbol (i.e., the number “14”) tends to doubles as the Jolly Rodger (i.e., a pirate's flag) which is internationally recognized as a symbol of piracy and death. The letter "X” (i.e., EKS) is evidently an acronym for “Empire Kill System”. The letter “N” is evidently an acronym for “No”, “Nor” and “North” which is the direction to Greenland from anywhere in the underworld. In Ancient Egypt, 14 was the number of pieces the body of Osiris was torn into by his fratricidal brother Set. The number “14” is featured prominently in the Roman saying, “All for one and one for all” (i.e., “All 41 and 14 all”) which is coincidentally also the national motto of Switzerland. Numerically translated, this saying means “All for 1 (Rome) and 14 (“X” or death) for all”. During the 14th century, the Fourteen Holy Helpers were a group of Roman Catholic saints whose inexplicable appearance in Europe coincidentally coincided with an outbreak of the bubonic plague which eventually lead to the Black Death that killed an estimated 75 to 200 million people. Although their origin is still unknown, it is likely that the saints came from Greenland to Europe with the specific purpose of initiating a pandemic. In short, the number 14 is often associated with death, killing and terror.

Number "14": Nun (נ)

Nun is the 14th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 14th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “50” or “5”. Symbolically speaking, the “Nun” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “D” which is the 4th letter in the English alphabet and an acronym for the word “Die”. Acronymically speaking, “Nen” (N+N) appears to translate to “No”, “Nor” or “North”. In medieval Rabbinic writings, Nun Sophit (Final Nun) stood for "Son of" (Hebrew ben or ibn). Nun is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "15"

Number "15" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Ω" symbol as well as the letter "O" in the modern English alphabet. The number “15” is constructed by a number “1” and a “5” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and Ж” (CH) in the Roman Score and “A” and “E” in the English alphabet. The letter “Ω” is evidently an acronym for the term “Yu” (You) or “Jew” which represents all those living outside of Utopia (T+P), a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., Greenland) which sits on "top" (T+P) of the world. The letter “O” is evidently an acronym for both "zero" (nothing) and "sum all" (everything).

Number "15": Samech (ס)

Samech is the 15th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 15th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “60”, or “6”. Symbolically speaking, the “Samech” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “O” which is coincidentally also located in the 15th position in the English alphabet. Acronymically speaking, “Samech” (S+M+Ж) appears to translate to “System Man Chi” or “System Man Switzerland”. “Ж” or “Chi” is indicative of the country of Switzerland, the first Jewish state who executes Roman policy in the underworld. The line of “Man” was sired by Minos of Crete and has subsequently grown into the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have since moved to Greenland.Mem (13) and Samekh (15) form the abbreviation for the “Angel of Death” whose name in Hebrew is Samael. According to legend, Samekh is said to have been a miracle of the Ten Commandments. Exodus 32:15 records that the tablets "were written on both their sides." The Jerusalem Talmud interprets this as meaning that the inscription went through the full thickness of the tablets. The stone in the center parts of the letters Ayin (16) and Teth (9) should have fallen out because they were not connected to the rest of the tablet, yet miraculously, they remained in place. In the Hebrew numbering system, the number 15 is written with the letters representing "9" and "6" (i.e., “ט” and “ו” or “Teth” and “Vav”). In Judaism, the Passover begins on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan; Sukkot begins on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei; Tu Bishvat occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat; Shushan Purim, occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Adar; Tu B'Av occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Av; there are 15 Shir Hama'alot in Psalms, from 120 to 134; and there are 15 things mentioned in the middle of Yishtabach and15 words in the conclusion.

Number "16"

Number "16" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "#" symbol as well as the letter "P" in the modern English alphabet. The number “16” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “6” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score and “A” and “F” in the English alphabet. The “#” symbol is evidently an acronym for “SH” which may be an abbreviation for the Greco-Roman goddess of Shiva and/or the Swiss canton of “Schaffhausen” which may play a key role in Rome’s ruling of the underworld as evidenced by the ram (or Rome) which adores its shield. The letter “P” is evidently an acronym for the Pi symbol (i.e., “π”) which holds a numeric value of 8 in the Roman Score, the exact digital sum of the word “Greenland” (i.e., 7+18+5+5+14+12+1+14+4=80). It is believed that the Earth is 3.14 times greater in width as it is in depth and therefore the “π” symbol as well as the letter “P” equate to Greenland which is in essence the tip of the Earth’s core. Although the “π” symbol does not exist in the English alphabet, it is represented by the letter "P" which is the 16th letter. Coincidentally, the “π” symbol is also the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet.

Number "16": Ayin (ע)

Ayin is the 16th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 16th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “70”, or “7”. Symbolically speaking, the “Ayin” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “Y” which equates to “You” or “Jew”. Acronymically speaking, “Ayin” (Y+N) appears to translate to “You/Jew North” which may be indicative of the Roman Empire in Greenland for whom the Jewish people unwittingly work for. Meaning “eye” (as in spy), ʻAyin it is one of several Hebrew letters which have an additional meaning as a noun. Ayin is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "17"

Number "17" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol as well as the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet. The number “17” is constructed by a number “1” and a “7” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and a “⅃” (L) in the Roman Score and “A” and “G” in the English alphabet. The “S” symbol is evidently an acronym for “System” (as in “Babylon System”), while the letter “Q” is evidently an acronym for “Cue” or “Coup d'état” which signifies when the “killing” or “culling” will begin. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown. According to Plutarch's Moralia, the Ancient Egyptians have a legend which states that the end of Osiris's life came on the 17th of a month during a full moon. Because of this, the Pythagoreans call this day "the Barrier," and utterly abominate this number.

Number "17": Pe (פ)

Pe is the 17th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 17th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “80” or “8”. Symbolically speaking, the “Pe” symbol appears to be a version of both the number “6” or “9” as well as an upside down letter “G” which is indicative of Greenland. Acronymically speaking, “Pe” (P) is an acronym for the Pi symbol (i.e., “π”) which holds a numeric value of 8 in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), the exact digital sum of the word “Greenland” (i.e., 7+18+5+5+14+12+1+14+4=80). Meaning “mouth”, Pe is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun.

Number "18"

Number "18" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "T" symbol as well as the letter "R" in the modern English alphabet. The number “18” is constructed by the numbers “1” and “8” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “π” (P) in the Roman Score and “A” and “H” in the English alphabet. The "T" symbol is evidently an acronym for both the city of Thule (i.e., Atlantis, Greenland) and the Cross of Tau which is symbolic of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Viking mythology. The letter “R” is evidently an acronym for “Rome” and the Greco-Roman god of “Ra” who is always depicted holding the cross of Tau. According to modern historical sources, the number “18” symbolizes a blood relative in Ancient Roman customs. Legend has it that in neo-Nazi circles, the number “18” is code word for Adolf Hitler.

Number "18": Tsade (צ) Tsade is the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 18th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “90”, or “9”. Symbolically speaking, the “Tsade” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “V” atop the letter “L” which may be symbolic of the “Veil” (V+L) which currently hides the Roman Empire in Greenland. The Hebrew word for "life" is “ח”י or “chai” which has a numerical value of 18. “CH” or “chi” is indicative of the country of Switzerland, the life force of the Roman Empire. Consequently, the custom has arisen in Jewish circles to give donations and monetary gifts in multiples of 18 as an expression of blessing for long life. The letter “R”, which is an acronym for “Rome”, is coincidentally the 18th letter in the English alphabet and the 9th symbol In the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Acronymically speaking, “Tsade” (T+S+D) appears to translate to “Thule System Die” or “Thule South” which defines the current system by which the Jewish people unwittingly executing Roman policy in the underworld (South) which originated in the Roman capital of Thule, Greenland (North). As an abbreviation, Tsade stands for Safon, meaning “North”. Conversely, the word “South” is defined in numerous Europeans languages by the consonants of “S” and “D”, or a variation thereof (e.g., Danish: “syd”; Dutch: “zuiden”; French: “sud”; German: “süden”; Italian: “sud”; Romanian: “sud”; and Swedish: “söder”). In Judaism, the Talmud features Rabbi Yehudah ben Teime who gives the age of 18 as the appropriate age to get married. In the central prayer of the Jewish liturgy, there are 18 original constituent blessings (19 total now) known as the Shmoneh Esreh or Amidah. Ṣadi is also one of the seven letters which receive a special crown (i.e., tagin) written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "19"

Number "19" is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "Z" symbol as well as the letter "S" in the modern English alphabet. The number “19” is constructed by the number “1” and “9” which equate to “I” (A/E/I) and “Γ” (R) in the Roman Score and “A” and “I” in the English alphabet. The “Z” symbol is evidently an acronym for “Zion” which is indicative of the “Promised Land” of the Greco-Roman Empire that is Greenland. The letter “S” is evidently an acronym for “System”, as in “Babylon System”.

Number "19": Qoph (ק)

Qoph is the 19th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 19th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “100”, or “1”. Symbolically speaking, the “Qoph” symbol appears be the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown. Acronymically speaking, “Qoph” (Q+P+H) appears to translate to “Coup Pi Forever” and/or “Cap Forever”. Greenland is considering the “Cap” or “Capstone” of the Earth and the letter “H” equates to infinity or forever. Meaning “monkey”, Gof is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. In the central prayer of the Jewish liturgy, there are 18 original constituent blessings (19 total now) known as the Shmoneh Esreh or Amidah.

Number "20"

Number "20" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "T". The number “20” is constructed by the numbers “2” and “0” which equate to “V” (B) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The letter "T" is evidently an acronym for both the city of Thule (i.e., Atlantis, Greenland) and the Cross of Tau which is symbolic of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Viking mythology. A group of twenty units is referred to as a score as evidenced by the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The number “20” is can also be written in Roman numerals as a double “XX” (i.e., a Double-Cross) as depicted in the logo of the Mexican beer entitled Dos Equis which features an “XX” logo. The “Double-Cross System” was the name of a World War II anti-espionage intelligence operation executed by MI5. The double “X” symbol is also found in the logo of ExxonMobil, the largest oil company in the world, as well as in the logo of Freemasonry, the largest openly “secret society” on Earth. Numerology speaking, the number “20” can also the same as the number “2” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "20": Reish (ר) Reish is the 20th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 20th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “200”, or “2”. Symbolically speaking, the “Reish” symbol appears be the number “7” which equates to Greenland. Acronymically speaking, “Reish” (R+S+H) appears to translate to “Rome System Forever”. Age 20 is when the Levites in the time of King David were allowed "to do the work for the service of the house of the Lord", the Temple in Jerusalem. In the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, following the Babylonian captivity, it was Levites from the age of 20 upwards who were assigned "to oversee the work of the house of the LORD”. Reish, along with Ayin, Aleph, Hei, and Het, are letters that does not receive a dagesh by convention. Numerology speaking, the number “20” can also be the same as the number “2” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value

Number "21"

Number "21" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "U". The number “21” is constructed by the numbers “2” and “1” which equate to “V” (B) and “I” (A) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “A” in the English alphabet. The letter “U” is evidently an acronym for the “You/Jew” which represents all those living outside of Utopia (T+P), a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., Greenland) which sits on "top" (T+P) of the world. The number “21” is most commonly associated with the playing card game known as “Blackjack”.

Number "21": Shin (ש)

Shin is the 21st letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 21st decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “300”, or “3”. Symbolically speaking, the “Shin” symbol appears be a backwards letter “Y” within the letter “U”, spelling “Yu” (i.e., Jew). Acronymically speaking, “Shin” (S+H+N) appears to translate to “Shun” and/or “System Forever North”. Meaning “tooth”, Shin is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. In the Sefer Yetzirah the letter Shin is King over Fire, Formed Heaven in the Universe, Hot in the Year, and the Head in the Soul. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen (priest) forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing. The letter Shin is often inscribed on the case containing a mezuzah, a scroll of parchment with Biblical text written on it. The text contained in the mezuzah is the Shema Yisrael prayer, which calls the Israelites to love their God with all their heart, soul and strength. The mezuzah is situated upon all the doorframes in a home or establishment. Sometimes the whole word Shaddai will be written. The Shema Yisrael prayer also commands the Israelites to write God's commandments on their hearts as written in Deuteronomy 6:6. Similar to the country of Switzerland, the shape of the letter Shin mimics the structure of the human heart; the lower, larger left ventricle (which supplies the full body) and the smaller right ventricle (which supplies the lungs) are positioned like the lines of the letter Shin. The Shin-Bet was an old acronym for the Israeli Department of Internal General Security. Shin is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (i.e., tagin) when written in a Sefer Torah.

Number "22"

Number "22" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "V". The number “22” is constructed by the numbers “2” and “2” which equate to “V” (B) and “V” (B) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “B” in the English alphabet. The “V” symbol (pronounced "B" in the Roman Score") is evidently an acronym for the city of “Babylon” and therefore is highly esteemed in Greco-Roman lore. This is likely where the idiom “Catch 22” was derived from because humanity is damned if they fight the Babylon System, and damned if they don’t.

Number "22": Taw (ת) Taw is the 22nd letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 22nd decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “400”, or “4”. Symbolically speaking, the “Taw” symbol appears be a version of the letter “J” in front of the number “7” which equates to the number “17”. The number 17 is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’état”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’état” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown. Acronymically speaking, “Taw” (T+W) appears to translate to “Two War” or “Two VV” which would equates to “Two Babylon”. In the Roman Score, the letter “V” represents the letter “B” while the letter “W” represents the letter “V”. Meaning “mark”, Taw is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. Ezekiel 9:4 depicts a vision in which the Taw plays a Passover role similar to the blood on the lintel and doorposts of a Hebrew home in Egypt. In Ezekiel’s vision, the Lord has his angels separate the demographic wheat from the chaff by going through Jerusalem and inscribing a mark, a Taw, “upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof”. In Ezekiel's vision, the Lord is counting Taw-marked Israelites as worthwhile to spare while annihilating those who lack the Taw. "From Aleph to Taw" describes something from beginning to end, the Hebrew equivalent of the English "From A to Z”. In Judaism, there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 22 paths between the Sephirot in the Kabbalah. Zeire and Sh'va are names for the “20 (2)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “20 (2)” decimal equates to the number “22” which itself represents “BB” or “Babylon”. Acronymically speaking, “Zeire” (Z+R) likely translates to “Zion Rome” while “Sh'va” is indicative of Shiva, the Roman-Jewish goddess of destruction.

Number "23"

Number "23" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "W". The number “23” is constructed by the numbers “2” and “3” which equate to “V” (B) and “Ʌ” (C/K) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “C” in the English alphabet. The letters of “B.C.” in Anno Domini essentially stands for the term “Balk” which is pronounced “ˈbȯk” (B+K). Meaning an epic fake, the term balk is most commonly used as the term “book” for none tell the truth of the Roman Empire. It was at the Anno Domini point in history when the Roman Empire faked its own death and moved to Greenland, ultimately deceiving and then defeating her enemies of the day. The letter “W” is evidently an acronym for “War” which is often depicted using the trident symbol "ψ" which symbolizes the 3 dens or homes of Rome (i.e., Crete, Sicily, and Greenland). The “W” symbol (i.e., number “23”) is constructed by adding together two “V” symbols which equates to “VV” or “BB”, meaning "Babylon". In the Roman Score, the letter “V” represents the letter “B” while the letter “W” represents the letter “V”. Principia Discordia, the sacred text of Discordianism, holds that the number “23” is one of the sacred numbers of Eris, the goddess of chaos, strife and discord in Greek mythology. In Roman history, Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times which represented the staged fall of the Roman Empire in the underworld and her secret move to Greenland.

Number "23": Kaph (ך)

Kaph (final) is the 23rd decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” and it represents the number “500”, or “5”. Symbolically speaking, the “Kaph” symbol appears to be a version of the number “7” which equates to Greenland. Acronymically speaking, “Kaph” (K+P+H) likely translates to “Cap Forever”, as Greenland is known as the “cap” or “capstone” of the Earth.

Number "24"

Number "24" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "X". The number “24” is constructed by the numbers “2” and “4” which equate to “V” (B) and “+” (D) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “D” in the English alphabet. In the Roman Score, the “X” symbol has the same phonetic qualities as the letter “N” which is evidently an acronym for “No”, “Nor”, and “North”. The “X” symbol (i.e., number “24”) tends to doubles as the Jolly Rodger (i.e., a pirate's flag) which is an internationally recognized symbol of death. The term “X” (i.e., EKS or KS) is evidently an acronym for “Kill System”. There are 24 letters in both the modern and classical Greek alphabet and 24 hours in the day. In Christian apocalyptic literature, the number 24 represents the complete Church.

Number "24": Mem (ם)

Mem (final) is the 24th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” and it represents the number “600”, or “6”. Symbolically speaking, the “Mem (final)” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “L” underneath the number “7” which numerically equates to the number “127”. This number can be taken at face value of can double as the number “2” (B) between the number “17” (S/Q). Consequently, 127 could equate to “Babylon System” (BS) and/or “Balk” (BQ) which is pronounced “ˈbȯk” (B+C/K), meaning an epic fake. Acronymically speaking, “Mem” (M+M) likely translates to “M and M” or “13 and 13” which is indicative of the 13 bloodlines of Rome which have since moved to Greenland and the 13 Jewish families which rule the underworld on behalf of Rome. There are 24 books in the Tanakh, the canon of the Hebrew Bible also known as the Masoretic Text. The letter Vav (i.e., the number “6”) can stand for “litre” and can also act as a preposition meaning "to" (2) or "for" (4).

Number "25"

Number "25" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "Y". The number “25” is constructed by a numbers “2” and “5” which equate to “V” (B) and “Ж” (CH) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “E” in the English alphabet. The letter "Y" is evidently an acronym for "You" and "Jew" which represents all those outside of Utopia (T+P), a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., Greenland) which sits on "top" (T+P) of the world.

Number "25": Nun (ן)

Nun (final) is the 25th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” and it represents the number “700”, or “7”. Symbolically speaking, the “Nun (final)” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “I” (eye) which is the 9th letter in the English alphabet and symbolic of the Eye of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark). Acronymically speaking, “Nen” (N+N) appears to translate to “No North” which is indicative of the motive behind the need to spy. In the Hebrew Bible, the prophet Ezekiel's vision of a new temple states that the number 25 is of cardinal importance as outlined in Ezekiel: 40-48.

Number "26"

Number "26" is represented in the modern English alphabet by the letter "Z". The number “26” is constructed by the numbers “2” and a “6” which equate to “V” (B) and “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and an “F” in the English alphabet. The “Z” symbol is evidently an acronym for “Zion” or “Mt. Zion” in Greenland which represents the Promised Land of the Greco-Roman Empire. According to the Greek Strong’s, the number 26 is defined as "Agape" which means "Love". There are also 26 letters in the basic Latin (English) alphabet.

Number "26": Pe (ף)

Pe (final) is the 26th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” and it represents the number “800”, or “8”. Symbolically speaking, the “Pe (final)” symbol appears to be the letter “L” along with the number “7” which numerically equates to the number “127”. This number can be taken at face value of can double as the number “2” (B) between the number “17” (S/Q). Consequently, 127 could equate to “Babylon System” (BS) and/or “Balk” (BQ) which is pronounced “ˈbȯk” (B+C/K), meaning an epic fake. Acronymically speaking, “Pe” (P) is an acronym for the Pi symbol (i.e., “π”) which holds a numeric value of 8 in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), the exact digital sum of the word “Greenland” (i.e., 7+18+5+5+14+12+1+14+4=80). Meaning “mouth”, Pe is one of several Hebrew letters that have an additional meaning as a noun. The number 26 is the gematric number of “YHWH”, one of the names of the God of Israel used in the Hebrew Bible. In Psalm 136, the expression, "For His mercy endures forever" is found verbatim in English and the original Hebrew 26 times. The expression is found once in each of the 26 verses. According to Jewish chronology, God gave the Torah in the 26th generation since Creation. There are also 26 Cantons of Switzerland, the first Jewish state.

Number "27"

Number "27" is constructed by the numbers “2” and “7” which equate to a “V” (B) and “⅃” (L) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “G” in the English alphabet. According to the Greek Strong’s, the number 27 is defined as "Agapetos" which means "Beloved".

Number "27": Tsade (ץ)

Tsade (final) is the 27th decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol” and it represents the number “900”, or “9”. Symbolically speaking, the “Tsade” symbol appears to be a version of the letter “Y” which is indicative of both “You” and “Jew”. Acronymically speaking, “Tsade” (T+S+D) appears to translate to “Thule System Die” or “Thule South” which defines the current system by which the Jewish people unwittingly executing Roman policy in the underworld (South) which originated in the Roman capital of Thule, Greenland (North). As an abbreviation, Tsade stands for Safon, meaning “North”. Conversely, the word “South” is defined in numerous Europeans languages by the consonants of “S” and “D”, or a variation thereof (e.g., Danish: “syd”; Dutch: “zuiden”; French: “sud”; German: “süden”; Italian: “sud”; Romanian: “sud”; and Swedish: “söder). In the Jewish Kabbalah, there are 27 letters corresponding to 27 channels of communication with God, and 27 combinations of the names of God (13 overt and 14 covert). In the New Testament of the Bible, there are a total of 27 books.

Number "28"

Number "28" is constructed by the numbers “2” and “8” which equate to “V” (B) and a “π” (P) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B” and “H” in the English alphabet. Although modern historical accounts state that the Roman Empire had a 12-month calendar (i.e., the Julian Calendar), an overwhelming amount of evidence suggests that the Romans used the lunar calendar which consisted of thirteen 28-day months.

Number "33"

Number "33" is constructed by the numbers “3” and “3” which equate to “Ʌ” and “Ʌ” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “C” and “C” in the English alphabet. The double “ɅɅ” or the double “CC” (KK) are both acronyms for “Chania, Crete”, the founding city and state of the Greco-Roman Empire. Because of its historical reference, the number “33” is sacred in Greco-Roman lore. For example, in the Bible, the divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis. According to many Christian traditions, Jesus, who performed 33 recorded miracles, was 33 years of age when he was crucified by the Romans in 33 A.D. Pope John Paul I was pope for only 33 days, one of the shortest reigns in papal history which resulted in the Year of Three Popes. An image of the Virgin Mary from the 18th century known as "Virgen de los Treinta y Tres" (Virgin of the Thirty-Three) was consecrated by Pope John Paul II in his visit to Uruguay in 1988. Of the churches dedicated to this Marian devotion, the most important is the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Thirty-Three in Florida, Uruguay. The number 33 is the highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The KKK (i.e., the Ku Klux Klan) has a sum total of 33 (K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, 3 times 11 is 33). The number 33 is numerical equivalent of the word “the” (i.e., the digital root of “the” is calculated as 20+8+5=33), the most popular word in the English language.

Number "33"

Segol and Kubutz are names for the “30 (3)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “30 (3)” decimal equates to the number “33” which itself represents “CC” or “KK”, acronyms for “Chania, Crete”, the founding city and state of the Greco-Roman Empire. Acronymically speaking, “Segol” (S+G+L) likely translates to “System Greenland” while “Kubutz” (K+B+T+Z) likely translates to “Kill Boot Zion”. The number 33 is not only the numerical representation of the Jewish “Star of David” (i.e., 2 triangles with 3 sides each), but the numerical equivalent of the word “Amen” (i.e., the digital root of “AMEN” is calculated as 1+13+5+14=33). The term “Amen” (M+N) is consonant-wise the same as “Man” (M+N), of the Line of Man, which was sired by Minos of Crete who coincidentally originated from Chania, Crete. Lastly, Lag Ba'omer, a minor Jewish holiday, falls on the 33rd day of the Omer.

Number "36"

Number "36" is constructed by the numbers “3” and “6” which translates to a “Ʌ” (C/K) and a “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “C” and an “F” in the English alphabet. There are 360° degrees in a circle.

Number "36"

According to the Jewish Midrash, the light created by God on the first day of creation shone for exactly 36 hours and it was replaced by the light of the Sun that was created on the Fourth Day. The Torah commands 36 times to love, respect and protect a stranger. Furthermore, in every generation there are 36 righteous people (i.e., the “Lamed Vav Tzadikim") in whose merit the world continues to exist. In the modern celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hannukah, 36 candles are kindled in the menorah, not counting the Shamash candle. The letter Vav (i.e., the number “6”) refers to the Lamedvavniks, the 36 righteous people who save the world from destruction.

Number "38"

Number "38" is constructed by the numbers “3” and “8” which translates to “Ʌ” (C/K) and a “π” (P) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “C” and “H” in the English alphabet. “C/K” and “P” is indicative of Greenland which is the “Cap” or “Capstone” of the Earth while “CH” is an acronym for the country Switzerland. The number 38 was significant in Egyptian mythology because it was the number of Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death and mummification. Egyptian pharaohs were often buried with 38 statues of cat guardians, and their sarcophagi were adorned with 38 ankhs. In Norse mythology, the number “38” is said to represent unnatural bravery, characteristic of the legendary heroes of Norse sagas. According to modern historical sources, the most legendary Norse sagas were divided into 38 chapters with the heroes combating giants or other beasts in groups of 38. According to legend, the number 38 was adopted by the Hardrada clan who displayed it on their crest in the form of 38 ravens set around 38 outward-facing arrows.

Number "39"

Number "39" is constructed by the numbers “3” and “9” which translates to “Ʌ” (C/K) and “Γ” (R) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “C” and “I” in the English alphabet. According to modern historical sources, 39 was the traditional number of times citizens of Ancient Rome hit their slaves when beating them, referred to as "Forty save one".

Number "39"

In Judaism, 39 is the actual number of lashes given by the Sanhedrin to a person deemed a punishment of 40 lashes.. There are also 39 categories of activity prohibited on Shabbat according to Halakha and there are 39 mentions of work or labor in the Torah.

Number "40"

Number "40" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “0” which equate to “+” (D) and “O” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” in the English alphabet. The number 40 is sacred to the Greco-Roman god of Enki or Enkil whose name is translated to the "Lord of the Earth". Numerology speaking, the number “40” can also be the same as the number “4” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "40"

In the Hebrew Bible, the number “40” is often used to distinguish periods of time, as in forty days and forty years. Rain fell for "forty days and forty nights" during the Flood; Spies explored the land of Israel for "forty days."; The Hebrew people lived in the Sinai desert for "forty years" (this period f years represents a new generation); Moses' life was divided into three 40-year segments; Moses spent three consecutive periods of "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai; Several Jewish leaders and kings are said to have ruled for "forty years" (e.g., Eli, Saul, David, and Solomon); Goliath challenged the Israelites twice a day for forty days before David defeated him. Other Jewish and Hebrew references to 40 include but are not limited to a mikvah which consists of 40 se'ah (approximately 200 gallons) of water; 40 lashes which is one of the punishments meted out by the Sanhedrin (although in practice only 39 lashes were administered); and the prerequisite for a man to study Kabbalah is that he be 40 years old. Numerology speaking, the number “40” can be the same as the number “4” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "41"

Number "41" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “1” which equate to “+” (D) and “I” (A/E/I) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “A” in the English alphabet. The number “41” is featured prominently in the Roman saying, “All for one and one for all” (i.e., “All 41 and 14 all”) which is coincidentally also the national motto of Switzerland. Numerically translated, this saying means “All for 1 (Rome) and 14 (“X” or death) for all”. The number “41” is coincidentally the country calling code of Switzerland, the main proxy state of the Roman Empire. The number 41 is also numeric value of the AT&T Corporation (i.e., 1+20+20=41), the largest provider of telephone services and digital espionage in America.

Number "42"

Number "42" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “2” which equate to “+” (D) and “V” (B) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “B” in the English alphabet. In the Ancient Egyptian personification of physical and moral law, order, and truth, there are 42 principles of Ma'at. In the judgment scene described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are 42 gods and goddesses of Egypt, personifying the principles of Ma'at. These 42 correspond to the 42 Nomes (Governmental Units) of Egypt. If the departed successfully answers all 42, he or she becomes an Osiris. In the Bible, there are 42 generational names in the Gospel of Matthew's version of the Genealogy of Jesus, and it is prophesied in Revelation 13:5 that the Beast will hold dominion over the Earth for 42 months.

Number "42"

In the Kabbalistic tradition, 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe. In the Kabbalah, the most significant name is that of the “En Sof” or "Ein Sof" (meaning "Infinite" or "Endless"), who is above the “Sefirot” or “Sephirot” (S+F/P+R+T) which literally means “System 42” acronymically wise. The “Forty-Two-Lettered Name” contains four combined names which spell out in 42 Hebrew letters the name of “Azilut” or "Atziluth" (meaning "Emanation"). While there are links between the Forty-Two Lettered Name of the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah's Forty-Two Lettered Name, they are allegedly not identical because of the Kabbalah's emphasis on numbers. According to a 3rd-century source written in the Babylonian Talmud, "The Forty-Two Lettered Name is entrusted only to him who is pious, meek, middle-aged, free from bad temper, sober, and not insistent on his rights".

Number "44"

Number "44" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “4” which equate to “+” (D) and “+” (D) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “D” in the English alphabet. U.S. Predident Barack Obama is the 44th President of The United States of America. The digital sum of the word “Kill” (i.e., 11+9+12+12=44) numerically equates to 44. In short, the number 44 equates to killing and death.

Number "44"

In Jewish holiday tradition, 44 is the number of candles in a box of Hanukkah candles.

Number "45"

Number "45" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “5” which equate to “+” (D) and “Ж” (CH) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “E” in the English alphabet. 45 is the international dialing code for Denmark, the purported owner of the island of Greenland.

Number "48"

Number "48" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “8” which equate to “+” (D) and “π” (P) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “H” in the English alphabet.

Number "48"

The prophecies of 48 Jewish prophets and 7 prophetesses were recorded in the Tanakh for posterity. According to the Mishnah, Torah wisdom is acquired via 48 ways as written in Pirkei Avoth 6:6.

Number "49"

Number "49" is constructed by the numbers “4” and “9” which equate to “+” (D) and “Γ” (R) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “D” and “I” in the English alphabet. Aside from spelling the prefix “Dr.” and the word “Di” (die), the number “49” symbolically represents the 49% of the Earth which has been left by Rome for humanity to fight over in the underworld. The other 51%, which is strictly off limits, includes the island of Greenland and “No Man’s Land” which is made up of large parts of both Canada and Russia. The number 49 is most commonly represented in popular culture by 4 four professional and university sports teams (e.g., the San Francisco 49ers, the Charlotte 49ers, the Long Beach State 49ers, and the 49ers of Yuba College). During the Manhattan Project of World War II, plutonium was also often referred to as "49".

Number "49"

In the Hebrew calendar, 49 is the number of days of the Counting of the Omer.

Number "50"

Number "50" is constructed by the numbers “5” and “0” which equate to “Ж” (CH) and “O” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “E” in the English alphabet. Numerology speaking, the number “50” can also the same as the number “5” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "50"

In the Kabbalah, there are 50 Gates of Wisdom or Understanding, and 50 Gates of Impurity. 50 is also the traditional number of years in a jubilee period. Numerology speaking, the number “50” can also the same as the number “5” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "51"

Number "51" is constructed by the numbers “5” and “1” which equate to “Ж” (CH) and “I” (A/E/I) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “E” and “A” in the English alphabet. The number “51” symbolically represents the 51% of the Earth which is strictly off limits humanity. This includes the island of Greenland and “No Man’s Land” which is made up of large parts of both Canada and Russia. The other 49% has been left for humanity to fight over in the underworld. 51 also represents the “Year of the Consulship of Caesar and Scipio”, the 51 official governments of the United States (i.e., the 50 U.S. states and its capitol Washington D.C.), Area 51, the secret military base located in the southern Nevada, as well as Levis 501 jeans.

Number 55

Number "55" is constructed by the numbers “5” and “5” which equate to “Ж” (CH) and “Ж” (CH) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “E” and “E” in the English alphabet. Acronymically speaking, the double “ЖЖ” symbols likely represents the two heads of the Roman Empire (i.e., Greenland and Switzerland) while the number 55 equates to “EE” which may be also indicative of the two Empires of Rome; one in heaven (i.e., Greenland) and the other in hell (i.e., Switzerland).

Number 55

Reduced Segol is the “50 (5)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “50 (5)” decimal equates to the number “55” Acronymically speaking, “Segol” (S+G+L) likely translates to “System Greenland” which is executed in the underworld by the country of Switzerland.

Number "60"

Number "60" is constructed by the numbers “6” and “0” which equate to “ǂ” (F) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “F” in the English alphabet. In time, there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour, per the Babylonian number system. Numerology speaking, the number “60” can also be the same as the number “6” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "60"

In the Bible, the number 60 is the age of Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born, and the number of warriors escorting King Solomon. In the laws of kashrut of Judaism, 60 is also the proportion (60:1) of kosher to non-kosher ingredients which can render an admixture kosher post-facto. Numerology speaking, the number “60” can also be the same as the number “6” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "63"

Number "63" is constructed by the number “6” and “3” which equate to “ǂ” (F) and “Ʌ” (C/K) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “F” and “C” in the English alphabet. Numerically speaking, the number 63 equate to the term “Fuck”, (F+C/K) meaning to fake or double-cross.

Number "63"

In the Mishna, the compilation of Jewish Law, there are 63 Tractates.

Number "66"

Number "66" is constructed by the numbers “6” and “6” which equate to “ǂ” (F) and “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “F” and “F” in the English alphabet. The number “66” is most often associated with U.S. Route 66.

Number "69"

Number "69" is constructed by the numbers “6” and “9” which equate to “ǂ” (F) and a “Γ” (R) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “F” and “I” in the English alphabet. Aside from spelling the terms “Fear” and “Pi” (i.e., 3.14 = Greenland), the number 69 symbolically represents the continents of Greenland (on top) and Australia (on the bottom) which are shaped in the form of a "6" and a "9", similar to the Taijitu (Ying and Yang). This is why the number 69 is commonly depicted as a sexual position for it represents the male and female aspects of planet Earth. Lastly, the purported nuclear attacks on Japan in World War II (i.e., Hiroshima and Nagasaki) occurred on August 6 and 9, 1945.

Number "69"

The number “69” (and/or “96”) is featured prominently in Tu Bishvat, the Jewish holy day meaning “New Year of the Trees”. In the Hebrew numbering system, the number 15 is written with the letters representing "9" and "6" (i.e., “ט” and “ו” or “teth” and “vav”).

Number "70"

Number "70" is constructed by the numbers “7” and “0” which equate to “⅃” (L) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “G” in the English alphabet. Numerology speaking, the number “70” can also be the same as the number “7” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "70"

In the Bible, 70 souls went down to Egypt to begin the Hebrew's Egyptian exile as written in Genesis 46:27. According to Jewish tradition, there is a core of 70 nations, 70 world languages, and 70 men in the Great Sanhedrin, the Supreme Court of ancient Israel. Seventy elders were assembled by Moses on God's command in the desert as depicted in Numbers 11:16-30. The Roman numeral 70 (i.e., “LXX”) is the scholarly symbol for the Septuagint, a numerical acronym which refers to the 70 Jewish scholars who allegedly completed the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Koine Greek as early as the late 2nd century B.C. Numerology speaking, the number “70” can also be the same as the number “7” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "72"

Number "72" is constructed by the numbers “7” and “2” which equate to “⅃” (L) and “V” (B) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “G” and “B” in the English alphabet. In the Egyptian creation myth, Thoth, as a favor to Nut the Sky Goddess, wins the 72nd of each day of the year from the Moon in a game of draughts. He uses these portions to make the 5 intercalary days on which the remaining Gods and Goddesses are born. The good god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and accomplices of Set. According to later traditions, 72 was the number of languages spoken at the Tower of Babylon.

Number "72"

According to the legendary account of the "Letter of Aristeas", 72 was the conventional number of Jewish scholars who translated the Septuagint, (i.e., the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Koine Greek). In some Biblical manuscripts, 72 was the conventional number of disciples sent forth by Jesus in Luke 10. According to the Zohar, there are 72 old men of the synagogue and 72 degrees of Jacob's Ladder. According to Kabbalah, 72 is the number of names of God, (see names of God in Judaism) while the Shemhamphorasch is the 72-letter name for God. 72 is the total number of books in the Catholic version Holy Bible, if the Book of Lamentations is considered part of the Book of Jeremiah.

Number "76"

Number "76" is constructed by the numbers “7” and “6” which equate to “⅃” (L) and “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “G” and “F” in the English alphabet. In popular culture, the number “76” is often as associated with 1776, the year that the United States was founded, as well as “Union 76”, a chain of gas stations in America.

Number "84"

Number "84" is constructed by the numbers “8” and “4” which equate to “π” (P) and “+” (D) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “H” and “D” in the English alphabet. Aside from the fact that “HD” currently stands for “high definition” in respect to electronics, the number “84” is often associated with tyrannical government behavior (e.g., “Rex 84”, the book entitled “1984” or “Nineteen Eighty-Four”).

Number "90"

Number "90" is constructed by the numbers “9” and “0” which equate to “Γ” (R) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “I” in the English alphabet. Numerology speaking, the number “90” can also be the same as the number “9” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "91"

Number "91" is constructed by the numbers “9” and “1” which equate to “Γ” (R) and “I” (A) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “I” and “A” in the English alphabet. The term “RA” (i.e., number “91”) is a numerical acronym for the Roman god of “Ra”.

Number "96"

Number "96" is constructed by a numbers “9” and “6” which equate to “Γ” (R) and “ǂ” (F) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “I” and “F” in the English alphabet. The number “69” (and/or “96”) is featured prominently in Tu Bishvat, the Jewish holy day meaning “New Year of the Trees”.

Number "100"

Number "100" is constructed by the numbers “1”, “0” and “0” which equate to “I”, (A) “O” (O) and “O” (O) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “A” in the English alphabet. Numerology speaking, the number “100” can also be the same as the number “1” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "100"

On the Jewish New Year holiday of Rosh Hashana, there are traditionally 100 blasts on the Shofar horn. In Judaism, a religious Jew is expected to utter at least 100 blessings daily. Numerology speaking, the number “100” can also be the same as the number “1” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "101"

Number "101" is constructed by the numbers “1”, “0” and “1” which equate to “I” (A/E/+), “O” (O) and “I” (A/E/I) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “A” and “A” in the English alphabet. The number “101” is the chosen number of introductory courses in the U.S. collegiate system, and is prominently featured in the name in “101 Dalmatians”, a popular animation film by Walt Disney. Numerology speaking, the number “11” can also be the same as the number “11” because the number “0” has no numeric or phonetic value.

Number "167"

Number "167" is constructed by the numbers “1”, “6” and “7” which equate to “I” (A/E/I), “ǂ” (F) and “⅃” (L) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “A”, “F” and “G” in the English alphabet. The number 167, which spells “IFL” in the Roman Score, appears to be numerical equivalent of the Eiffel Tower which itself may be a tribute to Mt. Zion in Greenland.

Number 167

Kamatz is the “16 (7)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “16 (7)” decimal equates to the number “167”. Acronymically speaking, “Kamatz” (K+M+T+Z) likely translates to “Kill Mt. Zion” which may be indicative of where Roman blood sacrifices take place in Greenland.

Number “268”

Number "268" is constructed by the numbers “2”, “6” and “8” which equate to “V” (B), “ǂ” (F) and “π” (P) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “B”, “F” and “H” in the English alphabet.

Number “268”

Reduced patach is the “26 (8)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “26 (8)” decimal equates to the number “268”. Acronymically speaking, the number 268 equates to “ZH” which translates to “Zion Forever” and is coincidentally the ISO code for the canton of Zurich in Switzerland.

Number “369”

Number "369" is constructed by the numbers “3”, “6” and “9” which equate to “Ʌ” (C/K), “ǂ” (F) and “Γ” (R) in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and “C”, “F” and “I” in the English alphabet.

Number “369”

Reduced Kamatz is the “36 (9)” decimal in the Jewish Gematria’s “Mispar gadol”. Numerically speaking, the “36 (9)” decimal equates to the number “369”. Acronymically speaking, the number 369 equates to “CFI” (C/K+F/P+I) which likely translates to “Kill Double-Cross Eye (Spy)”. This translation appears to describe the current situation wherein the Jewish people spy on the underworld unwittingly on behalf of Rome while they themselves are simultaneously being double-crossed by the Roman Empire in Greenland.