Misc/Greenland Theory/6.02 Enki (Nike)

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6.02 Enki (Nike)

“Enki” is a god in Sumerian mythology which was the deity of crafts, mischief, water, seawater, lake water, intelligence and creation. According to modern historical accounts, Enki translates to "Lord of the Earth" and is sometimes referred to in writing by the number "40”, his "sacred number". The number "40" (i.e., the numerical value of the number “4”) is also highly revered in Greco-Roman lore. The Sumerians claimed that their civilization was brought, fully formed, by their god Enki. Interestingly, Enki (N+C/K) is consonantly speaking the reverse of Chania (C/K+N), the founding city of the Greco-Roman Empire on the Island of Crete. In the Sumerian myth entitled “Enki and the World Order”, Enki is said to have fixed national boundaries and assigned the gods their roles. The myth is likely a reference to the first-ever nation state which was born out of Sumer in Greece, as well as the various Greco-Roman gods which were created during the same time period. According to a secondary Sumerian myth, Enki was the creator who devised men as slaves to the gods. This is likely a reference to the implementation of Greco-Roman government and law which has since relegated men to a life of slavery under their respective governments. Enki was also characterized as the lord of the Abzu (Apsu in Akkadian), the freshwater sea or groundwater located within the earth. Coincidentally, in the Ugaritic Ba‘al cycle, the Greco-Roman god of El introduced living on Mount Lel (i.e., Greenland) where the fountains of two rivers spring from the deep, the mythological sources of the salt water ocean and the fresh water sources found under the earth. In Greek mythology, the goddess of strength, speed, and victory was known as Nike (N+C/K) which is the same name, consonantly speaking, as the Sumerian god of “Enki” (N+C/K). In short, it appears that Enki and Nike are one and the same god, although one is male and one female.


Anak is a Biblical figure depicted in the conquest of Canaan (i.e., Greenland) who, according to the Book of Numbers, was the forefather of the Anakim who were considered "strong and tall” and were alleged to have mixed with a race of giant people who were descendants of the Nephilim. This is an apparent reference to the Romans who interbred with the native giants in Greenland and became giants (and gods) themselves. The name Anak (N+C/K) is consonantly the same as both Enki (N+C/K) and Nike (N+C/K) and therefore it is highly likely that the Biblical name was derived from these Greco-Roman deities.

Enki Symbology

The primary symbol of Enki is that of a double-helix snake, otherwise known as the Caduceus which was carried by Hermes in Greek mythology. Known as the universal symbol of medicine, the caduceus was derived from the Rod of Asclepius which was wielded by the Greek god of Asclepius. Enki symbology also includes both goat and a fish, which, when combined, turn into a single beast known as the Capricorn, the title of which represents the 10th Roman month of the year. In his original form, Enki was associated with semen and amniotic fluid, and therefore with fertility. The sexual association is likely a direct reference to the fascist Babylon System which was first created in Greece and subsequently spread all over the Earth. Interestingly, the “ankh” (N+K) is alleged to be an Egyptian hieroglyphic character that is known as “key of life”. Despite being Egyptian in origin, the “ankh” features the arrow shape of the Geek Island of Rhodes which is intersected with the Greek cross of Tau which coincidentally doubles as the Crete-shaped fasces.

Tributes to Enki & Nike

Aside from the fact that Nuuk the alleged capital of Greenland, tributes to both Enki and Nike are found throughout the English lexicon (e.g., ankle, emergency, knock, knuckle, neck, nuclear, etc.), including numerous personal names (e.g., Nancy, Nikolaos, Nicholas, Nicola, Nick, Nicolai, Nikolai, Nicolae, Nils, Klaas, Nicole, Ike, Niki, Nikita, Nika, Niketas, Nikki, Nico, Veronica, etc.). Other tributes to Enki and Nike include corporations (e.g., Heineken, Nike Inc., Nikon, Nokia, etc.), sports franchises (e.g., New York Knickerbockers and the Vancouver Canucks), as well as the Book of Enoch, the character known as St. Nicholas (i.e., Santa Clause), and the Limp Bizkit song entitled "Nookie" (1999).


The Anunnaki are admittedly a group of deities derived from the Greco-Roman cultures of Sumer and Babylon. Anunnaki means “princely offspring" or "offspring of Anu", which, when translates acronymically, equats to “offspring of the North, an apparent reference to Greenland. Alternative translations of Anunnaki include "those who from the heavens came to earth", another apparent reference to the “haven” or heaven of Greenland. According to “The Oxford Companion to World Mythology”, the Anunnaki are “Sumerian deities of the old primordial line” (i.e., the “Line of Man”) who “became judges” and “take their name from the old sky god An (Anu)”. The Anunnaki are also mentioned in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” where they are depicted as the seven judges of hell who set the land aflame, a possible reference to Roman gunpowder. According to Assyrian and Babylonian myths, the Anunnaki were children of Anshar and Kishar (i.e., Skypivot and Earthpivot, the celestial poles), who are gatekeepers of the Abzu, the freshwater sea or groundwater located within the earth. Greenland is considered the North Pole while the South Pole is located at Ayers Rock down under in Australia.