Misc/Greenland Theory/6.07 Ra (Rhea)

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6.07 Ra (Rhea)

“Ra” or “Re” was a solar deity in Egyptian mythology. He was allegedly the most important god in Ancient Egypt, and was said to be associated with the falcon or hawk (i.e., the Roman Eagle). According to myth, humans were created from Ra's tears and sweat, hence the Egyptians call themselves the "Cattle of Ra." This appears to be a reference to the slavery inflicted on the world under Ra (R), an acronym for Rome. Consequently, Ra is commonly featured with a ram's head in the Underworld. In this form, Ra is described as being the "ram of the west" or "ram in charge of his harem”. The ram (R+M) has long been the symbol of Rome (R+M) and therefore is often used in Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology. The holiday known as “The Receiving of Ra” was celebrated on May 26 in the Gregorian calendar. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday of the Anniversary of the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia is celebrated on May 25. The 24-hour time difference appears to have been instituted in order to confuse historians as the number “26” is sacred in Greco-Roman lore while the number “25” is benign. Similar to the Egyptian goddess Isis, a sun is depicted atop the head of Ra, a symbolic reference to Roman gunpowder which gave the Greco-Roman Empire unrivaled naval supremacy. Consequently, like his counterpart Isis, Ra is representative of death and war and therefore temples (where human sacrifices were held) and obelisks (i.e., gravestones) were erected in his honor. The god of Ra is represented globally via the letter “Γ” which is located in the 9th numeric position in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), and the letter “R” is located in the 18th numeric position in the modern Roman-English alphabet. Ra is always pictured holding the “ankh” which is alleged to be an Egyptian hieroglyphic character that is known as “key of life”. Although being “Egyptian” in origin, the “ankh” features the arrow shape of the Island of Rhodes intersected with the Greek cross of Tau which also doubles as the Crete-shaped fasces.

Ra & Rhea

The Egyptian god of Ra (R) and the Greek goddess of Rhea (R+H) are in essence the same god, although one is depicted as an Egyptian male and the other as Greek female. Similar to both Isis and Zeus, Ra and Rhea are roughly consonantly the same (the letter “H” is silent) and both are the most important god or goddess in their respective mythology. The entire historical narrative of Ancient Egypt was created as historical cover for the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, Greek and Roman gods and goddesses have been depicted in Egyptian mythology in order to confuse historians in respect to the Cretan origins of the Greco-Roman Empire. In short, Ra and Rhea are acronyms for Rome and the Roman Empire. Although they very in sex and origin, Ra and Rhea both exhibit Greco-Roman mythology and symbology and have subsequently been immortalized in the alphabets of Rome.


“Rhea” is the Titaness daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus. She is arguably the most important god in Greek mythology who was, according to Homer, "the mother of gods" and the mother of the Olympian goddesses and gods. Her mother qualities are likely in respect to the Roman gunpowder from which the Roman Empire was bord. Acronymically speaking, Rhea (R+H) equates to “Rome Forever” or “Rome [to] infinity”. She allegedly named after the second largest moon of the planet Saturn which is known for its darkness and destructive energy, a trait shared with Rome. Rhea was originally worshiped in the Island of Crete where according to myth she gave birth to Zeus. This is a metaphor Rome (i.e., Rhea) which was born out of Crete. Consequently, Rhea is directly affiliated with the “Line of Man” and is often depicted on a throne flanked by lions, riding a lion, or on a chariot drawn by two lions. The lion is a symbolic reference to the line, lineage and loins of Minos of Crete who sired the ruling family of the Greco-Roman Empire. The goddess of Rhea is represented globally via the letter “Γ” which is located in the 9th numeric position in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), and the letter “R” is located in the 18th numeric position in the modern Roman-English alphabet. The holiday known as Mother's Day is held in honor of the Roman goddess Cybele who was admittedly derived from Rhea. Similar to the “The Receiving of Ra”, the holiday is held on May 26th in Poland and elsewhere on other dates in March and May.

Eye of Ra

The Eye of Ra (i.e., the Eye of Horus) is a being in Egyptian mythology that is shaped in the form of the letter “R” and functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra. A violent force which subdues its enemies, the Eye is an extension of Ra's power that is often depicted as the disk of the sun (i.e., the barrel of a cannon). The Eye's violent aspect defends Ra (i.e., Rome) against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule. The Eye is either represented by a lioness or the uraeus which coincidentally mimics the dragon head from which Roman cannons were hidden at sea. Coincidentally, the Eye of "Horus" (H+R+S) was known to the Greeks and Romans as "uraeus" (R+S), which is acronymically the same (the letter "H" is silent), equating to “Roman System”. The Eye of Ra is known as a source of great heat and light, and is also associated fire and flames. Modern historical accounts state that Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the “R” symbol on the bow of their ships to ensure safe sea travel, furthering the notion that the Eye of Ra was a weapon which was used during maritime activities. The Eye of Ra also represents the destructive nature of Ra's power which Egyptians likened to arrows shot by a god to destroy evildoers, and is even described as a dangerous force that spits flames like venom. The terms “arrow”, “shot” and “spit” are all affiliated with projectiles, qualities inherent to the cannon and unrelated to the sun. Passages from the Egyptian “Coffin Texts” suggest that the Egyptian god Apep was thought capable of stealing the Eye of Ra from its master during combat. This reference was likely made in respect to the attempted theft of cannons by Rome’s respective enemies of the day. In what is purported to be an Egyptian temple ritual, the pharaoh conducted a ceremonial game in honor of the Eye goddesses Hathor, Sekhmet, or Tefnut, in which he struck a ball (i.e., a cannon ball) symbolizing the Eye of Apep with a club (i.e., a cannon rod) made from a type of wood that was said to have sprung from the Eye of Ra. The term “sprung” is yet another term indicative of a projectile and a ball and rod were both used in the firing of cannons. According to Egyptologist Lana Troy, the sun disk may represent the womb from which Ra was born or the placenta that emerges with him. This historical account is likely a metaphor for Rome which was born out of the power gained by the use of cannon (i.e., the Eye of Ra) which was unknown and unparalleled at the time.