Misc/Greenland Theory/8.01 Catholicism

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8.01 Catholicism

Catholicism is the official religion of the Catholic Church (i.e., the Roman Catholic Church). The term “Catholic” literally means "universal” for all the world is under control of the Roman Empire and her church. The term "Catholic" is commonly associated with the whole of the church whose over one billion adherents are about half of the estimated 2.1 billion Christians, nearly one-sixth of the world's population. The Catholic Church is among the oldest religious institutions in the world and has played a prominent and deadly role in the history of Western civilization. Due to sheer greed and genocide, the Catholic Church became the world’s largest landowner by the 6th century, a title they proudly hold to this very day. The Catholic hierarchy is headed by the Bishop of Rome, commonly known as the Pope. The Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of education and medical services in the world. In essence therefore, they control both the minds and health of the world, hence the current status of the world. The Catholic Church is made up of 45 separate churches, 23 Western Cathlic Churches and 22 Eastern Catholic Churches. It is imperative to note that the Catholic Church is the de facto government of the Roman Empire in the underworld. In other words, the church sits above the governments of various countries and is therefore above the law in every respect. Because of its unique and autonomous status, the Catholic Church has literally gotten away with the murder of at least one billion people. This is in part because in 385 AD, the Church granted itself the right use of capital punishment, a tactic they have exercised ad nausea ever since. Because the Catholic Church is the unofficial government of Rome, it has the oldest continuously functioning legal system in Western Europe. The legislative style of the Catholic Church was admittedly adapted from Roman Law, courtesy of Roman Emperor Justinian I and his collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence entitled “Corpus Juris Civilis” (529-534 AD). Consequently, Roman courts follow the Roman Law (cannon law) which is currently used throughout Europe with some variation as evidenced by the fact that modern civil law and common law bear the distinct influences of Catholic canon law.

Religion of Rome

The primary reason the Catholic Church is so evil is because it is the de facto world government of the Roman Empire, the most egregiously wicked organization that has ever existed on the face of the Earth. The Roman Emperor Theodosius I declared "Catholic" Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, declaring in the Edict of Thessalonica on February 27, 380 that: “It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our clemency and moderation, should continue the profession of that religion which was delivered to the Romans…We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title “Catholic” Christians; but as for the others, since in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics…They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation, and in the second the punishment which our authority, in accordance with the will of heaven, will decide to inflict”. In other words, Theodosius I is stating for the record that if the people do not bow down and do exactly as the empire says, they will suffer. In the “Catechetical Lectures, XVIII, 26”, J.H. Srawley, who is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, distinguished what he called the "Catholic Church" from other groups who refer to themselves as a church: “… and since one might properly and truly say that there is a “Church of evil doers”, I mean the meetings of the heretics…that you may avoid their wretched meetings, and ever abide with the Holy Church”. This statement is telling for it confirms that there is in fact a “Church of evil doers”. Although Srawley argues that the “Holy Church” is quite in opposition to said church, centuries of evidence beg to differ. Therefore, it should be with trepidation that people accept the “Holy Bible” as God’s infallible word. Since G.O.D. is an acronym for “Greenland of Denmark”, it is in fact “G.O.D.’s word”, but not “God the Creator”. Nevertheless, in 382 AD, the Council of Rome first officially recognized the Biblical canon, listing the accepted books of the “Old” and “New Testament”. Other accounts state that the Council of Carthage in 397 AD was the council that finalized the Biblical canon as it is known today. It is imperative to note that all religious denomination which promotes the worship of Jesus (e.g., Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Lutheran, Jehovah’s Witness, Methodist, Mormon, Presbyterian, etc.) are Catholic, as in Roman Catholic. This is because the term “Jesus” (G/J+S+S) acronymically equates to “Greenland Isis”. This is corroborated by Pope John Paul II via a published declaration on August 6, 2000, whereby the term Dominus Iesus, meaning “The Lord Jesus” in English, became the official name of Jesus, a naked tribute to the Greco-Roman god of Isis. Therefore, by worshiping Jesus, people are worshiping Isis.

The Catholic Church & Jews

Since virtually all Roman holidays are now Jewish holidays, it stands to reason that there is a very intimate relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish people. This is evident by the fact that Jewish symbology such as the Star of David is routinely found within the coat of arms of Roman Catholic orders and secret societies. Although the Jewish race was likely initially used as tax collectors and money changers by the Roman Empire, their role in the underworld became more prominent with discovery of Greenland and the subsequent alleged Fall of Rome. With the 13 Bloodlines of Rome vacating Rome for Greenland, there was a power vacuum and only a tight knit group of people would ensure that the things in the underworld ran according to plan. Although Jews previously worshipped alongside Christians (i.e., Jewish Christianity), a division between the two factions began to emerge after the alleged Fall of Roman Empire. To “resolve” doctrinal differences between the two competing factions, the Council of Jerusalem was held around 50 AD which affirmed that Gentiles could become Christians without adopting all of the Mosaic Law. What the council found in respect to Christians converting to Judaism was never stated because this is not allowed, even in modern times. Nevertheless, the growing tension between the two groups eventually led to a separation that was virtually complete by the time Christians allegedly refused to join in the Bar Kokhba Jewish revolt of 132-136 AD. It is highly likely that the Jewish–Roman wars, Bar Kokhba included, never actually transpired in reality but were created in order to give the Jewish people a sense of history and the notion that they fought valiantly against the Roman Empire. The very notion that the Roman Empire would allow the Jews to build Solomon's Temple (The First Temple) and The Second Temple which are almost identical to Greco-Roman temples with their infamous arches and columns is preposterous to say the least. In other words, in order for the Jews to fulfill their role as “God’s chosen people” and enforce Roman law, they have to truly believe in their hearts that they are in charge, hence the fraudulent history. Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before the state-sponsored persecution of Christians began to take place during the late 3rd century. Due to Rome’s economic, military and political crises, all residents were ordered to give sacrifices or be punished, except of course for the Jews were exempt so long as they paid the Jewish tax (i.e., “Fiscus Judaicus”). In time, even this tax was repealed, possibly by the Emperor Julian the Apostate around 361 or 362 AD. This was likely the first time in history that the Jews publically appeared to be favored by the Roman Empire, a tradition which has continued to this day. The notion that the Jews were receiving preferential treatment likely resulted in the initial persecution of the Jews which naturally resulted in creating a further divide between the Jews and the rest of humanity. During the Holocaust, Pope Pius XII directed the Church hierarchy to help protect Jews from the Nazis. This was only possible because the Catholic Church was in command and control of both the Nazis and the Jews. In order to dispel the notion that the Jewish people work at the behest of the Catholic Church, the Southern Poverty Law Center recently issued a statement that "radical traditionalist Catholics" may "make up the largest single group of serious anti-Semites in America”.

The 7 Sacraments

Roman Catholic teaching state that there are 7 sacraments which Christ instituted and entrusted to the Church. There are likely 7 sacraments because the 7th letter in the Roman-English alphabet is “G”, itself an acronym for Greenland. Sacraments are visible rituals that Catholics see as signs of God's presence and grace to all those who receive them. The sevenfold list of sacraments is generally organized in order of initiation into the Church, the body of Christ (i.e., Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. The effect of the sacraments comes “ex opere operato”, meaning by the very fact of being administered. In other words, since it is Christ who operates through them, their effectiveness does not depend on the worthiness of the Catholic priest administering them. While further research must be conducted prior to arriving at a concrete conclusion, it does appear that the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church are in fact cover for the orders given by the Roman Empire in Greenland to her subordinates (e.g., churches, secret orders, pope, etc.) in the underworld. If an agent of the Catholic Church was apprehended or overheard discussing one of these sacraments, members of the public would pay no mind. By deciphering each word acronymically (the Roman Score did not contain any vowels), a picture begins to emerge which may reveal the true meaning behind the 7 sacraments. The term “sacrament” (S+C/K+R+M+N+T) appears to acronymically equate to “System Kill Rome Note”. Interestingly, 3 of the 7 sacraments (i.e., Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders) may not be repeated for their effect is permanent. This is because these 3 sacraments deal expressly with orders and travel to and from Greenland, hence they cannot be repeated. These 3 sacraments have been historically expressed along with an indelible sacramental character “CCC 698” which acronymically equates to “Kill Kill Kill Fi Forever/Infinity”. The country of Greenland is representative of Fi or Pi (i.e., 3.14) while the numbers “6” and “9” (which spell “FI”) are highly esteemed in both Roman numerology and Jewish Gematria and are routinely used in terror attacks (e.g., 9/11) and wars (World War II).

1. The sacrament “Eucharist” (C/K+R+S+T) acronymically equates to “Christ” which itself is representative of the “crest” or “crust” or the world (i.e., Greenland). According to the Catechism, the Catholic Church professes to be the "sole Church of Christ", as described in the Nicene Creed. Since Greenland is home to the one and only Greco-Roman Empire, all Holy Orders originate there, hence the name of the sacrament.

2. The sacrament “Holy Orders” (H+L+R+D+R+S) acronymically equates to “Hell Orders”, for said orders were sent from Greenland, otherwise known as the “haven” or “heaven”, to “hell”, otherwise known as the “heel” of the boot of the Roman Empire. Holy Orders are very specific in nature, detailing exactly what must be accomplished and on what date.

3. The sacrament “Matrimony” (M+T+R+M+N) acronymically equates to “Matter Money” or “Money Matters”. Since assassinations, terror attacks and wars all need to be financed in some manner, the funding of such operations in the underworld (especially prior to the invention of paper money and credit) had to be organized in advance so that the various parties executing a given plot would be able to carry out their respective order at once, simultaneously. This is where the terms “bank” and “banking” were ultimately derived from as Roman ships and submarines would sail to the underworld with gold and silver in order to fund various exploits, most of which were devious in nature.

4. The sacrament “Baptism” (B+F/P+T+S+M) acronymically equates to “13 Footism”, an apparent reference to the 13 Bloodlines of Rome and the notion that their foot (boot) will forever be on the throat of the underworld, thanks in part to their invention of submarines. The term Baptism was popularized in the Bible by John the Baptist (“Gen the Baptist”, the beginning of Roman submarines) who is noted for his unique practice of baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Because the Roman Empire has built and iron curtain around Greenland, access via ship impossible. However, a secret way was made via Davey Jones’ Locker that allows submarines to pass to and from Greenland. Evidently, some of these submarines were spotted at the Loch Ness in Scotland where the Lock Ness Monster allegedly lives. This is also were the term “Virgin Birth” was evidently derived from as Roman Ships could birth in the underworld unseen, hence the name. Consequently, orders coming from Greenland had to first be baptized (going under the water) prior to their arrival in the underworld, hence the name of the sacrament.

5. The sacrament Penance (F/P+N+N+C/K) acronymically equates to the “finance” or “financing” of said assassination, terror attacks and wars. Once Holy Orders arrived from Greenland, all financial-related entities of a given terror plot had to be taken into consideration. Since the underworld is built on a system of usury and debt, each operation was a chance for Switzerland, the main proxy state of the Roman Empire, to arrange for the “profiting off of” these operations. Since most Holy Orders coming from Greenland have financial consequences (i.e., blowback), the party managing the world’s corporations, money exchanges and stock markets stood to gain from this foreknowledge, hence their propensity to execute them with glee. Therefore, prior to a plot’s execution, the financial ramifications had to be accounted for, hence the name of the sacrament.

6. The sacrament Anointing (of the) Sick (N+N+T+N+G+S+K) acronymically equates to “Anointing of the System Kill” or “System Kill Anointing”. Once Holy Orders had been received from Greenland via submarine and all the financial repercussions have been properly prepared for, whomever had been chosen by the Catholic Church to execute a particular assassination, terror attack or war had to be anointed (notified) in person, hence the name of the sacrament.

7. The sacrament Confirmation (C/K+N+F+R+M+T+N) acronymically equates to “Chania’s Formation”, a war term originally derived from the Island of Crete, the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire. In respect to the sacrament, it means “confirmation” or verification. Once Holy Orders had been executed in the underworld by the Catholic Church, news of its completion had to makes its way back to Greenland via the submarines, hence the name of the sacrament.

Catholic Blood Sacrifices

The 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church are in essence the process of executing assassinations, terror attacks and wars in the underworld. These forms of bloodshed are called sacrifices or “rites”. Consequently, the rituals involving these rites are openly performed in the church as part of Catholic mass. According to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, "a rite is the liturgical, theological, spiritual, and disciplinary patrimony, culture and circumstances of history of a distinct people, by which its own manner of living the faith is manifested in each Church “sui iuris". While possibly true, the term “rite” is defined as “a ceremonial act” which can also involve the “burning” of various items, even humans. This is why the Catholic Church teaches that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, for said rites (i.e., blood sacrifices) generally involve the shedding of innocent blood. Consequently, depending on the type of blood sacrifice (i.e., rite) being executed, the name varies (e.g., Alexandrian Rite, Ambrosian Rite, Armenian Rite, Byzantine Rite, Chaldean Rite, Maronite Rite, Mozarabic Rite, Syriac Rite, etc.). The term "Mystery" means "secret rite or doctrine", a reference to the 13 Bloodlines of Rome and their Imperial Cult which “steer” (“star”) the world via their demonic blood sacrifices. An individual who follows a "Mystery"(M+S+T+R) or “Master” is a “mystes”, "one who has been initiated", from “myein” (M+N), a reference to Minos of Crete, the founder of the Greco-Roman Empire, to “close, shut", a reference to secrecy and the closure of "the eyes and mouth". The mysteries (i.e., blood sacrifices) carried out by the Imperial Cult of Rome at Eleusis near Athens admittedly lasted for a thousand years while their “ritual performances of the mysteries for all we know [have] remained unchanged”. In other words, Greco-Roman blood sacrifices started in Greece over 1,000 years ago still go on to this very day, albeit in Greenland.

Mary (Mars)

The Roman Catholic Church venerates and holds in special regard Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, and teaches that through divine intervention she gave birth to him while still a virgin. This is because “Mary” (M+R) is the Catholic equivalent of “Mar” (M+R) or Mars, the Roman god of war which gave birth to “Jesus” (G/J+S+S), otherwise known as “Greenland Isis” or “Greenland System”. The term “Virgin” (B/V+R+G+N) acronymically equates to “Babylon Rome (Bear) Gen” since the letter “V” equates to the letter “B” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). In other words, the centuries of human blood sacrifices to the red plant of Mars led to the creation of Babylon, Rome as well as the conquering of Greenland, hence the “Gen” or birth of the “Bear” (i.e., the Beast of Greenland). This is also why the primary color of the Roman Empire is blood red for it is representative of Mars. Consequently, Mary (i.e., Roman god of Mars) has four specific Marian dogmatic teachings:

a) Immaculate Conception without original sin,

b) her status as the Mother of God, (Mother of Greenland)

c) her perpetual virginity, and d) her bodily Assumption into Heaven (i.e., Greenland) at the end of her earthly life (i.e., the Fall of Rome).

Mary is also honored with many titles (e.g., Mary, Mother of God; Mary, the Immaculate Conception; Mary, Queen of Heaven; Queen of the Angels; Queen of Heaven; Queen of Peace; Star of the Sea; Mother of All Sorrows) and Pope Paul VI referred to her as Mother of the Church. Prayers and devotions such as the Hail Mary, the Rosary, the Salve Regina and the Memorare are all common Catholic practices. The Church has also affirmed certain Marian apparitions (titles) such as at Lourdes, Fátima, and Guadalupe. In “Rosarium Virginis Mariae”, Pope John Paul II emphasized the importance of Mary to the church: "Since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary”. Theotokos, the Greek title of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is generally used in Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches. Its literal English translations include "God-bearer", "Birth-Giver of God" and "the one who gives birth to God." Less literal translations include "Mother of God." The term “Theotokos” (T+T+K+S) acronymically and numerically equates to “Baby (Babylon) Kill System”. The letter “T”, which is an acronym for both Tau (two) and the Cross of Tau, is the 20th letter in the Roman English alphabet, representing the 2nd letter “B” (The numbers “20” and “2” have the same digital root in Roman numerology and Jewish Gematria). This translation reinforced the notion that Mary is a Biblical depiction of god of Mars who gives birth to Dominus Iesus (i.e., The Lord Jesus), a tribute to the Greco-Roman god of Isis who coincidentally always depicted holding the Cross of Tau. Consequently, the traditional Eastern expression of this doctrine is the Dormition of the Theotokos which emphasizes her falling asleep to be later assumed into heaven (i.e., Greenland). This is because Babylon, Rome ceased to exist for a time (i.e., the Fall of Rome) but has since come back to life in Greenland, albeit disguised.

The Inquisition

The Inquisition was a system of tribunals developed by the Holy See of the Roman Catholic Church. It was responsible for prosecuting individuals accused of committing offences relating to heresy, including but not limited to: sorcery, immorality, blasphemy, and witchcraft, as well as for censorship of printed literature. The term “Inquisition” comes from Medieval Latin "inquisitio", which referred to any court process that was based on Roman law. The aforementioned crimes of heresy appear to be cover for the true motive behind inquisitions conducted by the Roman Catholic Church—knowledge about Greenland. The term “heresy” (H+R+S) appears to be a shortened version of “Here Say”, a term defined as “unverified information heard or received from another; rumor”. The fact that the inquisition was seeking out printed material suggests that books and maps with information about Greenland and Earth’s second moon was the real target. This is why the Portuguese Inquisition and Spanish Inquisition were unique for these counties and their colonies were home to countless sailors who had likely heard stories about the New World during their voyages abroad. In order to extrapolate this information, the Catholic Church’s Pope Innocent IV promulgated a papal bull on May 15, 1252, entitled Ad Extirpanda which authorized the use of torture by the Inquisition for eliciting confessions from heretics. Torture was also applied without distinction of sex or age, including children and the elderly. The term “Ad Extirpanda” (D+N/X+T+R+F+N/X+D) appears to acronymically equate to “Day Not Rome Find” or “Don’t Rome Find” using the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). Because the Catholic Church was looking for information about Greenland, the scope of the Inquisition was expanded throughout Europe and the rest of the world, including the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

Grand Inquisitors

Because the Inquisition’s primary goal of identifying people who had knowledge about Greenland and the New World, these investigations were only executed by a “Grand Inquisitor” or “Inquisitor General” who were recruited almost exclusively from the Franscian and Dominican orders. Orders are in essence secret societies that are compartmentalized within the Catholic Church. Their members are do as they are told and ask no further questions. Consequently, the Inquisitor General was the only public office whose authority stretched to all the kingdoms of Spain, including its American colonies, for which there were only two Inquisitors Generals. In other words, for all of Spain, there were two people “in the know” about what the Inquisition was all about, especially in respect to Greenland. If in fact the Inquisition was created to identify people who were opposed to the Catholic Church, these inquisitions could have been conducted by any member of the clergy. Due to the topic of Greenland, “the entire process [of the Inquisition] was undertaken with the utmost secrecy”. When a suspect was convicted of unrepentant heresy (knowledge of Greenland), the person was given a final sentencing and then burned alive at the stake. The swift judicial process would ensure that the suspect was not able to fraternize with anybody else prior to his death, ultimately taking his or her secrets to the grave. This was essentially admitted during the medieval inquisition in 1184 when a papal bull entitled “Ad abolendam” was published, meaning "For the purpose of doing away with". In other words, the Inquisition was created in order to do away with information in respect to Greenland. Interestingly, the ritualistic and very public death of people convicted of “heresy” was entitled Auto-da-fé. It reportedly began with the previous night with the "procession of the Green Cross", evidently a tribute to Greenland.