Misc/Greenland Theory/8.05 Judaism

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8.05 Judaism

Judaism is the religion, philosophy, and way of life of the Jewish people. It is a monotheistic religion that features the Torah as its foundational text (part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible) that is supplemented by later texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship that God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) established with the Jews in the Old Testament of the Bible. Consequently, Judaism claims a historical continuity spanning more than 3,000 years, roughly 2,300 of which has been completely fabricated. Although Judaism allegedly originated in the Middle East during the Bronze Age, it is admittedly a product of Babylon, Rome, the former capital of the Roman Empire. That is why the Jews adhere to the Babylonian Talmud which was issued in 1520 by Daniel Bomberg under the protection of a papal privilege from the Roman Catholic Church. Coincidentally, in Rabbinic literature, the term “Babylon” is a metaphor for the Jewish Diaspora prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. The post-destruction term for the Jewish Diaspora is "Rome", or "Edom". The term “Edom” (D+M) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Dome” (D+M) which is indicative of Roman domination as well as the country of Greenland which is home to the Roman Empire and topographically speaking the dome of the Earth. The notion that the Jews are pawns of the Roman Empire was confirmed in 200 AD when the Jews were inexplicably granted Roman citizenship, something non-citizens had to work their entire lives to attain. Also, the new religion of Judaism was recognized by Rome as a “religio licita”, meaning that is was considered a "legitimate religion". Had the Jews been at war with Rome as alleged, their religion would have never been granted this status. In short, Judaism is religious cover for a global intelligence network which the Greco-Roman Empire created and developed to control the underworld after their emigration to Greenland around Anno Domini (i.e., 000 AD). Unlike other religions, the god of Judaism is portrayed as unitary and solitary. This is because the sole mission of the Jewish people is to obey God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) and therefore as a race, religion and culture, they have been separated from the rest of humanity. Examples of this separation include but are not limited to: food (kosher), homeland (Israel), language (Hebrew), and religion (Judaism). In essence, everything associated with Jewish people is separate from the rest of the world. Lastly, in order to keep the Jews from developing a curious attitude toward God or religious philosophy in general where they may begin to question the order of things, Jewish rabbis teach that "God is eternal but it is not given to man to explore the full meaning of this idea", and so "one cannot, therefore, expect to find in the rabbinic literature anything like a detailed examination of what is meant by divine eternity”. A famous Jewish statement on attempts to “pierce the veil” of God’s secrecy states that: "Whoever reflects on four things it were better for him that he had not come into the world: "what is above? what is beneath? what is before? and what is after?”.

Origin of Judaism

Philo of Alexandria (c. 25 BC – c. 50 AD), who also called Philo Judaeus, was allegedly a Hellenistic (i.e., Greek) Jewish philosopher who lived in the city of Alexandria within the Roman province of Egypt. He is credited with “fusing and harmonizing” Greek philosophy with Jewish philosophy via allegory (i.e., fable, tale, story, etc.). In other words, Jewish religious philosophy is Greco-Roman in origin. Therefore, it appears that one Philo Judaeus was responsible for creating the Jewish religion of Judaism which is coincidentally named after him. Philo evidently also created the fraudulent historical identity of the Jews via forged texts (e.g., the Torah) which were derived from previous Greco-Roman history, numerology and philosophy. Because Philo is in essence the missing link between the Rome’s transfer of power to the Jews in the underworld, he naturally has barely any reception within Judaism. Philo lived during Anno Domini (i.e., 000) when Greenland was discovered, conquered or established as the new home of the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, it was during this time that the Jews were groomed for their eventual role as henchmen of the underworld. Although the Jewish race was likely initially used as tax collectors and money changers by the Roman Empire, their role in the underworld became far more prominent with discovery of Greenland and the subsequent Fall of Rome. With the 13 Bloodlines of Rome vacating the Island of Sicily for Greenland, there was a power vacuum in the Roman Empire and only a tight knit group of likeminded people would ensure that the things in the underworld ran according to plan. Philo, who admittedly worked for the Roman Embassy in Egypt in 40 AD, was evidently tasked with executing this master plan. Although impossible to confirm, it appears that the term “philosophy” was derived from the name of Philo due to his unique and clever system which was successful in manipulating the Jewish psyche into thinking they are actually in power. By intertwining Greco-Roman numerology, blood sacrifices and religious dogma into Judaism, everything which was once Roman has since became Jewish, albeit in a disguised manner. Consequently, Philo represents the “apex of Jewish-Greco-Roman syncretism” when he combined Plato and Moses into one philosophical system. Scholars admit that Philo and Early Christianity borrow from a common source—Greco-Roman history. Lastly, according to modern historical sources, Philo read the Jewish Scriptures chiefly in the Septuagint Greek translation. Translation: Philo had the Jewish Scriptures written in the language of Septuagint Greek which is substantiated by the fact that almost all “ancient” Jewish texts are written in the language of Greek. Since English was official language of the Roman Empire, the fact that the Jewish scriptures were first written in Greek was all part of the historical deception instituted after the alleged Fall of Rome.

Setting God Against Himself

By incorporating Greco-Roman history, numerology and philosophy into Judaism, the Jews were not only given a new and powerful identity, they were given the keys to the castle of the underworld and all the inherent power that came with it. This particular notion is highlighted in a veiled reference about Philo by alleged 1st-century Jewish historian Josephus in his book “Antiquities of the Jews”: "There was now a tumult arisen at Alexandria, between the Jewish inhabitants and the Greeks…But Philo, the principal of the Jewish embassage, a man eminent on all accounts, brother to Alexander the Alabarch, and one not unskillful in philosophy, was ready to betake himself to make his defense against those accusations… So Philo being thus affronted, went out, and said to those Jews who were about him, that they should be of good courage, since Gaius's words indeed showed anger at them, but in reality had already set God against himself”. Although most of Josephus’s reference is benign, the last phrase is the most telling for it in essence confirms Philo’s critical role in setting up the Jewish power structure after the alleged Fall of Rome. Since the Jews took over the Roman Empire’s vacated identity and alleged power, God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) essentially set up the Jewish people up against itself.

Philo Judaeus

Although Philo is said to be of Jewish decent, he was a Roman citizen who admittedly came from an aristocratic, honorable, noble and wealthy family in Alexandria, Egypt. His ancestors were contemporaries to the rule of the Ptolemaic dynasty and Seleucid Empire, very unlike the Alexandrian Jews he allegedly represented before Roman Emperor Caligula. Philo also had two nephews known as Tiberius Julius Alexander and Marcus Julius Alexander, the latter of which was first husband of the Herodian Princess Berenice. Since Jews were not even allowed to become Roman citizens until 200 AD, it’s highly unlikely that the nephew of a Jewish man would be allowed to marry into royalty. If Philo was historically touted as a Roman, his given name of “Philo Judaeus” would seem rather suspect, hence the fraudulent historical cover. In order to combat this particular notion, modern historical accounts state that his family had social ties and connections to the Priesthood in Judea, a region in Israel which was evidently named after him. The notion that Philo was not Jewish is corroborated by the fact that Philo’s knowledge of Hebrew is “a matter of scholarly dispute”, with most scholars arguing he did not read the language. This is because the language of Hebrew did not exist at the time and therefore it would have been impossible for Philo to have been able to read it.

Jewish Intelligence Network

As of 2012, the world’s Jewish population was estimated at 14 million, roughly 0.2% of the total world population. Since Jews make up a vast global intelligence network, they reside in every country and major city on Earth. The East German Stasi was a microcosm of how this intelligence operation operates on a global scale. Although 42% of all Jews reside in Israel and about 42% reside in the United States and Canada, the rest are spread throughout the world in places such as, Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Due to the espionage operation that is concealed under the guise of Judaism, unlike other religions, Judaism makes no attempt to convert non-Jews. This is evident by the fact that in the recorded history of the Jews, there have never been any Jewish missionaries. Although conversion to Judaism is discouraged, according to traditional Jewish Law, one may convert to Judaism. However, prior to officially becoming a Jew, the process must be evaluated by Jewish authorities. In other words, potential suitors of Judaism are vetted for potential threats and their religious sincerity openly questioned. If accepted, Jewish converts are given the title "ben Abraham" or "bat Abraham", allegedly meaning “son or daughter of Abraham”. The title is evidently given to warn fellow Jews that a potential spy is in their midst and that they should act and speak accordingly. Due to the secret mission of espionage inherent to Judaism, a Jew is a Jew forever. Even if a Jew claims to be an atheist or converts to another religion, he or she is still considered by traditional Judaism to be Jewish. Similar to the saying, “Once CIA, always CIA”, Jews are born into an intricate global intelligence network and therefore can and will be called on for some type of service to their god, race or religion (e.g., bear false-witness, cause political distraction, commit crimes, cover-up crimes, fabricate scandals, gather intelligence, execute assassinations or terror attacks etc.). According to modern historical sources, since the time of the Ancient Greeks, a proportion of Jews have assimilated into the wider non-Jewish society around them, either by choice or by force. This assimilation (i.e., infiltration) has taken place during all time periods and all areas of the globe since the alleged Fall of Rome. In order to assimilate, Jewish titles and traditions are forsaken in order to maintain their cover in a particular region. Consequently, those who once openly practiced Judaism ultimately forsake their Jewish identity and assume a new identity based on local customs and traditions. Jewish Diaspora (D+S+P+R), an umbrella term used to describe the scattering of the Jewish people, is consonantly speaking the same as the term “disappear” (D+S+P+R). Some Jewish communities, such as the Kaifeng Jews of China, have completely disappeared since going undercover. Therefore, it is highly likely that Jewish families are now in key power positions in all regions and governments of the world, including the Middle East and China.

Jewish Synagogues

Synagogues are allegedly only Jewish houses of prayer and study. Aside from the main sanctuary, they usually contain separate rooms for prayer, smaller rooms for study, and another area for community or educational use. In short, synagogues, which are found in almost every city on Earth, are used as cover to gather intelligence from their respective Jewish congregations. In other words, each synagogue has a number of Jewish members who relay local information on a weekly basis from their respective intelligence position within a given corporation, government institution, military branch, university, etc. Said information is personally given to the head “Dayan” who is an ordained rabbi that belongs to a “beth din”, a global Jewish rabbinical court. Any and all information deemed potentially threatening to the status quo is subsequently forwarded up the chain of command to the CIA in Switzerland who makes executive decisions on a global scale. Due to its inherent intelligence gathering purposes, there is no set blueprint for synagogues and therefore their architectural shapes and interior designs vary greatly, making potential infiltration of any synagogue all the more difficult. Interestingly, the names and titles associated with Jewish synagogues have direct connections to Greenland which the religion of Judaism as a whole unwittingly serves. For example, an “ark” is where the Torah scrolls are kept inside the synagogue. The term “ark” (R+C/K) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to either “Rome Kill” or “Rock” which is indicative of Greenland, the Rock of Ages, which is geographically and topographically considered the capstone of the Earth. Synagogues feature an eternal light entitled “ner tamid” which is representative of the Eternal Flame of Rome for which they ultimately serve. Also, the names and titles of positions within each given synagogue also bear Greco-Roman and Greenlandic connotations. For example, a “Dayan” is an ordained rabbi with special legal training who belongs to a “beth din”, a global rabbinical court. The term “Dayan” (D+N) equates to “Den” which is indicative of Greenland the third and final “den” (home) of the Roman Empire. The term “Beth Den” (B+T+H+D+N) acronymically equates to “Boot Forever Den”, a reference to Jewish people who universally make up the “Boot” of the Roman Empire which has been placed on the collective throat of the underworld. The “Mohel”, an expert in the laws of circumcision, is evidently the top intelligence operative in a particular synagogue who is likely responsible for orchestrating intelligence operations within that given area. Aside from the letter “H” which is silent, the term “Mohel” (M+H+L) is consonantly the same as the term “mole” (M+L) which is defined as a spy, infiltrator, plant, or secret agent. In other words, the act of circumcision is symbolic for the decapitation (cutting off) of persons deemed a potential threat to Jewish control in the underworld. If and when violence is deemed necessary, the “Shochet”, a ritual slaughterer who ensures that killings are “kosher”, is brought in execute a particular assassination or terror attack. The term “Shochet” (S+H+K+T) can be translated consonantly as “Shock It” or acronymically as “System Forever Cut (Kill)”. Lastly, a “Sofer” is a Jewish scribe who is an expert in Hebrew who has undergone rigorous training in the laws of writing texts. The term “Sofer” (S+F+R) or “suffer” consonantly equates to “System Four/Fear/Fire”. Therefore it’s highly likely that this particular individual documents the “suffering” of each attack or blood sacrifice of that given synagogue. In essence therefore, synagogues are Jewish intelligence houses which help coordinate and orchestrate assassinations and terror attacks on a local level at the behest of the CIA for whom they ultimately serve.

God’s Chosen People

According to the Bible, the Jews are God’s chosen people. In reality however, God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) chose the Jewish people to be in a unique covenant with him (Rome) so that the Jews would work as a network of spies in the underworld. The Jews also believe that they were chosen for a specific mission (espionage), a role not every Jew is privy too. Aside from the intelligence gathering aspects inherent to the Jewish people, the very idea that God loves the Jews more than other people is blatantly racist. This sentiment is echoed by Reconstructionist Jews who believe that the notion that God chose the Jewish people for a particular purpose is "morally untenable" because anyone who holds such beliefs "implies the superiority of the elect community and the rejection of others". Naturally, this puts Reconstructionist Jews at odds with all other Jews, as it seems to accuse all other Jews of being racist, most of which admittedly are. The racist ideology of Judaism is evident in the Jewish Kabbalah which contains statements to the effect that the Jewish soul is ontologically different from the soul of non-Jews. Jews believe themselves to have three levels of soul (i.e., “nefesh”, “ruach”, and “neshamah”) while non-Jews (goys) only have “nefesh”. In respect to the Bible verse states, "Let the waters teem with swarms of creatures that have a living soul", the Zohar within the Kabbalah states: "The verse 'creatures that have a living soul,' pertains to the Jews, for they are the children of God, and from God come their holy souls....And the souls of the other nations, from where do they come?”. In other worlds, the souls of “other nation” (i.e., non-Jews) are ungodly and comes from the Devil or Satan. Due to the brainwashing and mind control inherent to Judaism, most Jewish people truly believe that they are inherently better than the rest of humanity which they call goyim, a derogatory term that equates non-Jews to animals. Consequently, Jews who believe they are indeed superior to all other races have effectively sold their souls, making the aforementioned statement in the Kabbala correct, albeit in a de facto manner.

The Kabbalah

Kabbalah, meaning "receiving/tradition", is an esoteric (secret) book in Judaism which contains methods, disciplines, and schools of thought that have become the primary form of Jewish knowledge. After the Medieval Kabbalah, Kabbalah replaced Jewish philosophy (hakira) as the mainstream traditional Jewish theology, both in scholarly circles and in the popular imagination. In short, the Kabbalah is a Greco-Roman playbook which guides its Jewish practitioners on how to execute rights (i.e., blood sacrifices) in the underworld. These rights include but are not limited to assassinations, terror attacks and wars. Consequently, the doctrine of the Kabbalah is accepted by some Jews as the true meaning of Judaism while other Jews have rejected these doctrines as heretical and antithetical to Judaism. One of the primary conditions which for studying the Kabbalah is that a Jewish man be at least 40 years of age. The is symbolic because the number “4” (the digital sum of the number “40) equates to the Roman Cross (which is coincidentally found on the flag of Switzerland) as well as the letter “D” which is an acronym for the terms “Die” and “Death”. The elite group of Jews which routinely practice the witchcraft of the Practical Kabbalah in Basel, Switzerland, make up what is known as the “Kabbal” or “cabal”, a term which was admittedly derived from Kabbalah. According to Wikipedia, “A cabal is a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views or interests in a church, state, or other community, often by intrigue. Cabals are sometimes secret societies composed of a few designing persons, and at other times are manifestations of emergent behavior in society or governance on the part of a community of persons who have well established public affiliation or kinship. The term can also be used to refer to the designs of such persons or to the practical consequences of their emergent behavior, and also holds a general meaning of intrigue and conspiracy.” In essence therefore, the cabal and the Practical Kabbalah, both of which are secret and affiliated with the occult, are the playbook and the players of the Jewish power structure in the underworld. According to 16th-century Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai (1570–1643), "Only through Kabbalah will we forever eliminate war, destruction, and man's inhumanity to his fellow man”. Considering that the Kabbalah is specifically used by the Jews to spawn wars and destroy humanity for the last 700+ years, Azuli’s comments appear to have been made in jest. Because the Kabbalah was created by the Roman Empire in Greenland as a guide for Jewish practitioners of witchcraft and sorcery in the underworld, Jewish Kabbalists believed that all things are linked to God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) through Kabbalistic emanations, making all levels of creation part of one great, gradually descending chain of being. Consequently, lower creations reflect the particular characteristics of the Supernal Divinity. In other words, what is orchestrated by Rome in Greenland (i.e., heaven) is executed in the underworld (i.e., hell) by the Jewish elite in Switzerland. This particular notion was corroborated by Abraham Isaac Kook (1864–1935), the first Chief Rabbi of Mandate Palestine, who stated that the Kabbalah was the “secret of God”. In other worlds, the Kabbalah is the secret of Greenland of Denmark on how they con their Jewish pawns in the underworld to do their bidding. Since the Kabbalah is revered as “God”, whatever it happens to state is taken as gospel by its Jewish practitioners.

Origin of the Kabbalah

According to adherents of Kabbalah, its origin began with secrets that God revealed to Adam. Consequently, according to the traditional understanding, Kabbalah dates from Eden. The Jewish book allegedly came down from a remote past as a revelation to elect Tzadikim (righteous people) which was then preserved by a few privileged Jews. Consequently, most claims for the authority of kabbalah involve the argument of antiquity of authority. In other words, because the Kabbalah is from God it is God’s word. As a result, virtually all foundational works in Judaism pseudepigraphically claim, or are ascribed, ancient authorship. According to Kabbalists, the “Sefer ha-Razim" was given to Noah by the angel Raziel and passed down through Biblical history to Solomon, while the “Sefer Yetzirah” allegedly dates back to the patriarch Abraham. Pseudepigraphy has its roots in apocalyptic literature which claims that Jewish esoteric knowledge such as magic, divination and astrology were transmitted to humans in the past by two angels, Aza and Azaz'el, who fell from heaven along with Satan. Despite the claims of antiquity of authority, the Kabbalah emerged around circa 1101-1300 AD in the Provence region of France. Interestingly, Jewish rabbis of Hachmei Provence were geographically located near Basel, Switzerland where the new and improved version of the Talmud curiously appeared somewhere between 1578–1581. Because the Kabbalah is Greco-Roman in origin, the date and origin of the term "Kabbalah" is not even known as scholars debate to this day as to whether the term originated from the Jewish philosopher Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) or with the 13th-century Spanish Kabbalist Bahya ben Asher.

Ban on Kabbalah

Similar to the Vatican’s ban on the Jewish Talmud, the same organization credited with its printing and distribution, the alleged ban on studying Kabbalah appears to be a psychological operation executed by the Roman Catholic Church in order to manipulate the Jewish masses into doing their bidding. The ban on the Kabbalah was allegedly lifted by 16th-century Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai (1570–1643) who stated that, "I have found it written that all that has been decreed Above forbidding open involvement in the Wisdom of Truth [Kabbalah] was [only meant for] the limited time period until the year 5,250 (1490 C.E.). From then on after is called the "Last Generation", and what was forbidden is [now] allowed”. Despite Azulai’s claims, historians and scholars question whether the ban even existed in the first place. According to Vilna Gaon, a Talmudist, Halakhist, Kabbalist, and the foremost leader of mitnagdic Jewry, "There was never any ban or enactment restricting the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Any who says there is has never studied Kabbalah, has never seen PaRDeS, and speaks as an ignoramus”. Like the alleged bans of the Talmud, the alleged ban on the Kabbalah was designed to make the Jews feel threated and persecuted, causing them to cling to their doctrine of Judaism even more.

Eleven Sefirot of the Kabbalah

Because the Kabbalah is Greco-Roman in origin, key terms within it, acronymically and/or consonantly speaking, have Greco-Roman and Greenlandic connotations. Although there are literally thousands of these linguistic associations within the Kabbalah, the 11 Sefirot (i.e., Keter, Chochmah, Binah, Da’at, Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth/Rachamim, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth) substantiate this notion nakedly. Keter and Daat are unconscious and conscious dimensions of one principle, conserving a total of 10 forces. The notion that there are 10 divine Sefirot has evolved over time into the idea that "God is One being, yet in that One being there are Ten". The names of the Sefirot in descending order are: Keter: Keter is the first Sefirot which is known as “the supernal crown”, representing “above-conscious will”. The term “Keter” (C/K+T+R) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to either “Cuter” as in “cut”, or “KT Rome”, a likely reference to Greco-Roman military bases who were routinely called upon to kill people at home and abroad; Chochmah: Chochmah is the second Sefirot which represents the “highest potential of thought”. Consequently, the term “Chochmah” (C/K+C/K+M+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Chania Crete 13 Forever”. The letters “CC” or “ɅɅ” (i.e., the letter “M”) are indicative of Chania, Crete while the whole letter “M” is indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which originated from the Island of Crete; Binah: “Binah” is the third Sefirot which represents the “understanding of the potential”. The term “Binah” (B/V+N+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “B Forever” or “Victory North Forever”. The letter “B” (i.e., 1+3=B) is indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome who reside in their third and final den (home) in Greenland; Da’at: Da’at is the fourth Sefirot which represents the “intellect of knowledge”. The term “Daat” (D+T) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Date” (D+T), a reference to the Greco-Roman calendar which has been subsequently used by the Jews practicing the Kabballah to plan assassinations, terror attacks and wars; Chesed: Chesed is the fifth Sefirot which represents “loving-kindness”. It is sometimes referred to as “Gedolah-greatness”. The term “Chesed” (C/K+S+D) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to the “Kiss of Death” as the letter “D” is an acronym for terms “Die” as well as “Death”. Chesed may be a veiled reference to the game of Chess which is symbolically speaking played by the fiver-fingered hand of God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark); Gevurah: Gevurah is the sixth Sefirot which represents “severity/strength”. It is sometimes referred to as “Din-justice” or “Pachad-fear”. The term “Gevurah” (G+B/V+R+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Greenland Bear Forever” while the term “Din Justice” is an apparent reference to the justice doled out by the third and final “den” (home) of the Rome in Greenland; Tiphereth/Rachamim: Tiphereth or Rachamim is the seventh Sefirot which represents “mercy”. The term “Tiphereth” (T+F/P+R+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Top Right Forever”, an apparent reference to the “rights” (i.e., blood sacrifices) committed by the Roman Empire on top of the world in Greenland. The term “Rachamim” (R+C/K+M+N) consonantly equates to “Rock Man”, an apparent reference to the Line of Man which resides on the Rock of Ages known as Greenland. Lastly, the term “mercy” (M+R+C/K) is a consonantal reference to the god of Mars who was the Greco-Roman god of war who was called upon to “kill”, hence the letter “C/K” at the end of “mercy”; Netzach: Netzach is the eighth Sefirot which represents “victory/eternity”. The term “Netzach” (N+T+Z+K) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Nazi Kill”, an apparent reference to the role of the Ashkenazi Jews who execute the Kabballah in Basel, Switzerland; Hod: Hod is the ninth Sefirot which represents “glory/splendor”. The term “Hod” (H+D) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Forever Day”. The letter “D” acronymically equates to the Roman Cross which is found on the flag of Switzerland, as well as the terms “Die” and Death. Therefore, Hod is an apparent reference to the lasting glory and splendor of Rome at the hands of the Jews who execute Roman policy in the underworld; Yesod: Yesod is the tenth Sefirot which represents “foundation”. The term “Yessod” (G/J/Y+S+D) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Greenland System Day/Die”, an apparent reference to the system of death which has since been created by the Roman Empire for the Jews to execute in the underworld; and Malkuth: Malkuth is the eleventh Sefirot which represents “kingdom”. The term “Malkuth” (M+L+C/K+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Malice to Infinity” or “M Line Kill Forever”. The letter “M” is indicative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which rule of the world from Greenland.

Practical Kabbalah

The Practical Kabbalah (i.e., “Kabbalah Ma'asit”) is an esoteric (secret) branch of Judaism that concerns the witchcraft and the use of both black and white magic. Its teachings include but are not limited to demonology and the use of Divine and angelic names for amulets (charms) and incantations (chants). It is contrasted with the mainstream tradition of the Kabbalah (i.e., Kabbalah Iyunit”) which seeks to explain the nature of God and the nature of existence through theological study and Jewish meditative techniques. Although the Practical Kabbalah is mentioned in historical texts, most Jews have been taught that its use is forbidden. Its use is reserved for a few Jewish elite in Basel, Switzerland who allegedly use it to separate the spiritual source from the Kelipot realms of evil. According to modern historical accounts, alleged concerns of violating Judaism’s strong prohibitions of “impure magic” have ensured that the use of the Practical Kabbalah has remained a minor tradition in Jewish history. Within Judaism, Jewish law (i.e., Halacha) forbids divination and other forms of soothsaying while the Talmud openly condemns the practice of divining. The numerous references to divination creates the notion that the witchcraft of the Kabbalah was widely practiced in ancient Israel, the most of which was oneiromancy. The “Sepher ha-Mashiv” tradition within the Practical Kabbalah reportedly thrived in Spain during the second half of the 15th century, before the Alhambra Decree. This esoteric tradition was described by Moshe Idel as "interested in demonology and the use of coercive incantations to summon demons, angels, and even God" in order to hasten the Messianic Age (i.e., Jewish world peace). Jewish scholars such as Joseph Della Reina's (1418–1472) have warned of the potential perils of involvement with the Practical Kabbalistic, making interest in it taboo. According to Gershom Scholem, most of the teachings within the Practical Kabbalah predate and are independent of the theoretical Kabbalah which is usually associated with the term: “Historically speaking, a large part of the contents of practical Kabbalah predate those of the speculative Kabbalah and are not dependent on them. In effect, what came to be considered practical Kabbalah constituted an agglomeration of all the magical practices that developed in Judaism from the Talmudic period down through the Middle Ages. The doctrine of the Sefirot hardly ever played a decisive role in these practices...”. In other words, the modern Kabbalah appears to have been created as religious cover for the Practical Kabbalah.

Kabbalah Witchcraft

The esoteric (secret) knowledge found within Kabbalah (i.e., astrology, divination, magic, witchcraft, etc.) were allegedly transmitted to the Jewish elite by two angels, Aza and Azaz'el, who fell from heaven like Satan. Consequently, the Magico-theurgical traditions inherent to the Practical Kabbalah (which is only found in unpublished manuscripts), admittedly contains acts of “white magic” which are only for those completely pure of intent. Translation: the Practical Kabbalah contains black magic (i.e., witchcraft) that is reserved for Jews who are purely evil and at least 40-years of age. Kabbalah-related witchcraft endeavors to “alter both the Divine realms and the World” by “manipulating heavenly forces”. Consequently, the witchcraft inherent to the Practical Kabbalah is a censored and separate tradition that is publically shunned but accepted by the Jewish people as a whole. In other words, it is a necessary evil, quite literally speaking. According to Jewish Kabbalists, the witchcraft of the Kabbalah has been censored and forgotten in in modern times “because without the requisite purity and holy motive, it would degenerate into impure and forbidden magic”. In other words, the witchcraft of the Kabbalah is used in the practice of the evil and forbidden black magic. According to modern historical accounts, foreign conquests drove the Jewish leadership of the time (i.e., the Sanhedrin) to hide the Practical Kabbalah and make it secret, fearing it might be misused if it fell into the wrong hands. The leaders of the Sanhedrin were concerned that the unsupervised and unguided practice of Kabbalah by the Jewish population might lead them into wrong practice and forbidden ways. As a result, the Kabbalah became secretive, forbidden and esoteric to the Jewish masses. Since the Practical Kabbalah contains occult (secret) connotations forbidden within Judaism, the permitted tradition has been restricted for a few Jewish elite. In the Jewish apocrypha, the character known as Ben Sira (born c. 170 BCE) warned against the Kabbalah, stating, "You shall have no business with secret things”. Since the Talmudic doctrine warned of and forbade the public teaching of esoteric doctrines, rabbis were cautioned to only teach the mystical creation doctrines only to one student at a time. In this intimate and personal setting, it was ensured that the evil witchcraft and black magic contained within the Practical Kabbalah was only know by those deemed worthy. Modern scholars have identified several esoteric (secret) and anonymous Jewish brotherhoods that functioned in Europe starting in the 12th century (e.g., the “Iyyun Circle" and the "Unique Cherub Circle"). While these groups may have existed, they appear to be cover for the CIA in Switzerland which has engaged in Greco-Roman witchcraft since the founding of Switzerland (c. 009 AD).

Jewish God is Evil

The black magic and witchcraft inherent to the Kabbalah is essentially excused by Jewish Kabbalists because they believe in their own notion of dualism which dictates that the supernatural counterpart to God (i.e., the Devil or Satan) is actually part of God. Naturally, this philosophy is congruent with Greco-Roman metaphysics which argues that the universe knew a primordial harmony (peace) but a cosmic disruption yielded a second, evil, dimension to reality (i.e., the Babylon System). The cosmology of the Kabbalah, including the Zohar, appears to affirm dualism as it ascribes all evil to the separation from holiness. The Sitra Achra (i.e., "evil”) is diametrically opposed to Sitra D'Kedushah (i.e., “God”). The "left side" (evil) of divine emanation is a negative mirror image of the right "side of holiness" (good) witch are locked in eternal combat. While evil exists within the divine structure of the Sefirot, the Zohar indicates that the Sitra Ahra (evil) has no power over Ein Sof (good), and only exists as a necessary aspect in order to give man free choice, with evil being a consequence of this choice. Therefore, Kabbalists do not see evil as a supernatural force opposed to God, but rather a reflection of the inner battle within mankind and the surrender to his most basic and wicked of instincts. In other words, Jewish Kabbalists are taught that evil is in essence Godly, hence their ability to routinely execute assassinations, terror attacks and wars without a guilty conscience.

Kelipot Demonology

The Kelipot (i..e, “Qliphoth”, “Qlippoth”, “Qelippot”, etc. ) are the representation of evil forces in Jewish mysticism. The realm of evil is also termed Sitra Achra which is represents the "Other Side" or the “Dark Side” in Kabbalah texts. Among the problems of the Jewish Kabbalah is the theological notion of the nature and origin of evil. Kabbalists believe that “evil” is a “quality of God”, asserting that negativity enters into the essence of the Absolute. Jews contend that the Absolute (i.e., God) needs evil to “be what it is” (i.e., to exist). Kabbalism states that evil is a demonic parallel to the holy, called the Sitra Achra (the "Other Side"), and that the Kelipot (the "Shells/Husks"), which cover and conceal the holy, are nurtured from it. The term “Kelipot” (C/K+L+F/P+T) acronymically and consonantly speaking equates to “Cull/Kill Foot”, a reference to “killing” as well as the foot (boot) of the Roman Empire which has been placed on the collective throat of the underworld by the Jews, Rome’s henchmen. The root of evil is admittedly found within the 10 holy Sefirot, through an imbalance of Gevurah, the power of "Strength/Judgment/Severity". The demonic realm of Judaism, though illusory in its holy origin, becomes the real apparent realm of impurity in lower Creation. In other words, the demonic realms created in heaven for the Jews manifests itself in the underworld. Christian Knorr von Rosenroth's Latin “Kabbala Denudate” (1684), which has since been translated by MacGregor Mathers into the “The Kabbalah Unveiled” (1912), equates these evil forces with the Kings of Edom. The term “Edom” (D+M) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to the term “Dome” (D+M) which is indicative of Roman domination as well as the country of Greenland which is topographically speaking considered the dome of the Earth. Therefore, God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) and “evil” come from the same place which is symbolically evident in the flag of Greenland which depicts a half white and half black circle.

Jewish Demonology

The Kelipot, like the holy Sefirot, were derived from Jewish demonology. Consequently, there are 7 "infernal habitations" (i.e., Tehom/Sheol, Abaddon, Be'er Shachat, Tit ha-Yaven, Sha'arei Mavet, Tzalmavet and Gehenna),11 orders of demons (Thamiel, Chaigidel, Sathariel, Gamchicoth, Golachab, Thagirion, Harab Serapel, Samael, Gamaliel, Nehemoth, Gha'agsheblah and Lilith), 3 powers before Satan (i.e., Qemetial, Belial, and Othiel), and 22 demons which correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The number “22” equates to “BB”, an acronym for Babylon, Rome, the former capital of the Roman Empire. The 11 orders of demons the Kelipot are as follows: Thamiel: Thamiel is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Duality in God”, the “Twins of God” and “The Fouled Substance of God”. The term “Thamiel” (T+H+M+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Them and El”, an apparent reference to the separation of the underworld and the Greco-Roman god of El which is indicative of the Line of Man and the 13 Bloodlines of Rome which resides in Greenland. The ruler of Thaumiel is Satan who was formerly chief of the angels. As a demonic order, the Thamiel were before the “revolt” in the Bible when Satan and his angels rebelled and sought to become more powerful than God. Consequently, Thaumiel represents dual contending forces which are represented by two giant heads with bat-like wings. The Biblical narrative is an allegoric metaphor for an apparent a rebellion in the underworld (possibly by the Jews) which sought to overthrow Rome’s rule from heaven (i.e., Greenland). Islamic legend contends that after God created man, Satan and his angels refused to bow down before Adam (i.e., the “dam” which blocks the underworld from Greenland). It states in part that the “…principle which insists on the separate reality of cosmic life and substance…is that principle which would seek to insist on the separate reality of either pole, at the expense of the other, and thus to impair the original wholeness of the divine experience as the Reality by trying to sever the all-important link between "own" and "other" and consign each to mutually exclusive isolation in absurdity". In other words, God (i.e., Greenland of Denmark) wanted to have its own pole (i.e., the North Pole) and therefore severed the all-important link between “heaven” (own) and the “underworld” (other); Chaigidel: Chaigidel is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Confusion of the Power of God”. The term “Chaigidel” (C/K+H+G+D+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Chi God El”, an apparent reference to “Chi” or “CH” (i.e., Switzerland) which is responsible for ensuring that the god of El (which is indicative of the Line of Man and the 13 Bloodlines of Rome) remains untouched in heaven (i.e., Greenland). Consequently, these demons are called the Hinderers for they block the path to the Roman Empire in Greenland. They are depicted as black evil giants with serpents entwined around them. They are attached to lying and material appearances, in opposition to those of reality and wisdom. To Chaigidel, “both Satan and Beelzebub are attributed as well as Adam Belial. The name Belial is often used separately as a demonic name”. The cortex of the Chaigidel is called Ghogiel, “Those who go forth into the place empty of God”. In other words, the power structure of the world is always kept in flux so that it is impossible discern that the real power structure lies in Greenland; Sathariel: Sathariel is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Concealment of God”, which hides the face of Mercy. The term “Sathariel” (S+T+R+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “System Tri El”, an apparent reference to the three dens (homes) of the Roman Empire (i.e., Island of Crete, Island of Sicily, and the Island of Greenland) and its ruling Line of Man. In order to hide the true power structure of the world, the respective history of these three dens of Rome must be concealed, hence the order of Jewish demons. The demons attached to the Sathariel are black veiled heads with horns, with hideous eyes seen through the veil, followed by evil centaurs. The cortex of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, “The hairy ones of God”. Sathariel is described in the Book of Enoch as the 17th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels. According to modern historical sources, the name is of Babylonian origin and combination of “shetar” and El (God), allegedly meaning "side of God". This demonic order has been described as a black labyrinth of chaotic riddles, where Lucifuge reigns. The labyrinth and riddles are an apparent reference to the fraudulent history that has been in order to confuse the world since the alleged Fall of Rome; Gamchicoth: Gamchicoth or Gha'agsheblah is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Devourers” and “the disturber of all things” who seek to waste the substance and thought of creation. These demons are of black, cat-headed giants. The term “Gamchicoth” (G+M+C/K+H+C/K+T) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Game Chi Cut” or “Greenald 13 Chi Cut”,” an apparent reference to the game that the 13 Bloodlines of Rome play with the country of Switzerland which is responsible for “cutting out” potential threats to the Roman Empire in Greenland. The term “Gha'agsheblah” (G+H+G+S+H+B+L+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Greenland Forever, Greenland System Forever, Babylon Forever”. The outer form is the order of Azariel, 'The binding ones of God”. To Gamchicoth, “Astaroth, Ishtar of the Babylonians and perhaps also the Isis of the Egyptians” are attributed. The term “Astaroth” means “from the Flood”, an apparent reference to the country of Switzerland which was founded c. 009 after the Biblical flood when the Roman Empire “fled” to Greenland; Golachab: Golachab is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Burning Bodies” and “Burners with Fire”. The demons associated with it have enormous black heads like a volcano in eruption. The term “Golachab” (G+L+C+H+B/V) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Greenland Chi Victorious”, an apparent reference the country of Switzerland (i.e., “CH” or “Chi”) which is responsible for keeping Greenland victorious by rooting out potential threats against Rome via assassinations, terror attacks and wars. Consequently, the order of Golab is composed of those who burn to do destruction, even to themselves. In other words, the Jewish elite executing Roman policy in the underworld via Switzerland do so at their own peril for they are completely oblivious to the Roman Empire in Greenland which secretly has power over them. To Golachab, Asmodeus, meaning “The one adorned with fire”, is referred to as “The Destroying God or Samael the Black”; Thagirion: Thagirion is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Those who bellow grief and tears”, “the disputers” and the “the painful movers”. The demons, which are also called the Zomiel, are great black giants that are always working against each other. The term “Thagirion” (T+H+G+R+N) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “To Infinity Greenland Rome North/Kill”, an apparent reference to the culling duties bestowed on the Jewish people by the Roman Empire. Consequently, Tiphereth, who plays the role of savior, is a place of great beauty and rejoicing (i.e., Greenland). Thagirion represent the negative aspect of this dogma which condemns all who dare defy this brand of beauty to everlasting hell and fire. Nevertheless, the Thagirion build ugliness and groan about it, bringing about the Zomiel (i.e., “The Revolt of God”) which is the cortex of the Thagirion. To Thagirion, “the replacement of Tiphereth, the sphere of the vitalizing Sun, with a place holding Belphegor, the lord of dead, is most striking”; Harab Serapel: Harab Serapel or A'arab Zaraq, is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Ravens of the Burning of God”, “Ravens of Death”, and “The Ravens of Dispersion”. The demons associated with it are hideous, demon-headed ravens coming forth from a volcano who reject even their own. The term “Harab Serapel” (H+R+B/V+S+R+F/P+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Forever Rome Victorious, System Rome Fool”, an apparent reference to the system of fakery espoused in the motto of the Roman Empire, “By deception, thou shalt do war”. The term “Raven” (R+V+N), which is inherent to Harab Serapel, acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Rome Victorious North/Kill”, hence the aforementioned references to burning and death. To Harab Serapel, Baal, “Lord of Darkness”, as well as Tubal Cain, “Maker of sharp weapons”, are attributed; Samael: Samael is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “The Desolation (Anger) of God”, “Severity of God”, and “The Left Hand”. The term “Samael” (S+M+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “System Maul” which is representative of the evil nature of the Greco-Roman Empire which is executed by the Jews in the underworld. Consequently, Samael is known as the guardian angel of Esau (system) and was admittedly a patron of the Roman Empire. Samael represents the barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. Samael is also described as an archangel in Talmudic lore who is accuser, seducer and destroyer. He is a member of the heavenly host who is the angel of death responsible for grim and destructive duties. He remains one of the Lord's servants even though he appears to want men to do evil. As a good angel, Samael resides in the seventh heaven (i.e., Greenland) although he is declared to be the chief angel of the fifth heaven. In several interpretations of the Ascension of Isaiah, Samael is often identified as Malkira, meaning "king of evil" or "king of the wicked", or Belkira, meaning "lord of the wall". The terms “evil” (V+L) and “wall” (V/W+L) are indicative of the “veil” (V+L) of secrecy from which behind the Roman Empire operates in Greenland. In other words, in order to keep Greenland a secret, a system of “mauling” has been instituted to ensure that chaos and confusion rules the Earth, making the likelihood of anyone discovering the location of the Roman Empire all the less likely. In the Kabbalah, Samael is described by Arthur Edward Waite as the "severity of God", and is listed as fifth of the archangels of the world of Briah. The term “Briah” (B+R+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Babylon Rome Forever” or “Bear Forever”, the latter being a reference to the bear-like shape of Greenland (i.e., the Beast of Greenland); Gamaliel: Gamaliel is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Polluted of God” and “The Obscene Ones”. They are demons associated with Yesod is the Sephirah that collects all the energy from the Sephiroth above it, stores these archetypal ideas in the unconscious, and expresses them in their correct time. Consequently, Gamaliel are the misshapen and polluted images that produce vile results. The term “Gamaliel” (G+M+L) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Greenland Maul”, an apparent reference to the war-like nature of the Roman Empire in Greenland. The outer form of Gamaliel is the demonic order of Ogiel, “those who flee from God”. To Gamaliel, Lilith is attributed and “is the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams.” Gamaliel is also associated with the sexual organs and unconscious sexual desire; Nehemoth: Nehemoth is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. They represent “Whisperers” and the “Night Specter”. These demons are “responsible for frightening sounds in strange places” and “they excite the mind and cause strange desires”. The term “Nehemoth” (N+H+M+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “North Forever Mountain Forever” or “North 13 to Infinity”. The Mountain (i.e., “Mt.”) is an apparent reference to Mt. Olympus or Mt. Zion in Greenland while the letter “M” is representative of the 13 Bloodlines of Rome. To Nehemoth, Nehema is attributed which is traditionally a demon and the sister of Lilith, possibly a remembrance of the Greco-Roman god of Isis. Nehema is likely the same as Naamah, the sister of Tubal Cain. Naamah is a demon described in the Zohar as one of the mates of the archangel Samael. She, along with her cohort Lilith cause epilepsy in children. After Cain kills Abel in the Garden of Eden (i.e., Greenland), Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah visit him and bear his demonic children who become the Plagues of Mankind as depicted in 3:76b-77a of the Zohar; and Lilith: Lilith is a Kelipot order of demons within the Kabbalah. The demon Lilith is described as an evil yet beautiful woman. She transforms into a blue, butterfly-like demon, and it is associated with the power of seduction. The term “Lilith” (L+L+T+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Line of Man to Infinity”, an apparent reference to the 13 Bloodlines of Rome.

Torah Terminology

Because the Torah is Greco-Roman in origin, key terms within it, acronymically and/or consonantly speaking, have Greco-Roman and Greenlandic connotations. Although there are literally thousands of these linguistic associations within the Torah, the 4 levels of the Pardes (i.e., Peshat, Remez, Derash and Sod) inherent to Torah study substantiate this notion nakedly: Peshat: Peshat is the first level of Pardes which is literally means "simple," a reference to taking the Jewish Torah at face value. The term “Peshat” (F/P+S+H+T) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Pie (3.14) Shoot” or “ǂ Shoot”. Pie is indicative of Greenland while the letter “F” (i.e., “ǂ”) is indicative of the double-cross that is the mark of assassinations, terror attacks and wars; Remez: Remez is the second level of Pardes which literally means “hint[s]” in Hebrew. It also represents “allegoric meanings” through “allusion” (insinuation). The term “Remez” (R+M+Z) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Rome Zion” which is indicative of the Roman Empire and Mt. Zion in Greenland. Because Judaism is Roman in origin, it is filled with numerous Greco-Roman allegories via insinuation, hence the reference; Derash: Derash is the third level of Pardes which literally means "inquire" or "seek” in Hebrew. It also represents midrashic (Rabbinic) meanings, often with “imaginative comparisons” with similar words or verses. The term “Derash” (D+R+S+H) acronymically and/or consonantly speaking equates to “Druid System Forever”, an apparent reference to Druidic witchcraft used by the Jews in the underworld. The letters “D+R” are indicative of the Druids and the Imperial Cult of Rome which routinely engage in blood sacrifices (i.e., rights); and Sod: Sod” is the fourth level of Pardes which literally means "secret" or "mystery" in Hebrew. It also represents the “inner, esoteric (metaphysical) meanings” expressed in Kabbalah. The term “Sod” (S+D) acronymically and consonantly speaking equates to “System Day” or “System Die/Death”. Because the Jews are responsible for executing the policies of the Roman Empire in the underworld, the “system of death” is the most inner esoteric meaning of the Kabbalah.

The Talmud

The Talmud, meaning “instruction” and “learning", is the primary text of Rabbinic Judaism which is traditionally referred to as “Shas”, an abbreviation of “shisha sedarim”, meaning the "six orders". Aside from the fact that the number “6” numerically equates to the double-cross, a symbol which represents treachery and deceit, the term “Talmud” (T+L+M+D) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Thule Made” for it was likely created in the city of Thule, Greenland. The term "Talmud" generally refers to the Babylonian Talmud, although there is allegedly a prior edition entitled the Jerusalem Talmud. The city of Babylon, the former capital of the Roman Empire, was located in modern day Rome, Italy. Consequently, the first printed edition of the Babylonian Talmud was completed in 1520 under the protection of a papal privilege, courtesy of the Vatican in Rome. The Talmud is naturally comprised of two components. The first part is entitled the Mishnah (c. 200 AD), the written compendium of Rabbinic Judaism's Oral Torah, while the second part is entitled the Gemara (c. 500 AD), an elucidation of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that expounds broadly on the Hebrew Bible.

Attacks on the Talmud

Because the Talmud is Greco-Roman in origin, the entity responsible for its publication and distribution in the underworld has also attacked and banned the book, causing the Jews to revere and treasure the book and its dogma even more, a classic case of reverse psychology. This particular narrative began in 13th century France where Talmudic study was flourishing. The first charge against the Talmud was brought by Christian convert Nicholas Donin who led to the first public disputation between Jews and Christians. This dispute ended with the first mass burning of the Talmud in Paris in 1242 which reportedly continued for some time. The Talmud was also at the center of the Disputation of Barcelona in 1263 between Nahmanides (Rabbi Moses ben Nahman) and Christian convert Pablo Christiani. This dispute resulted in a papal bull by the Roman Catholic Church against the Talmud, the first official censorship of the Jewish book. This censorship was the result of a commission of Dominicans, a secret Roman Catholic order, who demanded the cancellation of passages in 1264 that were deemed objectionable from a Christian perspective. Roughly 150 years later at the Disputation of Tortosa in 1413, Geronimo de Santa Fé brought forward a number of accusations, including the assertion that the condemnations of "pagans," "heathens," and "apostates" found in the Talmud were in reality veiled references to Christians. Two years later in 1415, Antipope Benedict XIII, who had previously convened the Tortosa disputation, issued a papal bull which stated that the Jews were forbidden from reading the Talmud and that all compies of the book must be destroyed. Another evidently staged dispute between the Dominican agent Johannes Pfefferkorn and Jewish advocate Johann Reuchlin led to the complete printed edition of the Babylonian Talmud in 1520 by Daniel Bomberg at Venice, under the protection of a papal privilege. In other words, the Roman Catholic Church authorized and funded the first mass printing of the Talmud despite previously ordering all copies of it destroyed. Three years later, in 1523, the first edition of the Jerusalem Talmud was published by Bomberg. Roughly 30 years after the Vatican’s mass priniting of the Talmud, they once again undertook a campaign to destroy it. On September 9, 1553, Rosh Hashanah, copies of the Talmud were confiscated in compliance with a decree of the Inquisition andn were burned at Campo dei Fiori in Rome. Other Talmud burnings reportedly took place across Italy in cities such as Cremona in 1559. Censorship of the Talmud and other Hebrew works was introduced by another papal bull courtesy of the Roman Catholic Church in in 1554. Five years later in 1559, the Talmud was included in the first Index Expurgatorius, a list of prohibited books deemed heretical, anti-clerical or lascivious by the Roman Catholic Church. Six years later in 1565, Pope Pius IV commanded that the Talmud be deprived of its very name. The inexplicably censorship of the Talmud by the Catholic Church may have had ulterior motives—editing. The original Talmud texts may have contained information which the Roman Empire wanted removed, hence the bans and mass book burnings. Consequently, the first edition of the expurgated (censored) Talmud, on which most subsequent editions are based, appeared in Basel, Switzerland sometime between 1578–1581 with the omission of the entire treatise of 'Abodah Zarah as well as a number of other passages. The fact that the final Talmud edition appeared in Switzerland of all places is rather curious considering that the Alpine country is the main proxy state of the Roman Empire and home to the CIA. Nevertheless, a fresh attack on the Talmud was decreed by Pope Gregory XIII and in 1593 Clement VIII renewed the old interdiction against reading or owning it. In 1707, some copies of the Talmud were confiscated in the province of Brandenburg, but were eventually restored to their owners by the command of Frederick, the first king of Prussia. Another attack on the Talmud allegedly took place in Poland in 1757 when Bishop Dembowski, at the instigation of the Frankists, convened a public disputation at Kamianets-Podilskyi, and subsequently ordered all copies of the Talmud be confiscated and burned. Needless to say, all of the attacks on the Talmud were orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Church at the behest of the Vatican in order make psychologically cause the Jews to believe that their race and religion were being persecuted. Because the Jewish public is not privy to the notion of full spectrum dominance, they naturally are unable distinguish this particular form of reverse psychology.

Jewish Holidays

Roman holidays (holy days) are celebrated in the underworld in modern times by the Jewish people through their counterfeit religion of Judaism whose holy days reflects almost exactly, the dates, festivals, sacrifices and rituals of the Roman Empire. Although the names have been altered, the dates and meaning behind the two religions is the same and therefore the Jewish people unwittingly execute the Roman's dirty work in the underworld. Of the 12 major Jewish holidays (see list below), each one coincides in some way with a Roman holiday, regardless of the fact that the dates change from year to year. So unless the Jews are Romans, which they obviously are not, there is no explicable reason why Jewish holidays fall on Roman holidays and vice versa. Although the Jews use the Hebrew calendar and the Romans use a 13-month lunar calendar, over 90% of their respective holy days occur on the date in the Gregorian calendar. In other words, unless the Romans designed the Jewish religion to mirror their own religion, down to every single date and detail, there is no logical explanation for this phenomenon. Therefore, in order to guarantee that Roman holy days are continually celebrated with human sacrifices (i.e., assassinations, terror attacks and war) in the underworld, the dates and meanings of the Jewish holy days must be exactly the same as the Romans, which they are. As the Bible verse Matthew 6:10 explains, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Greenland)".


Hanukkah, widely known as the Feast of Dedication, is an 8-day Jewish holiday allegedly commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (e.g., the Second Temple) in Jerusalem, regardless of the fact that all aspects which pertain to temples and temple building (e.g., arches, columns, domes, etc.,) are Greco-Roman in nature. In reality, Hanukkah is likely a counterfeit Roman holyday created to commemorate the ceremonies, rituals and human sacrifices associated with Rome’s new temple in either Sicily (i.e., the Second Temple; the First Temple being built in either Crete or Athens, Greece) or the third and final temple which was built in Greenland (most likely Thule) just prior to the alleged fall of the RomanEmpire. In 2013, the Jewish holy days of Hanukkah are celebrated on November 27-December 5. Coincidentally, the Roman temple ceremonies of Neptune and Pietas are held on December 1; the celebration of the Roman goddess Bona Dea are held on December 3; and the Roman country festival for Faunus held by the pagi is celebrated on December 5. In 2013, Hanukkah is celebrated on December 16-24. Coincidentally, Saturnalia, which is held in honor of Saturn with the public ritual on December 17 is celebrated by the Romans from December 17-23; the holy day of Opalia is celebrated in honor of the Roman god Ops on December 19; the Romans celebrate Divalia in honor of Angerona on December 21; the Roman sacrifice to Hercules and Ceres is also given on the December 21 which also coincides with the Winter Solstice (e.g., years 2013, 2014, 2016); the Roman anniversary of the Temple of the Lares Permarini in the Porticus Minucia is celebrated December 22, which also coincides with the Winter Solstice in 2015; the Roman holy day of Sigillaria, the last day of the Saturnalia which is devoted to gift (poison) giving, is celebrated a day later on December 23; Larentalia, which commemorates the Roman temples of Diana and Juno Regina in the Circus Flaminius is also celebrated on December 23; and finally, Tempestates, the Roman god of weather is also celebrated on December 23.

Hoshanah Rabbah

Hoshanah Rabbah is a Jewish holy day which is known as the “Last of the Days of Judgment”. In reality Hoshanah Rabbah is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to mark the end of the so-called “Judgment” of Rome in the underworld. In order to successfully pull off the hoax of moving to Greenland unabated and unnoticed, a series of man-made wars, earthquakes, tsunamis and pandemics were executed by the Roman military against both Rome and her known enemies of the day. In 2013, Hoshanah Rabbah more or less coincides with the Southward Equinox (September 22-24) when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading southward. In 2014, Hoshanah Rabbah falls on October 14 which coincidentally marks the restoration of the Roman Temple of the Penates Dei on the Velian Hill.


The Passover is a 7-day Jewish festival held to commemorate the Jewish people’s alleged liberation over 3,300 years ago by God from slavery in ancient Egypt, as well as the birth of their nation under the leadership of Moses. In reality, the Passover is likely a counterfeit Roman holiday created to commemorate Rome’s liberation from the underworld by G.O.D. (Greenland of Denmark) as they “passed over” from the bottom side (the dark side) of the Earth to the top side (the sunny side). In 2013, the Jewish Passover is held from April 3-11 which coincidentally bookends the Roman games of Ludi Megalenses or Megalesia, which occurs on April 4-10 in honor of the Magna Mater or Cybele, a Greco-Roman goddess. In 2014, the Jewish Passover is held from April 14-22. Coincidentally, the Roman holy day of Fordicidia is celebrated with offering of a pregnant cow is sacrificed to Tellus ("Earth") on April 15, also known as “Tax Day” in America. Coincidentally, the modern holiday known as Earth Day is celebrated annually a week later on April 22. The Roman festival Parilia in honor of Pales and the dies natalis of Rome also falls within the 2014 Jewish Passover on April 21.


Purim is a holy day which celebrates the Jewish people's alleged victory over their enemies and commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from a plot by the Persian Empire to destroy them. In reality, Purim is likely a counterfeit Roman holiday considering that the Jews were never at war with Persia, the Roman Empire was. The term Purim (P+R+M), which essentially means “Pure Rome”, is a Roman holy day dedicated to their final victory over the Persian Empire with whom they had been at fighting against for years during the Roman-Persian Wars. In 2013, Purim is held on February 23-24. Coincidentally, February 23 marks the Roman holy day of Terminalia which is held in honor of Terminus, as well as the Roman observance of Regifugium and the rituals of rex sacrorum which involves boots (shape of Italy) and an axe (fasces), two objects affiliated with Roman lore. In 2014, Purim is celebrated on March 15-16. Coincidentally, the Roman procession of the Argei is held annually from March 16–17. The Roman holy day of Feriae Iovi, sacred to the god of Jove or Jupiter, as well as the feast of the year to the goddess Anna Perenna are also celebrated on March 15.

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is a 2-day Jewish celebration known as the “Feast of Trumpets” and is the first of the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") and is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. Rosh Hashanah customs include sounding the shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn) and eating symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey to evoke a "sweet new year". In reality, Rosh Hashanah is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to celebrate the “Feast of the Triumphants” and the creation of a “dam” to block the “eve” or night of the underworld. The blowing of the ram’s horn, or Rome’s horn (the symbol of Rome is a Ram), and the eating of sweets signifies Rome’s triumphant victory over mankind while they enjoy the fruits and comforts in the “high holy land” of Greenland. In 2013, the Jewish holy day of Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on September 4-6. Coincidentally, the Ludi Romani or Ludi Magni, "the oldest and most famous" of the Roman games, were held annually on September 5-19. In 2014, Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on September 24-26. The anniversary of the Temple of Venus Genetrix vowed by Julius Caesar is celebrated on September 26, which generally coincides with the the Southward Equinox (September 22-24). In 2015, Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on September 13-15. Coincidentally, the anniversary of the Temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus as well as the Epulum Iovis, a sumptuous ritual feast offered to Jove, was celebrated by Rome on September 13.


Shavuot is a 2-day Jewish holy day celebration which allegedly commemorates the anniversary of the day that God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel while assembled atop Mount Sinai. In reality, Shavuot is a likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to mark the anniversary of the first year that the entire nation of the Romans Empire was present atop Mt. Zion/Mt. Olympus in Greenland. Torah (T+R+H) meaning “To Rome Forever”, was likely the exact words toasted in celebration of Rome’s final victory over mankind. In 2013, the Jewish holy day of Shavuot is celebrated on May 14-16. Coincidentally, the anniversary of the Temple of Mars Invictus as well as the second procession of the Argei are celerated by Rome on May 14. The Roman holy day of Mercuralia, which is celebrated in in honor of Mercury, Feriae of Jove, is celebrated by Rome on May 15. In 2014, Shavuot is celebrated on June 3-5. Coincidentally, the anniversary of the Temple of Bellona is celebrated by Rome on June 3; the Roman anniversary of the restoration of the Temple of Hercules Custos is celebrated by Rome on June 4; and the Roman anniversary of the Temple of Dius Fidius is celebrated by Rome on June 5. In 2015, Shavuot is celebrated on May 23-25. Coincidentally, holy day of the second Tubilustrium; Feriae for Volcanus (Vulcan), is celebrated by Rome on May 23; the holy day of QRCF, which follows Tubilustrium, is celebrated by Rome on May 24; and the anniversary of the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia is celebrated by Rome on May 25.

Shemini Atzeret Shemini Atzeret is a Jewish holy day rooted in “duality” which features a “prayer for rain (reign)” or Geshem. The term Geshem (G+S+H+M) means “Greenland System Forever M”, the letter M of which equates to “Empire” and the number 13 which is indicative of the 13 bloodlines of Rome. Therefore, in reality, Shemini Atzeret is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to celebrate the duality of Greenland over the underworld and the they pray for a continued reign of terror over mankind. In 2012, Shemini Atzeret, is celebrated on October 7 which is coincidentally the same date that Rome celebrates the day of rites for Jupiter Fulgur and Juno Curitis. In 2014, Shemini Atzeret is celebrated on October 15 which is coincidentally the same date that Rome celebrates October Horse in which a blood sacrifice is given to Mars in the Campus Martius and the Feriae of Jupiter. In 2015, Shemini Atzeret is celebrated on October 4 which is coincidentally the same date of Ieiunium Cereris, a Roman day of fasting in honor of Ceres which was instituted in 191 B.C. as a quinquennial observance.

Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah is a Jewish holiday which celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle as well as the beginning of a new cycle. In reality Simchat Torah is likely a counterfeit Roman holiday created to celebrate the end of the Roman “kill” or “cull” cycle. The term “cycle” (C/K+C/K+L) means “Kill Kill Line” or “Line of 33”, which originated on the Island of Crete, as did most other things Roman. In 2012, Simchat Torah is celebrated on October 7 which is coincidentally the same date that Rome celebrates the rites for the god of Jupiter which is represented by a lightning bolt and an eagle, the most common symbols of the Roman army. October 7 is also the same date that Rome celebrates the goddess of Juno which represents the fullness of vital force. In essence, Simchat Torah is a day which celebrates the endless cycle of war.


Sukkot, known as the “Feast of Tabernacles”, is a mandated Jewish festival which allegedly commemorates when the Hebrews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. In reality, Sukkot is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to celebrate the mandate by Rome to all of its chosen people to make the pilgrimage from the underworld to Greenland in order to escape the aforementioned Days of Judgment which were slated to befall the underworld. The term “Sukkot” (S+K+T) likely means “System Military Base”, as KT is the name of a Roman military base. In all likelihood, Sukkot was a mandate by Rome to all of its top military personal located around the world to instantly retreat back to Rome. Once there, they made the voyage to Greenland where they have waged war on humanity ever since. In 2012, Sukkot was celebrated by the Jews on September 30-October 8. Coincidentally, the Roman ceremonies for Fides and the Tigillum Sororium are celebrated on October 1 while the Roman Ludi Augustales, which was established 14 AD after the death of Augustus and based on the Augustalia, is celebrated on October 3-12. The Leiunium Cereris, a day of Roman fasting in honor of Ceres is celebrated on October 4; the Roman mundus (tomb) was opened on October 5; and the Roman holy day entitled dies ater ("black day") to mark the anniversary of the battle of Arausio (105 BC) is celebrated on October 6; In 2012, Sukko also celebrated on October 7 which is coincidentally the same date that Rome celebrates the rites for the god of Jupiter which is represented by a lightning bolt and an eagle, the most common symbols of the Roman army. October 7 is also the same date that Rome celebrates the goddess of Juno which represents the fullness of vital force. In essence, Simchat Torah is a day which celebrates the endless cycle of war. In 2013, Sukkot is celebrated on September 18-28. Coincidentally, the Ludi Romani or Ludi Magni, "the oldest and most famous" of the Roman games, were held annually on September 5-19, while the “mercatus" and “Latona” set aside for markets and fairs commenced immediately following the Ludi Romani is celebrated on September 20–23.

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av is a Jewish holy day which allegedly commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jewish people from the Land of Israel. In reality, Tisha B'Av is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to celebrate the destruction of the Rome’s temples in Greece and Sicily which were destroyed in order to sell the hoax to the world that the Roman Empire had been militarily defeated while they secretly escaped to Greenland. The exile of the Jews is also direct reference to exile of the Romans from Rome, home to the gods of Isis, Ra and El, otherwise known as “Israel”. Once in Greenland, the aforementioned Greco-Roman gods were exiled to the underworld along with Greece and Rome as the Romans adopted new gods representative of Greenland as depicted in Norse and Viking mythology. In 2012, the Jews celebrate Tisha B'Av on July 28. Coincidentally, the Roman Ludi, Victoriae Caesaris "Games of the Victorious Caesar", are held annually on July 20-30. In 2013, the Jews celebrate Tisha B'Av on July 15-16. Coincidentally, the Roman holy day entitled Transvectio equitum, which features a procession of cavalry as a display of military force, is held on July 15. In 2014, Tisha B'Av is celebrated on August 4-5. Coincidentally, a Roman public sacrifice (sacrificium publicum) was held at the Temple of Salus on the Quirinal on August 5.

Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat, a Jewish holy day meaning “New Year of the Trees”, appears to be another counterfeit Roman holy day masked for Jewish consumption. The term “trees” is indicative of “tri” or “three”, for Greenland marks the third and final home of Rome (i.e., the first being the Island of Crete and the second being the Island of Sicily). "Tu" stands for the Hebrew letters Tet and Vav, which together have the numerical value of 9 and 6. As documented, the numnbers 6 and 9 are favorite esoteric numbers of the Romans and where the chosen dates for the twin nuclear attack on Japan in World War II. (i.e., August 6 and 9, 1945). In 2013, Tu Bishvat falls on January 26. Coincidentally, the Sementivae, a Roman feriae conceptivae of sowing (sowing seeds), also known as the Paganalia, is celebrated on January 24-26. Once again, Roman and Jewish holidays are identical in subject matter and even fall on the same dates.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is a Jewish holiday celebrated on "the tenth day of [the] seventh month" (Tishrei) and is regarded as the "Sabbath of Sabbaths". Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") that commences with Rosh Hashanah. The seventh month in the Roman calendar is known as Libra, and therefore the tenth day of Libra equates to September 25 which happened to mark the first day of Yom Kippur in 2012. Interestingly, the Jewish holy days known as Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret also fell on September 25 in 2013. In reality, Yom Kippur is likely a counterfeit Roman holy day created to celebrate Rome’s “Shock and Awe” military tactics as witnessed ancient as well as modern pandemics, terror attacks, wars and so called “accidents” such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. In 2013, Yom Kippur was celebrated by the Jews on September 13-17. Coincidentally, the Roman cavalry parade known as “Equorum probation”, meaning "Approval of the Horses", is held on September 14. In 2014, Yom Kippur is celebrated on October 3-4. Coincidentally, the Roman Ludi Augustales, which was established in 14 A.D. after the death of Augustus and based on Augustalia, is celebrated on October 3-12, while Ieiunium Cereris, a Roman day of fasting in honor of Ceres is celebrated on October 4. In 2015, Yom Kippur is celebrated on September 22-23. Coincidentally, the Roman anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius is celebrated on September 23, which appears to have been created to coincide with the Southward Equinox (September 22-24).