Misc/Greenland Theory/8.06 Scientology

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8.06 Scientology

Scientology is a body of beliefs and practices allegedly created by L. Ron Hubbard (1911–1986) as a successor to his earlier self-help system entitled Dianetics. Hubbard characterized Scientology as a religion and subsequently incorporated the Church of Scientology in Camden, New Jersey in 1953. Since then, numerous Hollywood celebrities have subscribed to Hubbard's religion, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta who have become the de facto face of Scientology. In short, Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature. They can spiritually rehabilitate themselves through the process of “auditing” which demands that practitioners consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past in order to free themselves from their debilitating effects. Because Scientology is a state-sponsored religion, it currently has tax-exempt status in Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and the United States. However, the organization is still considered a commercial enterprise in Switzerland, a cult in Chile and France, and a non-profit organization in Norway. Similar to Catholicism and Christianity, Scientology funds numerous community programs as religious cover so that the public has the conception that the organization is inherently good. These programs include but are not limited to: the Narconon anti-drug program; the Criminon prison rehabilitation program; the Study Tech education methodology; the Volunteer Ministers; and the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises. The good works of Scientology are designed to counter claims that the church is a cult which brainwashes and routinely defrauds its members.

Ban on Scientology

Similar to Christianity and Judaism which were previously banned, censored and persecuted by the Roman Empire and/or the Roman Catholic Church, Scientology has suffered its own forms of political persecution. Perceived persecution by the state galvanizes the members of a given religion sect by creating and “us versus them” mentality. In other words, it’s classic reverse psychology in that patrons of a given church conclude, albeit wrongly, that their religion wouldn’t be attacked by the government if it weren’t the right and true. In respect to Scientology, it was banned in the 1960’s shortly after its inception by several Australian states, starting with Victoria in 1965. The ban was reportedly based on the Anderson Report (1965) which found that the auditing process involved "command" hypnosis that allowed the hypnotist to take "positive authoritative control" over the patient. Subsequently, the name and practice of Scientology became illegal and the Australian Church of Scientology was forced to operate under the pseudo name of "Church of the New Faith". Predictably, almost 20-years later in 1983, a unanimous decision by the High Court of Australia recognized Scientology as an official religion in Australia, overturning restrictions instituted after the Anderson Report. A similar case began in 1967 when the IRS removed Scientology's tax-exempt status. They stated that Scientology was commercial in nature and designed to benefit its founder L. Ron Hubbard rather than any charitable or religious purposes as claimed. The decision by the IRS resulted in court litigation that would be eventually be settled some 25-years later in favor of Scientology. The tax case was the longest-running in the history of the IRS, making international headlines from 1967 until 1992. Needless to say, a better publicity campaign could not be had. Both cases against Scientology by the Australian and U.S. government appear to have been manufactured in order to: a) put Scientology on the map and in the media spotlight for decades: b) galvanize practitioners of Scientology so that they would become even more passionate about their religion, thus spreading their faith more vigorously; and c) create a scenario in which Scientology was globally perceived as the “underdog” religion, making it more appealing to the masses disenfranchised by commercial religions.

Symbols of Scientology

Aside from the fact that the dogma of Scientology revolves around the “thetan”, which is admittedly named after the Greek letter theta (i.e., “θ”), the symbology of Scientology is purely Greco-Roman in nature. For example, the letter “S”, which purports to stand for “Scientology”, is an acronym for both “System” and “Sacrifice”, both of which are inherent to Scientology and religion in general. The ARC and KRC triangles found within the logo of Scientology are important concepts which aare touted as concept maps. The lower triangle, the ARC triangle, purports to be a summary representation of the knowledge the Scientologist strives for. It claims to encompass “Affinity” (affection, love or liking), “Reality” (consensual reality) and “Communication” (the exchange of ideas). The upper triangle is entitled the KRC triangle and it claims to encompass the relationship between “Knowledge”, “Responsibility” and “Control”. In reality however, the twin triangles are symbolic of twin Chevron symbols (i.e., “ɅɅ” or “CC”) which are an acronym for Chania, Crete, the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire. This notion is corroborated by the names of the triangle “ARC” (R+C/K”) and KRC (C/K+R+C/K) which acronymically and/or consonantly equate to “Rock”, an apparent tribute the Rock of Ages (i.e., Greenland) and “CC”, another apparent tribute to Chania, Crete. Similar to Christianity, Scientology uses a Roman Cross as one of its primary symbols (i.e., Cross of Scientology) which is generally used to represent the Church of Scientology. The church states that, "the horizontal bar represents the material universe, and the vertical bar represents the spirit. Thus, the spirit is seen to be rising triumphantly, ultimately transcending the turmoil of the physical universe to achieve salvation”. Although the Cross of Scientology resembles the Christian Cross, it differs slightly from it due to the addition of 4 diagonal rays between the conventional horizontal and vertical arms. The eight points of the cross represent the 8 dynamics of Scientology (i.e., “The Self”, “Creativity”, “Group”, “Species”, “Life”, “Matter, Energy, Space & Time”, “Spirit” and “Infinity”). Therefore, the letter “X” (i.e., the 4 diagonal rays), which equates to the letter “N” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), is superimposed with the cross symbol (i.e. “+”), which equates to the letter “D” in the Roman Score (i.e., Roman alphabet). Together, these two symbols create the acronym “DN” or “den” which is which is symbolic of the third and final den (home) of the Roman Empire in Greenland. The “DN” or “+X” symbology is coincidentally also found on the flag of Great Britain (i.e., the Union Jack). Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote in 1955 that "the model of the cross [of Scientology] came from a very ancient Spanish mission in Arizona, a sand casting which [I] dug up”. In other words, the Cross of Scientology is Greco-Roman in origin as Spanish missions were created and funded by the Roman Catholic Church.

Ideology of Scientology

Similar to most Greco-Roman religions, there are good and logical concepts intertwined with crazy and ludicrous beliefs. For example, Scientology teaches that people have hidden abilities which have not yet been fully realized and that the practice of psychiatry is destructive and abusive and therefore must be abolished, two beliefs most rational people would agree with. Conversely, however, Scientology also teaches the story of Xenu who is depicted as the tyrant ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy". According to this story, Xenu brought billions of people to Earth 75 million years ago in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners. He then stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen (nuclear) bombs inside the volcanoes. Consequently, thetans clustered together, sticking to the bodies of the living until this very day. The term “Galactic” (G+L+T+C/K) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Greenland to Kill” or “Greenland Take”, both of which are indicative of tyranny. Since the letter “X” equates to the letter “N” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), the name “Xenu” (X/N+N+X) acronymically equates to “North Kill” (or vice versa), or simply “North”. In essence therefore, the tyrant ruler of the Galactic Confederacy is located to the North in Greenland, making the story, like so many religions narratives, an allegorical metaphor for the truth.

Jesus in Scientology

Because Scientology is Greco-Roman in origin like Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it contains the character or likeness of Jesus which is by all accounts a representation of the Greco-Roman god of Isis. Jesus is recognized in Scientology as part of its "religious heritage”, and "is seen as only one of many good teachers”. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard described Scientology as "the Western Anglicized continuance of many earlier forms of wisdom", and cites the teachings of Jesus Christ among belief systems of those "earlier forms". This is key because although Scientologists do not subscribe to the notion that Jesus was the son of God, they accept the character of Jesus depicted in the Bible to be authentic, thus verifying the fraudulent history of the Holy Bible.

Source of Scientology

Because Scientology is Greco-Roman in nature, it reflects all other Greco-Roman religions (e.g., Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc.). According to the founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard himself, Scientology is "the Western anglicized continuance of many early forms of wisdom." In “Scientology 8-8008” (1952), Hubbard admits that he had a number of Greco-Roman influences, including the Greek philosophers Anaxagoras and Aristotle, as and the religious icons Jesus and Mohammed. In “The Concept “salvation” in the Church of Scientology” (2006), John Ankerberg and John Weldon corroborate this notion when they state that the sources of Scientology include "the Vedas, Buddhism, Judaism, Gnosticism, Taoism, early Greek civilization and the teachings of Jesus, Nietzsche and Freud”.

Holidays of Scientology

Similar to Hindu Holidays, Jewish Holidays and Muslim Holidays, almost all Scientology Holidays fall on Roman holidays or have Roman connotations. The saying “When in Rome do as the Romans” is literally true as Rome’s pagan holidays, which generally involve human sacrifices, are celebrated the world over. The Greco-Roman based Scientology Holidays include but are not limited to: Anniversary of Dianetics: In Scientology, the Anniversary of Dianetics is celebrated on May 9. It marks the official release of L. Ron Hubbard's book “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” (1950). Coincidentally, the Roman holiday of Lemuria, a festival of the dead with both public and household rites (i.e., blood sacrifices), is also celebrated on May 9; IAS Anniversary: In Scientology, the IAS Anniversary is celebrated on October 7. It marks the founding of the IAS and when the annual IAS freedom awards are presented. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday celebrating the rites (i.e., blood sacrifices) for Jupiter Fulgur and Juno Curitis are also celebrated on October 7; Celebrity Day: In Scientology, Celebrity Day is celebrated on February 22. It marks the anniversary of the opening of the Celebrity Centre International in Los Angeles in 1970. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday known as Parentalia, which commemorates of ancestors and the dead among families, concludes on February 22; Integrity Day: In Scientology, Integrity Day is celebrated on May 25. It marks a day of contemplation on L. Ron Hubbard's 1965 study on Scientology Ethics. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday celebrating the Anniversary of the Temple of Fortuna at Primigenia is also celebrated on May 25; Maiden Voyage Anniversary: In Scientology, the Maiden Voyage Anniversary is celebrated on June 6. It commemorates the anniversary of “New OT VIII”. Needless to say, the notion of a maiden voyage in Scientology is unfitting and curious to say the least. Therefore, although only conjecture, it’s possible that June 6 is the date when the maiden voyage to Greenland (either by ship or airship) was launched or ultimately discovered land; Sea Org Day: In Scientology, Sea Org Day is celebrated on August 12. It marks a special event for all Sea Organization members with various ceremonies. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday featuring the blood sacrifice of a heifer to Hercules Invictus, with a libation from the skyphos of Hercules, is also celebrated on August 12; Student Day: In Scientology, Student Day is celebrated on March 24. It marks the commencement of the “Saint Hill Special Briefing Course” in 1961. Coincidentally, the Roman holiday known as QRFC, when the Comitia Calata met to sanction wills, is also celebrated on March 24.