Misc/Greenland Theory/9.16 Order of the Golden Dawn

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9.16 Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, otherwise known as Alpha et Omega or "Golden Dawn”, was an esoteric (secret) society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was publically founded by William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (an alleged coroner), all of which were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). The term “Hermetic” (H+R+M+TC/K) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Forever Rome to Kill”, while the term “Golden Dawn” (G+L+D+N+D+N) acronymically and/or consonantly equates to “Greenland Den”, an apparent reference to Greenland, the third and final den (home) of the Roman Empire. Known as a magical order, the Golden Dawn was active in England and devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics, and paranormal activities and theurgy (magic rituals). Modern day forms of witchcraft such as Wicca and Thelema were allegedly inspired by Golden Dawn which reportedly became one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism. The Golden Dawn was constructed of a very public "Outer Order" (First Order) and a very secret "Inner Order" (Second Order) which became active in 1892. By the mid-1890s, the Outer Order consisted of over one hundred members from every class of Victorian society in England. Many celebrities belonged to Golden Dawn, including but not limited to: actress Florence Farr, Irish revolutionary Maud Gonne, Irish writer William Butler Yeats, Welsh author Arthur Machen, English author Evelyn Underhill, and Aleister Crowley. Conversely, the Inner Order was highly secret, consisting of Jewish practitioners of the Kabballah, a book devoted to blood sacrifices (i.e., rites), sorcery and witchcraft.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

In order to provide political cover for the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which evidently went undercover in 1908, two suspect organizations were subsequently created. Firstly, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Inc. was a 501(c) non-profit organization founded in 1977. While bearing the same name as the historical Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the modern Order “[did] not have direct descent or institutional lineage from the original Order”. This confirms that “lineage from the original Order” does in fact exist, albeit in a de facto manner. Secondly, the The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn (OSOGD) was esoteric community of magical practitioners founded by Sam Webster in 2002. It is touted as an Order which draws upon the knowledge, experience, practices and spirit of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Needless to say, its highly likely that OSOGD was also created as political cover for the original Order of the Golden Dawn which is likely still operating undercover in London and other cities around the world. Like so many other secret orders and societies, the demise of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has been grossly exaggerated.

The Hermetic Kabballah

Considering that the Kabballah admittedly influenced Golden Dawn’s concepts and work, it stands to reason that Golden Dawn is a highly secretive Jewish Order which previously operated under the guise of the aforementioned Outer Order of London socialites. This notion is corroborated by the Cipher Manuscripts, the foundational documents of Golden Dawn, which detailed the Grade Rituals (i.e., blood sacrifices) encompassed in the Hermetic Qabalah, a text which was admittedly developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In other words, from its inception, Golden Dawn was based on Jewish principles as outlined in the Kabballah, one of the primary texts of Judaism. In order to hide the Jewish nature of Golden Dawn, it was constructed of three separate Orders, collectively referred to as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order, otherwise known as the Outer Order, was based on the tenants of “Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis” (i.e., the “Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold”), teaching proper magic (e.g., scrying, astral travel, and alchemy).The Second Order, otherwise known as the Inner Order, taught the esoteric (secret) philosophy of the Hermetic Qabalah. Lastly the Third Order was known as the "Secret Chiefs", a veiled reference to the Imperial Cult of Rome in Greenland which is admittedly present in every secret society.

Golden Dawn Temples

In October of 1887, Golden Dawn founder William Wynn Westcott was allegedly granted permission via prominent Rosicrucian Anna Sprengel, at the behest of the Secret Chiefs, to establish a Golden Dawn temple in London. Shortly thereafter, a wave of Greco-Roman based temples were erected across Europe and America, including but not limited to: the Isis-Urania Temple (1888) in London, England; the Osiris Temple (1888) in Weston-super-Mare, England, the Horus Temple (1888) in Bradford, England; the Amen-Ra Temple (1893) in Edinburgh, Scotland; the Ahathoor Temple (i.e., Hathor, Thor, etc.) in Paris, France; and the Thoth-Hermes Temple (c. 1900) in Chicago, Illinois. It is imperative to note that the allegedly Egyptian gods of Amen-Ra (Ra), Hathor (Thor), Horus, Isis (Zeus), Osiris and Thoth are all part of the Egyptian hoax which was created in order to provide necessary historical cover prior after the alleged Fall of Rome. In respect to Greco-Roman gods, the names were slightly altered in order to create the historical narrative that these gods preceded the Roman Empire. Golden Dawn in Pop Culture Aside from The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Inc. (1977) and The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn (2002), both revivals of the original Order, modern tributes to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn include but are not limited to: Books: “The Golden Dawn” (c. 1930), a book by Israel Regardie; Corporations: Golden Dawn Publications, a former name of the publisher Mandrake of Oxford; Films: “The Golden Dawn” (1921), a British crime film; and “Golden Dawn” (1930), a musical film; Music: "Golden Dawn" (2002), a Goldenhorse song from the album “Riverhead”; Golden Dawn, an Austrian black metal band; “Golden Dawn” (1927), an operetta by Oscar Hammerstein II and Otto Harbach: "Golden Dawn" (1988), a song by Ministry from album “The Land of Rape and Honey”; "Golden Dawn" (1992), an instrumental by Yngwie Malmsteen from the album “Fire and Ice”; "Golden Dawn" (2001), a song by Edguy from the album “Mandrake”;"Suite Golden Dawn" (1976), an instrumental by Al Di Meola from the album “Land of the Midnight Sun”; The Golden Dawn, a Scottish indie pop/rock band; and The Golden Dawn, an American psychedelic band; Politics: Golden Dawn (1985), a neo-Nazi Greek political party; and Witchcraft: “Golden Dawn Tarot”, a tarot deck by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.