Misc/Videos/Southern star and moon rotation

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Southern star and moon rotation

Link Description
YouTube Clockwise or Counter Clockwise Star Trails on a FLAT EARTH
YouTube Schooling Globers - Episode 7 - Azimuthal Grid of Vision
YouTube When Globe Believers FAIL Understanding Time-Zones
YouTube East and West on a Flat Earth
YouTube Phony "Professor" Dave and His False Claim
YouTube Southern Star Trails: Video by "No Fanfare" REMASTERED
YouTube Michael Sartain Liar Liar Pants of Fire!
YouTube Southern Star Trails EXPLAINED in detail PROVE Flat Earth 100%
YouTube FLAT EARTH SCHOOL - Star Trails & Sunsets Debunk The Globe
YouTube Star trails viewed through a glass dome
YouTube Flat Earth: Ultimate Guide To Star Trails (Part 2)
YouTube Southern Stars in a stationary non spinning earth.
YouTube Does Polaris Precess?
YouTube Anti Crepuscular Sun Rays are KEY to Southern Star Rotation FLAT EARTH perspective
YouTube Flat Earth Celestial Clock v3.31 - Veracruz, Mexico (moon) Nov 29 to Dec 12, 2016
YouTube Flat Earth Smarts - 13. Cracking the Moon.
YouTube Georgia Guide Stones PROVE Flat Earth
YouTube How come the moon is upside down in the opposite hemisphere
YouTube Star Rotation & Sun Sets Debunk The Globe!
YouTube Flat Earth Northern & Southern Star Trails Explained RV Truth Original
YouTube Flat Earth 'rs are dumb?
YouTube STATIC PLANAR EARTH ~ Some Common Sense
YouTube The shill in the moon #FlatEarth
YouTube Debunking # 5 of the "Top Ten Reasons Why We (allegedly) Know the Earth is Round (as in a globe)
YouTube Flat Earth Proof 8 - Star Trails
YouTube Flat Earth Smarts - 12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
YouTube Flat Earth Smarts - 14. Busted.
YouTube Flat Earth: Ultimate Guide To Star Trails (Part 1)
YouTube Flat Earth Star Trails Clockwise and CounterClockwise Explained
YouTube No Magnetic Declination on the Flat Earth - PART 1
YouTube Terra piatta, confronto fra nord e sud con Stellarium