Misc/Videos/Why the Lie

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Why the Lie

Link Description
YouTube Why the lie? Laura Nina (Remixed)
YouTube Why The Lie? [Decoding The Deception]
YouTube Why Lie About Flat Earth?
YouTube Why The Lie? WeAreChangeOrlando
YouTube Why the lie #20?
YouTube FLAT EARTH? What difference does it make?
YouTube The Shape Of Deception [Why The Truth Matters]
YouTube The Greatest Deception - (2019 Documentary)
YouTube TikTok @jmac52309 Why Flat Earth Matters!
YouTube Why The Lie Matters
YouTube Truth Does Not Fear Investigation - Part II (2017 Documentary)
YouTube John TheMorgile Flat Earth rant
YouTube They mock us with FLAT EARTH
YouTube Truth Does Not Fear Investigation (2017 Documentary)
YouTube I was taught the earth is flat!
YouTube According to the heliocentric model, the earth is not flat
YouTube It doesn't matter if we live on a flat earth! RESPONSE By, D Marble
YouTube Our Flat Earth Journey by Taboo Conspiracy ii MUST SEE!
YouTube PROOF Reality IS NOT What You Were Told!! (HOW x WHY Flat Earth was HIDDEN)
YouTube J.L. Forbes - Flat Earth Testimony
YouTube Why it matters! - Flat Earth
YouTube Do NOT Watch This Video if you don't want to be a Flat Earther
YouTube Citizen Man TV talks FLAT EARTH
YouTube Flat Earth has no curvature - Russian Vids