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== What are Satellites? ==
Flip on your TV, you might get unlucky enough to witness [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] or Google sending another "Satellite" into "Space".<br>
<big>10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 - LIFTOFF!</big>
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<big>...but, Why would they lie?</big>
Why would somebody lie about a multi-million dollar satellite being sent up on a multi-million dollar rocket when all they do is just send up a balloon? Follow the money - It's all a deception to make you believe that the cost of sending satellites up is very expensive to justify their '''$55,000,000.00 per DAY''' budget at [[Agencies/NASA|NASA]] (yes 55 MILLION DOLLAR per DAY), not to mention, it's helpful in keeping the fake space fantasy alive.
=== This is NOT a Satellite ===
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