FAQ/Edge of FE

From True Earth wiki

Where's the edge?

According to Livescience: The Earth's glorious globular-ness was proved more than 2,000 years ago by the ancient Greeks, but there's a small subset of people who think the planet is a disk despite enjoying the downward pull of gravity that could only result from living on a sphere. Rumors were spread that people would fall off the edge of earth if they traveled too far.

in 1893 at the Chicago World's Fair, a "World's Columbian Exposition" was held to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492. A well known story was Columbus was trying to prove the globe model because people were afraid the voyage would end up lost over the edge of flat earth. And of course, when Columbus landed in the "new world", that must have proved the earth isn't flat, lol.

Note: Columbia is another one of those greek goddess words, Similarly, the ancient Egyptians regarded Columbia as a land of great importance. Go figure Columbus was the story of our history in the States. [1]

Flat earth society: government psyop to discredit flat earth

At a Flat earth society conference, they were presenting their scientific evidence for such a disk. One of the mockery evidences came from a speaker, who referred to the "Pac-Man effect" as the reason why planes don't fall off the edge of a flat Earth, according to the science news website Physics-Astronomy.org. When a plane or other object reaches the edge of the horizon, such as when Pac-Man reaches the end of the screen, that object will teleport from one side of the planet to the other, a la Pac-Man entering from the other side of the screen.

The Flat earth society is known for circulating their images of a flat earth with an ocean dumping off the edges and the image of the earth flying through space with spherical planets and a spherical sun. So many people have seen this image it worked well to discredit flat earth and make a mockery of it.

Additionally the government (against the constitution) worked with private social media giants (like google) to suppress flat earth and other "conspiracy theories", seems it's taboo to ignore pseudo-science and look for the truth.

What do flat-earthers say about the edge?

The edge, if there even is an edge, is pure speculation. We cannot freely explore Antarctica to look for an edge. There's been stories that claimed there's more land beyond Antarctica [2] - and maps showing multiple "ponds" with land masses. The oceans certainly can't drain over the edge due to an ice-wall that seems to surround the oceans, which is higher than water, therefore contains the water.

I believe the edge was invented to discount flat earth. If in the heliocentric model, there's no edge to the universe, then why do we need to believe earth's plane isn't infinite? We don't believe the flat earth is "flying" through space either.

Some people speculate the edge of earth's flat plane is bordered by a dome shaped firmament, thus it would be impossible to "fall off" the edge of the flat earth.

In summary, we don't know if there's an edge, or if there's a barrier at some point to prevent us from traveling too far. However, there are many who plan to explore this.

See Also
