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Welcome to True Earth wiki!

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Welcome to the most complete wiki of all things related to our beautifully created, stationary, level topographical plane and the cosmos, including scientific facts and theories.

For visitors of this wiki


Hello and welcome to the True Earth wiki! This wiki was created by a team of people passionate about understanding the truth behind our cosmos and the earth we live on. Some of the content are facts (that may or may not be widely understood), while some of the content may be theories or stories that can capture the imagination or better explain phenomena than what mainstream sources have provided.

All of this information is hoped to help lead us closer to understanding the truth about where we live. It is understood that you must have an open mind before exploring. We ask that you always do your own research.

  • Introducing the True Earth wiki.
  • Index - the main catalog of various subjects.
  • FAQ - if you're new to the flat earth subject.
  • Donations - Links to ways to Donate to support the cause.

For Contributors of this wiki


If you are using the wiki for research purposes, you do not need an account.
Creating an account and signing in is only necessary for those editing the wiki.